#LEVELUPFRIDAYS | Gen-Z goliath Bradley Marongo [Bradley mtall]

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Citizen TV Kenya

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#LEVELUPFRIDAYS | Gen-Z goliath Bradley Marongo [Bradley mtall]

#CitizenTV #CitizenDigital



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Nike needs to gift this man custom complimentary shoes designed for comfort. A lifetime supply too, so that his feet can always be free from pain. You know what they say about men with large feet?🍆


Man Gen z


Yeye nimrefu


Nephilim, not really a human species. A species forbidden by God should not intermingle with humans, in other words, should not be allowed to reproduce with daughters of man


Nephilim giant, they need to find out his ancestry history ,


Where did he come from


why use the name Goliath?


he is 7 like shaq


in usa they have so many giants


So you guys know his father and mother??


So you guys know his father and mother??


So you guys know his father and mother??


So you guys know his father and mother??


So you guys know his father and mother??


So you guys know his father and mother??


So you guys know his father and mother??


So you guys know his father and mother??


Hapo kwa 8.2 hapana!


Nephilim, beginning of the apocalypse


Looking forward to speaking with Bradley 👏🏿