Lesotho heartbeat of Southern Africa. Explore and travel Lesotho 1. Photographing Lesotho
Lesotho heartbeat of Southern Africa. Explore and travel Lesotho 1. Photographing Lesotho
This Film on Lesotho introduces the viewer to the Mountain kingdom of Lesotho. I explored and travelled the southern part of Lesotho to capture with photos and do some fly fishing to test the waters of Lesotho. Lesotho must be the heartbeat of Southern Africa. This film is about my exploration of the southern side of Lesotho with cameras. It…
This is literally the only video about Lesotho that really captures the country as it is, out of all the videos I've watched. The way the narrator narrates is informed and respectful. You can relate to it as a Mosotho living in Lesotho. Plus local music was used in the production of the video.😃 Good work!
Rivers here look pristine and water looks safe to drink. Across the border in SA, our rivers are polluted because many municipalities pump raw sewage straight into our river systems.
Chief is so adorable. Lesotho male elders like chief are called ntate, not baba. You leave baba at the border on the South African side. 🤣🤣. Everybody here is so adorable. Former Transkei where I was brought up was very much like this. Unfortunately, subsistence farming is in decline because of government grants. Sad actually. This is a healthy lifestyle. It might look like poverty but these people eat fresh food straight from the land.
Lihloliloeng tsa Naha ea heso
Ruri lia khahleha ha re nkeng khato Basotho hleng 🤣 🤣
Lesotho is very beautiful and it's people …Very accommodating and respectful people …Nna ke Mokoena morena wa Basotho
They call it Lesotho and I call it home
Wow wow wow wow wow wow!!! I LOVE LESOTHO SO MUCH! Thank you for this. Must of been such an experience in the flesh. Wow. Simply amaizing and sacred this feels. God bless Africa and all her people on it. Glad to know it is here in our Southern region and within SA as neighbours. We so lucky indeed. God bless Africa.
Lesotho🇱🇸 👌👌
video frames at around 13:54 – 15:11🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's one former teacher of mine
Lesotho mainly depends on foreign aid.
It's beautiful there. What is the year round climate ?
man I love my country so much, what a beautiful video Joe💗
Lesotho is so beautiful and untouched, thank you for lovely video,🇿🇦
I have never heard of this place before. Its truly the hidden gem of Africa. Thank you for sharing.
Wow!!!!! as an african american male here in the usa, i actually teared up watching the unbelievable beauty of a country so rich that i am from, but have never seen her again. Thank you for putting this video out. I will pass this on to friends and family, I actually was looking for who were the tswana people because it looks like i have dna from this people and i need to know who they are. Thank you again.
Background music is irritating. Silence is best.
Beautiful country. Crazy to watch this while resting my overworked overweight body in a small room in a congested loud pollution filled city located in a “civilized” first world nation. Please do not “settle” this gorgeous nation because THEY are the settled ones who are living the very civilized life this city dweller longs to live.
This channel should have reach millions of viewers. It captures all aspects of Lesotho. I cannot believe there is so much about Lesotho l never knew. Moreover it it good to have film made by a South African.
same wakanda style
This is such a beautiful place. I knew of it's existence and the Orange River but not much else.
Thank you for the information I really enjoyed this program
Hmm! Why do you describe Lesotho as the heart beat of southern Africa. However, please note that Lesotho was carved out of South Africa by the apartheid system ostensibly as a "divide and rule" tactic. Until then there was no Lesotho as a country
Real Life Wakanda
8 What can the book of a Baptist pastor bring me if it is not to be a good Baptist! When the reading of the Bible was forbidden by Pope Innocent III, which purpose did Satan want to reach? It is the same purpose he has reached today by another means, in order to subject people to his will. While leaving the Bible in their hands, he has given them an infinite number of interpretations. A Baptist way, a Pentecostal way, a Jehovah’s Witness, Adventist, Nazarene, Anabaptist way, … reaching exactly and completely the same purpose.
12 And if God saves a Catholic, a Protestant, an evangelical, a Branhamist or one member of those missions and ministries, God must remove hell and everyone will go to the Paradise, even Satan. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. How can someone reject the living prophet of his time and go to the Paradise? How can someone be saved from the Flood while he has rejected Noah? When the Lord Jesus Christ was on earth, how could someone reject Him and be saved? The whole earth is in the abyss because of these churches.
17 Dreams must not be ignored, but dreams must not be totally trusted. There are false dreams and false visions. So you must not take all your dreams as revelations from God. And if your actions are not good and you ask God for a revelation, God can allow Satan to answer you as in 1 Kings 22. But when I listened to your dreams, almost all of them were from God for the purpose of delivering and purifying you, even the ones you thought were nightmares. I did not see any witchcraft or divination. And a dream that repeats itself is often a message from God.
15 The kingdom of Heaven is made like a walk to Heaven with a man. There was a group dressed in white far in front of the man and another disordered group far behind him. And all of them were moving forward on a path like a bridge bordered by two ditches. And a multitude at the head of the front group was before the gate of Heavens. And from the group behind, one person jumped into the ditch and crossed it while another person passed through the man like a door and joined the front group in the clearing. The man in the vision seemed to be me. And I was astonished that the first person who crossed the ditch was the wife of a pastor.
24 And because of this Message, in 2016, at the instigation of many religious leaders, I, Kacou Philippe, slave of Jesus Christ, I was persecuted and imprisoned. I had spent five days and five nights sitting on a chair in the premises of the general intelligence of Ivory Coast. I had spent two days and two nights in the basement of the police headquarters of Abidjan and three months at the MACA, the largest prison of Abidjan. As the prophets of the Bible and my Lord Jesus-Christ were treated, so was I treated. And he that has ears to hear, let him hear. [Kc.125v3] [Kc.127v19]
2 Let Satan and his children have pastoral schools, Bible institutes and the Internet, me and my house will stay with the prophetic revelation. [Ed: The congregation says: "Amen!"]. And after pastoral school, seminaries and theological degrees, when those hypocrites, sons of the devil stand in the pulpit, they say: "O God may I decrease and you speak through me." You see? It's a confusion! If you know that you can decrease for God to speak through you, so what did you go and look for in pastoral schools?
11 The black race appeared in Egypt after the Jews came out of Egypt and spread over the earth with deportations. The blacks carried the gods of Egypt with them all over the world, so that may come upon them the curse of Noah on Ham which said, You Ham, your posterity shall be a slave of slaves to your brethren. And Moses imputed that to Canaan as the tithe of Abraham was imputed to Levi, the tithe of Abraham to Melchisedec. And Ham begot Cush, Mizraim, and Phut who are Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya. And all black Africans are slaves that escaped from these countries. And in 2017, the Libyans were able to capture a few of them and resell them, and black Africans were outraged; and yet it was the right of those Libyans. You see? If you are a black man outside Ethiopia, Egypt and Libya, know that you are a fugitive slave, on the run. And until you die, you will be in anointing of demons like the Canaanites. You will always be an adventurer and migrant and you will serve the white man, you will speak his language and you will wear second-hand clothes and you will be in used devices and used cars,, for your home is the dumping ground of the white man. Just as the tribes of Israel shared Canaan between themselves in Joshua 14, in the same way, Europe shared Africa between themselves in 1885 at the Berlin conference. Amen. [Kc.134v6]
12 All men are equal before God, but the human races are not equal. The black skin is not the effect of the sun but the effect of the curse of Ham and his posterity. The black race is the race of slavery and servitude. And the wise and honoured slave is the slave who can whip his father and his mother and his brothers for his master.
11 La raza negra apareció en Egipto después de la salida de los judíos de Egipto y se propagó sobre la tierra con las deportaciones. Los negros llevaron consigo a los dioses de Egipto por todo el mundo, para que viniese sobre ellos la maldición de Noé sobre Cam, diciendo: Tú Cam, tu posteridad será el esclavo de los esclavos de tus hermanos. Y Moisés imputó esto a Canaán como fue imputado a Leví el diezmo de Abraham a Melquisedec. Y Cam engendró a Cus, Mizraim y Fut que son Etiopía, Egipto y Libia. Y todos los africanos negros son esclavos evadidos de estos países. Y en 2017, los libios pudieron capturar a algunos de ellos para venderlos de nuevo, y los africanos negros se indignaron; y sin embargo éste era el derecho de estos libios. ¿Ven? Si eres un negro fuera de Etiopía, Egipto y Libia, sabe que eres un esclavo evadido que está en fuga. Y hasta tu muerte, estarás en las unciones de demonios como los cananeos. Serás siempre un aventurero y migrante, y servirás al hombre blanco, hablarás su idioma y llevarás ropas de segunda mano y estarás en aparatos de ocasión y coches de ocasión, porque tu morada es el basurero del hombre blanco. Lo mismo que las tribus de Israel compartieron Canaán en Josué 14, igualmente Europa compartió África en 1885 en la conferencia de Berlín. ¡Amén! [Kc.134v6]
12 Todos los hombres son iguales ante Dios, pero las razas humanas no son iguales. La piel negra no es el efecto del sol sino el efecto de la maldición de Cam y su posteridad. La raza negra es la raza de la esclavitud y de la servidumbre. Y el esclavo sabio y honrado es el esclavo que puede azotar a su padre y a su madre y a sus hermanos por su amo.
11 La race noire est apparue en Égypte après la sortie des juifs de l'Égypte et s'est répandue sur la terre avec les déportations. Les noirs transportèrent avec eux les dieux d'Égypte dans tout le monde afin que vienne sur eux la malédiction de Noé sur Cham disant : Toi Cham, ta postérité sera l'esclave des esclaves de tes frères. Et Moïse imputa cela à Canaan comme fut imputé à Lévi, la dîme d'Abraham à Melchisédec. Et Cham engendra Cush, Mitshraim et Puth qui sont l'Éthiopie, l'Égypte et la Libye. Et tous les africains noirs sont des esclaves évadés de ces pays. Et en 2017, les libyens purent en capturer quelques-uns pour les revendre et les africains noirs furent indignés ; et pourtant c'était le droit de ces libyens. Vous voyez ? Si tu es un noir hors de l'Éthiopie, de l'Égypte et de la Libye, sache que tu es un esclave évadé, en cavale. Et jusqu'à ta mort, tu seras dans les onctions de démons comme les cananéens. Tu seras toujours aventurier et migrant et tu serviras l'homme blanc, tu parleras sa langue et tu te vêtiras de friperies et tu seras dans les appareils d'occasion et voitures d'occasion car ta demeure est la poubelle de l'homme blanc. De même que les tribus d'Israël se partagèrent Canaan dans Josué 14, de même, l'Europe se partagea l'Afrique en 1885 à la conférence de Berlin. Amen ! [Kc.134v6]
12 Tous les hommes sont égaux devant Dieu mais les races humaines ne sont pas égales. La peau noire n'est pas l'effet du soleil mais l'effet de la malédiction de Cham et sa postérité. La race noire est la race de l'esclavage et de la servitude. Et l'esclave sage et honoré, c'est l'esclave qui peut fouetter son père et sa mère et ses frères pour son maître.
The song says "to you fathers of Makaota( people from Mafeteng district are known as Makaota) I have wronged you and asking for forgiveness as I have failed to fulfill my promises"