Leopards are Feasting, Religion is for Men, Gasp Worthy Audacity
Leopards are Feasting, Religion is for Men, Gasp Worthy Audacity
The Leopards are Eating Lots of Faces and Will Need Ozempic by the Inauguration 😭😭🐆🐆🐆
“I believe religion was created to empower men.”
“AITA for refusing to let my sister stay with me after she got married and demanded I “adjust” my lifestyle for her husband?”
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The next time I hear some random XY say his seed gives life, I'm going to ask him when his sock ever gave birth 😂😂
Personally, I don't think the leopards will get very fat, because faces are keto 😂
I was a dialysis nurse. The majority of patients receiving dialysis get it through Medicare and/or Medicaid (80%). Generally, a patient lives for two weeks without dialysis when in end stage renal disease. So, I hope that doesn’t get cut but who knows now?
I'm trying my damnist to get you more subscribers
6:08 😂😂😂😂
There are religions that have goddesses. Hinduism, for example. Ancient Greeks and Romans, the Buddhist pantheon, and, of course, the Norse religions also featured female deities. I think if you're going to find your spiritual needs met, you need to be comfortable with yourself, and that includes seeing the Divine Feminine in yourself. This is going to be a heavy lift for white non-Catholic women, because most of them have never practiced the original religions of their ancestors, but instead have been fed a bastardized form of Christianity which leaves out all the reform and kindness of Jesus and the New Testament, while groveling before a Golden Calf reflecting that jealous and patriarchal God gifted to us by the Abrahamic religions, who tells them they'll get pie in the sky when they die. Your videos are very interesting.
Religion and women: back in the 1970s, author Merlin Stone published a book titled “When God was a Woman.” It explores the original Goddess religion which was supplanted by our modern patriarchal religions. It may still be available for those interested.
Black and latinos that voted for Trump are the dumbest voters in history. It's like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.
Trump just appointed a token black. I cannot remember the appointment. I’m sure it’s a “black job”.
Perhaps you can envision a mother telling a misbehaving child, "Wait until your father gets home". A powerful strong God is part of a strategy that a cult leader or their sucessors can use to control the followers. Using the tennents of the cult to control access to women allows the cult to manipulate the physically more powerful members of that cult to stay in line and do the bidding of the leader.
The way men are described today, means I am not a man. Fu@k!
LMFAO! The first thing humanity created was intoxication by accident. The second thing they created was spirituality to explain what the first thing was.
They found other things to use it for over the millenia.
Start asking the conservatives in your life why the pain and suffering they now see coming for themselves was just fine when they thought it would hurt everyone else?
Fyi…90% of Indigenous Natice American tribes are matriarchal. Women have the power in their religions
One of the reasons I don't believe in religions is the treatment of women. I was a christian and notice they Eve as an excuse to blame women for everything.
But I usually ask this question, "did Adam tell Eve not to eat from the trees?" This question shows Adam failed us (Plus he lied andhid too like a coward), not Eve being uniformed and gullible.
Years ago, a woman chased me around the store, trying to lay hands on me and pray over me because I told her I was agnostic when she tried to hand me a religious magazine. It was completely unhinged,and funny ssa heck.😂
They wanna gut Medicare and Medicaid as well. So screw the elderly and the disabled. But hey, that will just be all of us eventually, one way or the other. But "he won't enact Project 2025!" The lying felon promised. He's not including minorities?! "You mean all that racist hatred he spewed was real?" I swear I actually suspect some spell was cast on these people, because nobody could actually be that stupid. He ranted racist BS for months, and somehow they missed all of it?? Naw. Nobody can be that dumb.
This woman kinda sounds similar to AOC
WHOOOOO! That fat leopard in that "M" cap had me screaming at my desk!!
You said, "Oh, shucks. Who would have thought it?" and I laughed so hard I had an asthma attack. LOL, love you!
2:00 she can't expect help. She should pull herself up by the bootstraps. She should figure it out alone. And if she doesn't: oh well, should have pulled yourself up by the bootstraps. Like I said.
Youncan learn anything from YouTube.
Funny, but sadly the consequences impact the non leopard voters in the US and abroad 🙁
Through humour we will survive
If my married sister asked to stay for a few weeks, I would expect the spouse is probably coming, too.
But they're getting the sofa, or maybe an existing guest room, and they have to fit into my daily routine.
As a Christian who believes in the true teachings of Jesus and has done a 30 year long study of the true teachings of Jesus there is overwhelming evidence that Jesus preached equality among men and women, evil people repressed that portion of jesus's teachings, most modern scholars know this but they keep silent for some reason. My sincerest apologies for what shameful fearful men have done.
Making humans out of dirt still harkens back to pre Judeo-Christian understandings of natural materials having life of their own. As well as cyclical, interconnected life cycles between humans and their land. Even if the monotheistic religions tried to write the mammalian womb and the fertile earth out if it by posting a patriarchal God designing the patriarchal Man.
Why does the couple need a place to stay for a couple weeks??? Do they not have a place of their own?
I agree. I have said it for years. Religion was created by men for the benefit and promotion of men. Religion does not care about women or children.
I think child care should be part of a work package or there should be an in-house nursery type situation. but that's just me.
That poor dog when it comes to soupmamma. Everything else makes me laugh.
Dude claiming to be pro choice voted for faacism. He's not pro choice. National abortion ban here we come unfortunately. "I can't even have kids" sums it all up for these people.
Spoiler alert: the Republicans are going to go after abortion on the national level. Then they're going to go after no-fault divorce and contraception. Trump women, get ready to be barefoot and pregnant and to put your life at risk with every pregnancy, and to be stuck in loveless or abusive marriages. Trump men, get ready to pay that child support!
ALL the major MONOTHEISTIC religions are basically primitive tribal religions that were invented to cement and protect male power dominance.
The FIRST monotheistic male tribal cult was 'judaism'/'yahwism'.. invented by someone who based their origin tale on a mesopotamian goddess story which they stole and twisted into a corrupt and self-serving attack on women that has justified male dominance from the Bronze Age to the present.
The SECOND one, 'christianity', is actually PAULIANITY, and was invented by a self-important wannabe who got pissed off because the JEWISH followers of Yeshua ben Yusuf flat refused to allow him to call himself an 'apostle' like themselves (the ones who actually KNEW the man who was executed by the ROMANS as a rebel agitator).
The THIRD one, 'islam' <translation: submission, which tells you ALOT about the attitude of the entire religion> – invented by an epileptic kid who was hired by a JEWISH caravan master on the incense route from the southern Arabic subcontinent to the civilized areas along the Mediterranean coast. The kid was from the tribe of the Koreish, whose major clan owned and administered the GODDESS SITE OF THE KA'ABAH, where a meteor struck somewhere during the period 12th-10th centuries BCE.
There were many meteor strikes during this period (which a number of cultures around the planet directly connected to the vagaries of the planet Venus), including the meteor on TEMPLE HILL in Jerusalem (now hidden inside the mosque there), the TEMPLE OF DELPHI in Greece, and numerous others around the planet, including China as well as south and central American lands. The Ka'abah was a holy meteor site where 3 goddesses were worshipped – one of whom was AL-LAT, goddess of the moon and the stars (the 'milky way' is named for the milk of the goddess who created 'the world', btw; the word GALAXY is from her Greek name, GALATEA… and the -lat' portion of her name refers to the stream of her 'milk' in the heavens.. you know, 'lactic acid'/'lactic intolerant'?).
The epileptic kid, Mohammed, went to hide in a cave near MECCA at some point (probably after being fired from his job) and came out again after having had a seizure with concomitant serious hallucinations, declaring that the Jewish male deity and their culture of male dominance was superior to the native Goddess religion. The Koreish tribal males liked the idea of being the owners of the tribe's women and property, gave AL-LAT a sex change, making HER into HIM, ALLAH, and basically stole the holy site (and the income, not inconsiderable at the time) to fund their aggressive and militant attacks on other cities nearby (MEDINA), to further their new male-dominant religion, to take slaves (particularly women), and to spread their tribal power.
I'm an engineer's kid. — I believe in the BIG BANG… and MURPHY.
YOU can believe in the BIG PUMPKIN or whatever…
but DON'T push your asinine cr*p on me, I will stuff it down your throat.
Not 'believing' in any hateful religion that contradicts science – it's all trash tribal myth and self-dealing BS.
– ARTICLE 6: '…no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States'.
– FIRST AMENDMENT: 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free practice thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people to peacably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievance.'
The US Supreme Court has ruled DECADES AGO (thus establishing a precedent) that school prayer OR Bibles OR the 'ten commandments' in schools constitutes 'establishing' the 'christian' religion in preference to others — which contravenes the spirit of the Constitution and the Founders of our nation, who believed in reason over faith, and separation of church from state.
Loyalty is missed when you lose it.
Having grown up Mormon (outside of Utah though) I can fully agree that religion is for men. Some even more than others lol
3:43 Nah you ate with that "people are probably giving her concepts of thoughts and prayers" 😭😭 I'm done
Demure? Really? Aren't we over that rubbish yet? Demure got us to where we are.
Why is the sister coming to stay for a couple of weeks? They are trying to move in by stealth.
One would think newlyweds would want privacy.
All of us who voted for Kamala let’s come up with a list of replies to Trump supporters who complain to us about them getting their faces eaten by the leopard. We want to show our concern after all and be supportive of their plight.. I’ll start.
1. Concepts of thoughts and prayers.
2. It’s above me now
3. That’s crazy. What are you having for dinner?
4. Girl.. that’s good and all but did you see Real housewives last night? (Even if you’re talking to a man.. still say girl)
5. Whaaat?… that’s a shame. Welp.. time for me to hit that ol dusty trail
6. Congratulations.. you are getting what you voted for. I’m so happy for you.
7. I’ll call you back. I’m in the middle of shaving my feet.
8. You haven’t eaten in 2 days? I have a can of spam and it’s some dandelions in my lawn you can pull up.
9. Oh that’s rough..you will be ok. Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
10. You don’t need food every day Janet. You’re not entitled to meals. Become a breathertarian .. I hear they are doing really well.
11. You broke your arm at the “we demand the tariffs be abolished rally”? And you don’t have ACA anymore? Oh that’s terrible. Did you try to put some Vicks vapo rub on it?
Let’s show our empathy guys!
🙄Hubby can go to the library where they provide free resources & work from the privacy of a study room until he buys a house to work from home.
I'm glad you are revealing truths… we all need to know these things.
I loved the comment by the one person who “researched” AFTER the election – for a WHOLE hour! LOL! And they apparently only found their research on a MAGAt or right wing site because they just parroted right wing talking points. I’m betting that person never made it through even the first year of college with research skills like that.
So many churches are masculine led, and the bible is used to keep people in line. Trump is even realizing how he can use the bible to manipulate others. My ex friend voted for Trump because her pastor told her to.
Have they tried putting on a pin that says "I'm one of the good ones?"
5:29 how do they feel about trump trying to give reparations to white people 😂😂
Religion is an instrument of colonialism and the oppression of women. Get out of any and all religions
Second topic about religion.
I said that for years, and I am so glad more and more women understand that and share through the internet.
Thanks for the reminder that you're not here to entertain, you're here to tell the truth. My job as an alabaster is to listen, learn, and find ways to take action based on the new information I've learned. None of us are free until all of us are free.