Left behind: The untold story of the women of Senegal | Al Jazeera World Documentary

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Left behind: The untold story of the women of Senegal | Al Jazeera World Documentary

Thousands of people, mainly young men, have attempted the hazardous 1,500km (930-mile) boat journey from West Africa to the Canary Islands.

The United Nations-affiliated International Organization for Migration calls them “irregular migrants” and records the numbers who fail to complete the journey. In 2022, 543 people drowned in 45 boat…



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  1. The Senegalese and Gambian governments need to sort this out!! Selling our seas to foreign company’s leaving our people with nothing we were people who survived on fishing and now we don’t even have the small fish left in our seas!! AFRICA WAKE UP YOUR CHILDREN ARE DYING

  2. Ce qui manque à ces pays sous-développés, c'est l'éducation au sens même du terme. Chez eux, faire des gosses, c'est un réel investissement financier pour toute la tribu. Un travaille et envoie de l'argent depuis l'étranger à la famille ( père, mère, cousine, tante, tonton, petits cousins et j'en passe et on sait à quel prix on gagne son pain en Occident, qu'il pleuve, qu'il vente, qu'il neige avec tes températures qu'ils ne peuvent même pas imaginer. Lever à 4h, 5h du matin pour être au travail à 8 ou 9h le matin. Parfois, selon notre lieu d'habitation, nous pouvons passer 3 à 4 h dans les transports. Ils ne savent pas par manque d'instruction et justement d' éducation . C'est terrible pour celui sur lequel tout doit peser. J'en connais plein qui ont cesser le contact avec leur famille à cause de tout ça. Ils n'arrivaient même pas à payer leur loyer en occident. Foutaises tout ça. Je conseille ne pas envoyer de l'argent en Afrique, ce n'est pas leur rendre service.

  3. China!? Why didn't you mention the the Senegal government signed away all fishing rights to Chinese trawlers? I was in Dakar, Senegal last December 2023 and that what the locals told me; and I researched it and it's true. This is a big story in Dakar. How could you leave out a major fact like this disaster was caused by the government and China? (( search on youtube: Overfishing in Senegal: Chinese trawlers leave local fishermen with empty nets ))

  4. Illegal immigrants are criminals and it's costing countries billion to protect their border ….. why are these illegal immigrants and the smugglers are getting away with destabilizing peaceful countries

  5. Humanitarian are working for smugglers – Humanitarian are smugglers – they should be prosecuted as smugglers. They are picking up illegal immigrants and dumping illegal immigrants on sovereign peaceful countries to destabilize them.

  6. Humanitarian are working for smugglers – Humanitarian are smugglers – they should be prosecuted as smugglers. They are picking up illegal immigrants and dumping illegal immigrants on sovereign peaceful countries to destabilize them.

  7. Thank you for this documentary. It's so critical these stories are told. Heartfelt and very sad for these families. It would have been good to hear more about if the government is doing anything about illegal offshore fishing by foreign boats. It's very difficult to monitor bycatch even in functional, well managed fisheries. IT must be near impossible when there is indifference and widespread corruption in the government…

  8. It’s sad I don’t know why they keep silence careless or just mad crazy
    All that for the oil and gas exploration.
    Seismic surveys involve powerful airguns blasting the seas at 10-second intervals and measuring the echoes off the sea floor to help map offshore oil and natural gas fields — in the process disturbing, injuring and killing marine mammals and other wildlife nobody is saying ……

  9. Im really happy to work in this beautiful documentary as producer in Senegal with my crew and Mostafa Bouazzaoui for Aljazeera. It was a fantastic experience with beautiful people instead of there different stories. Proud of the result. Thanks Mostafa.

  10. Almost All the Asian & African Countries are Suffering from Same Problems 🤔 mainly because of the Western Countries 🤫But being Hard Working 👍🏻still doing their best 🙏🏻 Alhumdolillah 🕋👍🏻✅ Sohail Karachi Pakistan 🌹

  11. This is sad but who's fault is it? I see the American flag as the African lady passing. They have been stripped from their resources and left with nothing. So I don't understand why no one is connecting the dots. This is still happening across the nation. The road is crook crooked for decades. This must stop now.

  12. Break the spirit of traditions. We are where we are because of our past decisions and we will be where we will be where we will be in the future because of the decisions made now. A wiseman Christopher Orji once said
    “Where God guides he provides. But where he does not guide, poverty, sickness, disease, hardship, and the likes seem to be the order of the day.”

    You have to watch what you are doing daily if you want to see different results.

  13. Sénégal’s president Macky Sall is the worst and most stupid president in the world!!! He gave fishing license to countries like China, EU and India and they are fish out everything with huge boats and equipments. Fishermen in Senegal are unemployed that’s why there leaving Senegal

  14. Its really sad to watch as a Senegalese, may Allah keeps helping us and forgives the ones that past. Thank you for documentary, you did a great job!

  15. funny how no one mentions the No1 driver of all this desperation.. – a huge population explosion in Africa… the die is cast, there is no way out and no one else to blame.. no sympathy for those who think they can have as many children as they like with no consequences.. then add in the "God delusion"… what sick nonsense.. funny how all these Africans who talk about evil Europe all want to go there to be ruled by the evil White man.. what a load of hypocrites..

  16. As A African American single Woman no kids no husband alone is all I know ..I prefer safety over company.i have never felt Safe ,even though I'm a Badd Ass ..life is such a challenge but to do it alone is unexplainable 💯🐎🍷🎉😣😆🥲☺️🙏🦋

  17. My country is not a poor country just we need good leader for a Best live, the Senegal country most Rich the France Germany Italy and these country Europe and units Etats of America, I'm young Senegalese living in Senegal. Im feeling better, we never have a War civil or ….😢

  18. My country is not a poor country just we need good leader for a Best live, the Senegal country most Rich that France Germany Italy and these country Europe and units Etats of America, I'm young Senegalese living in Senegal. Im feeling better, we never have a War civil or ….