Land-grabbing and the fight for justice in Sierra Leone | DW Documentary

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Land-grabbing and the fight for justice in Sierra Leone | DW Documentary

Africa is a continual target of land-grabbing. Big international corporations are snatching up farmland. A group in Sierra Leone fights for justice.

Sierra Leone, in West Africa, is among the poorest countries in the world, despite rich mineral deposits and abundant arable land. One of the government’s key economic strategies in recent years…



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  1. Sierra Leone can become and will become if not first but a second world state only if the right person is put into power.
    A country blessed with so many natural resources and wealth. Greed is everywhere in the world but if the government wants to control this things it first has to begin from the very top

  2. Ghana is facing the same problem by the criminal government by nana Addo. Our water bodies education and hospitals and our Ghana black stars is all destroyed by nana Addo

  3. Exposing the Lands Minister’s Selective Dispossession of Property in Sierra Leone

    President Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone faces increasing pressure to take decisive action against Lands Minister, Dr. Turad Senesie, whose tenure has been marred by ”allegations of selective dispossession of private lands.” Under the guise of reclaiming state lands, Minister Senesie has been accused of unlawfully seizing properties from Sierra Leoneans, both at home and abroad, raising serious concerns about the integrity of the Ministry of Lands.

    Since his appointment, Dr. Senesie’s actions have sparked widespread distrust among citizens regarding the ministry’s operations. Communities such as Angola Town in Goderich, Tokeh Village, No. 2 River, and the Peninsula, have become hotbeds of contention, with numerous complaints emerging from individuals who feel victimized by the ministry’s overreach.

    One particularly alarming case is that of Alpha Conteh, a Sierra Leonean residing in New York. Conteh purchased property in Tokeh over a decade ago, following all legal protocols to secure his ownership. Despite this, he has found himself embroiled in a battle against the ministry, which has unlawfully taken possession of his land. This situation underscores a troubling reality: with many Sierra Leoneans living in the diaspora now questioning the security of their investments back home.

    The implications of these actions are profound. If President Bio does not intervene promptly, there is a looming risk of unrest. Many of those whose properties have been unjustly seized are prepared to resist this blatant violation of their rights. It is crucial to recognize that a significant number of these individuals pursued legal avenues to acquire their properties, only to find themselves at the mercy of a ministry that seems to prioritize expediency over justice.

    The situation calls for immediate attention. It is essential for the government to restore faith in the Ministry of Lands and uphold the rights of its citizens, particularly those abroad, who have invested in their homeland. The potential for chaos looms large if these injustices continue unchecked, and it is imperative that President Bio takes a stand to protect the rights of all Sierra Leoneans. Failure to act could lead to a broader crisis, challenging the very foundations of trust and stability within the nation.

  4. No Hiding Place for Lands Minister

    Sierra Leone’s Lands Minister, Dr. Turad Sennesie, is among those running at State House and President Lodge in order to retain his office, so The Times SL has been reliably informed. Reports are that President Bio wants to replace him, as he was fed up with the myriad of complaints he has got from the public about his work.

    Since assuming office, Dr. Turad Senesie has been accused of unlawfully taking possession of private Lands from individuals and selling the said Lands to others. He is accused of hiding under the “reclamation of state lands”, a pattern being used to unlawfully dispossess private lands from people. Concerns are that Sierra Leoneans at home and abroad have been complaining about the action of the minister, who they deem very troubling and tormenting. There are cases of demolition of private houses along Tokeh, Goderich and other areas within Freetown. Most of the lands dispossessed are private lands, whose ownership and land documents have been proven to be authentic, but the minister and his team contniue to violate the rights of law abiding citizens, who have been paying taxes on their properties.

    The situation regarding the Minister of Lands, Dr. Turad Senesie, is indeed troubling. Citizens are rightfully demanding the removal of the minister from his position, due to allegations of unlawfully taking possession of private lands, selling these lands to others, and engaging in the demolition of private houses in various areas, such as Tokeh and Goderich in Freetown.

    Dr. Senesie has been accused of using the pretext of “reclamation of state lands” to unjustly dispossess individuals of their legitimate properties. Despite proof of ownership and valid land documents presented by affected citizens, the minister and his team have been persistent in their actions, indicating a troubling disregard for the rights of law-abiding taxpayers in the country.

    It is clear that the actions of Minister Senesie have had a significant impact on the lives of Sierra Leoneans, both at home and abroad, causing distress and hardship. The reported cases of land grabbing and property demolition without proper legal basis, are not only unjust, but also undermine the trust and security of citizens in their own homes and properties.

    In light of these serious allegations and the negative consequences on the affected individuals and communities, it is crucial for President Bio to address this issue promptly and decisively. The rule of law, property rights, and the well-being of the people must be upheld and protected by ensuring that those in positions of power, such as Dr. Turad Senesie, are held accountable for their actions. The demand for the minister’s removal reflects a justified call for justice and respect for the rights of all citizens in Sierra Leone.

  5. Replacing Turad Senesie Could Enhance Sanity In Lands Issues

    Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio should seriously consider replacing the current Minister of Lands, Dr. Turad Senesie. His tenure has been marked by a series of missteps and controversies that have increasingly undermined the government’s credibility and effectiveness in managing land issues. Since assuming office, Dr. Senesie’s actions have raised serious concerns among the populace, leading many to question the integrity of the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) as the country approaches the 2028 elections.

    One of the most alarming issues is the growing perception that Dr. Senesie has prioritized personal ambitions over the welfare of Sierra Leoneans. Reports indicate that his ministry has engaged in the unlawful appropriation of private lands under the pretext of reclaiming state-owned properties. This has sparked outrage, as citizens allege that the minister and his team have illegally seized vast tracts of land in various locations, including Angola Town, Goderich, and the Tokeh Peninsula.

    Investigations have revealed that many of these lands, which have fallen victim to the minister’s aggressive actions, are legitimately owned by private individuals who possess all necessary documentation. Some landowners have held their properties for over a decade, consistently paying taxes to the government. The situation has created a climate of fear and uncertainty among landowners, who now find themselves at the mercy of a government official who appears to prioritize his agenda over the rule of law.

    A particularly distressing case is that of Alpha Conteh, a Sierra Leonean residing in the United States, who is among the many victims of these unlawful seizures. Despite having all the relevant documentation for his four acres of land in Tokeh Village, Dr. Senesie has reportedly taken possession of this land and sold it to another individual. This is not an isolated incident; there are countless others like Alpha Conteh, who are suffering in silence as they watch their rights and properties being disregarded.

    If President Bio does not intervene and address this troubling situation, it could have severe ramifications for the government’s reputation and future development initiatives. The stakes are high, and the cries of the affected citizens are growing louder. It is imperative that the administration acts decisively to restore public trust in the Lands Ministry and to uphold the principles of justice and fairness that should guide the governance of Sierra Leone. Replacing Dr. Senesie could be a crucial step towards achieving this goal and ensuring that the government remains accountable to its citizens.

  6. Citizens Wonder Why Dr. Senesie Is Still At Lands Ministry

    Sierra Leoneans can’t believe that Lands Minister Dr. Turad Senessie is still in office after all the pain he has inflicted on poor citizens. Though be the norm for many aggrieved parties on lands issues, to come to the media for redress, a sign that trust in the Judiciary is waning, especially when such matters involve top officials in the government, the latest among these is one Alpha Conteh, residing in the USA, whose land was repossessed by the Ministry of Lands, with the blessings of the Minister, Dr. Turad Senesie.

    According to our investigations, most of these aggrieved and affected citizens have accused the Lands Minister, Dr. Turad Senesie, of allegedly using his position to wrongfully acquire private lands, claiming them as state lands. This has raised concerns over the blurring of the lines between public and private property ownership, and the Minister’s involvement has been seen as an abuse of power and a violation of land rights.

    The implications of such behavior are significant, as it not only undermines trust in government officials, but also threatens the rights and livelihoods of private landowners. The lack of transparency in land acquisition processes can lead to disputes, conflict, and unrest within communities.

    It is crucial for accountability mechanisms to be in place to ensure that public officials, including Minister Dr. Turad Senesie, adhere to legal procedures when dealing with land matters. Addressing these allegations promptly and transparently is essential to uphold the rule of law and protect the rights of citizens.

    In a democratic society, it is imperative that government officials act in the best interests of the people and within the confines of the law. Any deviation from these principles must be met with scrutiny and appropriate action to prevent the abuse of power and the misappropriation of resources.

    This is evident with so many complaints coming from the public accusing the Minister of bullying citizens by unlawful dispossession of their lands. A case in point has to do with one Alpha Conteh, who stays in New York, United States of America. Mr Conteh is said to have legally bought 4 acres of land at Tokeh Village from one Alhaji Slowe. Before acquiring the land, Conteh took all the necessary steps to check with the respective government agencies in charge of land acquisition, including the Lands Ministry, ensuring that due diligence was done, and was able to confirm that the land in question was a private property.

    Unfortunately, after some few years, one Mr. Noah, an official at the Ministry, approached Conteh’s family in Freetown demanding that some acres of the said land be surrendered to the Ministry. This was stoutly resisted by Conteh and his family, who had the conviction that Noah was being used to illegally and unlawfully take possession of their land at Token. As if that was not enough, Noah succeeded in convincing Minister Turad Senesie to believe that the land in question was state land, without any supporting documentary evidence to back his claim. Today, Minister Turad Senessie has taken possession of the land and has given it to one Jabbie, who is well known for doing illegal land deals at the Lands Ministry. Citizens are calling on the Anti-Corruptiom Commission to turn its lens at the Lands Ministry, where they will see overwhelming evidence of corruption cases on land acquisition and the sale of private lands. They are demanding that President Bio call Minister Turad Senesie to book and put him under serious enquiries in respect of several private lands claimed as state land that have been sold to other buyers, otherwise, the Minister will end up messing up his government, as in the case of previous ministers who have headed that ministry before.

    Times SL later understood that Noah, the architect of corrupt land deals at the Lands Ministry, has been transferred to the provinces, after he had allegedly connived with some officials at the ministry to illegally take possession of land belonging to somebody close to the wife of the President. It was that land saga that caused Minister Turad Senesie to believe that all Noah has been doing in the past was a calculated ploy to pollute and corrupt him and his office, under the guise of reclaiming state lands.

    Mr Alpha Conteh is one among thousands of Sierra Leoneans suffering in silence at the hands of the ministry. There are a good number of citizens who have been crying down the same ministry and the Minister for similar actions against them. This is a test case for the ACC.

  7. Frustration Over Turad Senesie’s Presence At Lands Is Reaching Boiling Point

    Amidst all the confusion and accusations of fraudulent transactions resulting in the repossession of ‘State Land’, shrouded in controversy, many Sierra Leoneans are wondering why the current Lands Minister, Dr. Turad Senesie, is still in that office. Many are of the view that President Julius Maada Bio should have showed him the exit door long before now. Allowing him to still be at the helm of affairs after creating so much confusion on the land dispute, is the same as compounding the problems of land in the country.

    Since his appointment to that office, Dr. Turad Senesie has been stepping on toes. There are complaints from the public about how the Ministry of Lands, under his watch and instructions, has been using a covert strategy under the guise of “Land Reclamation ” to illegally take possession of private lands.

    The issue has become unbearable, to the extent that people no longer believe in the leadership of Dr. Turad Senesie. Sierra Leoneans at home and in the Diaspora have been complaining about the ungodly way he has been doing things, which are inimical and suggestive of Satanic. If not removed from that Ministry, there is a likelihood that Sierra Leoneans may be forced into taking the law into their own hands. Under the watch and leadership of Dr Turad Senesie, private properties in areas such as Tokeh, Angola Town, etc have been illegally taken from them leaving them in pain. The Ministry has embarked on a strategy to illegally take private lands under the guise of reclaiming state lands.

    It appears that there are significant concerns and grievances regarding Dr Turad Senesie’s continued tenure as the Lands Minister in Sierra Leone. The frustrations expressed by the public seem to revolve around allegations of misconduct and abuse of power under his leadership.

    The primary issue highlighted in the article is the alleged misuse of authority by the Ministry of Lands, particularly under Dr. Senesie’s supervision. The accusation of employing covert strategies like “Land Reclamation” to illegally confiscate private lands is a serious concern that could have far-reaching consequences on the welfare and rights of individuals owning property in the affected areas.

    The dissatisfaction expressed by both local Sierra Leoneans and members of the diaspora, suggests a lack of confidence in Dr. Senesie’s leadership and decisions. The emotive language used, describing his actions as ungodly and likening them to those of Satan, reflects the depth of frustration and anger felt by those affected by the alleged land grabbing.

    Furthermore, the mention of potential vigilantism and a breakdown of law and order, if Dr Senesie is not removed from this position, points to a significant level of community distress and potential social unrest if the situation remains unresolved.

    In summary, the concerns raised in the article point towards a pressing need for transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct within the Ministry of Lands. Addressing these grievances and ensuring that justice is served is essential to restoring public trust and maintaining social harmony in Sierra Leone.

  8. We have been ripped off by our governments either by APC or SLPP making shady deals that does not benefits our people. We have so many minerals but we are not benefiting from it.

  9. This is one of the foolish thing I ever see. This whole conservation idea is to stop Africa from not industrializing. It's is the biggest scam in the world. Why they are producing they telling us not to produce. When the West was industrializing no body talks about conservation. We Africans are foolish to listen these colonialist.