Kromdraai: Children From The Cradle Of Humankind
Kromdraai: Children From The Cradle Of Humankind
At Kromdraai in South Africa, José Braga has unearthed the remains of two children. They date from 2.5 million years ago, and one is human, the other a Paranthropus, a member of the hominin genus most closely related to humans. These finds are the starting-point for ground-breaking research that may at last reveal the origins of our…
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Can a geologist amateur or pro explain this to me? The deeper the fossil/dirt layer the older it is, right? How is it possible for that to be the case and at the same time, erosion is also happening?
vous pourriez préciser qui est José Braga, et pourquoi vous ne parlez que de lui, alors qu'il s'agit visiblement d'un travail d'équipe. Question subsidiaire : pourquoi n'y a-t-il aucune femme dans les équipes de recherche françaises ?
Erudite and comprehensive look into the complete methodology of discovery and analysis from field to laboratory. A very inspiring story and an amazing contribution to science,
Si, es un documental excelente, interesante que desafía la prehistoria!
El problema de los humanos es que se creen los elegidos por Dios un Dios que ellos mismos crearon
Remote it ain't in distance. It's a short drive from Jo'burg.
We do know how people came to be! The history has been written for a very long time! The first humans were buried on Mackinac Island in the USA, Great Lakes Área.
also in turkey there is an 4.9 million years old human skull
in spain there are 2.5 million years specimens, and they are human……..
Plodding and slow.
kill the music. huge distraction
Europeans dont carry the superarchaic genome sub saharan africans carry…
Therefore we have to look at multiple origin sources….all humans did NOT emerge from Africa…Woke lies again
Merci pour cette excellent documentaire, de la part d'un étudiant en paléoanthropologie.👏
This is an excellent documentary.
Not even human
What is it with these irritating AI narrator voices?
I can tell you what happened to the parathapis we killed them and ate them. They were competition so we took them out.
0:25 "on ignore encore qui était le premier être humain, et comment il est apparu"
FAUX! On peut supputer qu'il est apparu à poil, et on est sûr qu'il ne s'appelait pas Jean-Christophe.
exelente documental.
Comment peut on inventer autant de conneries
hi, I like this video, 👍but I miss the "audio-Track" for german
This old fossil cannot hear this – think the bit I heard was interesting.
What makes these people think this area is the cradel of man kind crumdry
What I don't understand is how a documentary goes through a whole production process with no one noticing the music is too goddamn loud!
Ce qui fait l'humain c'est les notions de temps exprimées, Paranthrope a disparue a cause de son régime végétarien , qui obligeait les femelles a s'aventurer loin des arbres pour manger , les rendant vulnérables aux grands fauves quand elles portaient dans leurs bras leurs petits