Kenyan Pres. Ruto pledges troops to Haiti

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Kenyan Pres. Ruto pledges troops to Haiti

ABC News’ Selina Wang joins to discuss her sit down with President William Ruto and his pledge to protect democracy in Haiti.

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  1. Why should Africans protect a country that not even theirs when they can't even protect themselves?. What are the leaders of haiti doing? I would be emberassed as a leader if I need another continent to protect my nation when that my job to do. Ruto is so emberassing the kenyan people picked him to serve them as their leader yet he wants to act like God and save other nations when his own brothers are starving everyday. And on top of this why aren't caribbean countries helping haiti?

  2. Kenya is a country in ruin the president there ruto is a straight up thug who was being tried at the hague but unexpectantly all the witnesses disappered before they could testify. That guy is a literal manchurian canidate not so long ago he was sucking up to russia and china. Remember brics? This guy was saying to kenyans to get rid of the dollar in favor of some mystical currency that was gonna change kenyas economy. It didnt and kenyans lost millions. He has shoved his country in the worst economic crisis its ever had. The guy is an actual poster child for corruption in africa. While his nation is starving he is raising taxes and giving his family members newly created government positions. Kenyans literally cant even afford to eat because of this guy. The corruption of this guy is off the charts no surprise ol joe is seeing qaulities he likes. The man is actually selling kenyans to foreign governments to what amounts to slave labour. I can go on and on about how corrupt this guy is and how pathetic our president is for trying to have an alliance with this clown. Just shows how bad joe really is.

  3. Les Haïtiens veulent la paix que les Américains nous laissent tranquille vous êtes tous des Mafieux internationals les Armes Américains nous détruisent😢 on ne fabrique pas les armes en Haiti d'où sort les armes en Amérique

  4. I feel sorry for those Kenyan soldiers, those Haitian is nothing to play with. that president doing this for money he’s sending those men to get killed there. These Haitian people don’t need none of these they made it clear what they need. The US ignores their demands, Those men they send will not go back to Africa….

  5. Freaking treator. You should be ashame calling yourself a leader. A crook just like the rest of them. I don’t trust this man. I pray our ancestors make that $200 million dollars stuck down his throat. SALEOUT.

  6. Ruto is comparing babecue with the bandits in the rift.😅,

    For a very long time we havent been able to deal with our own bandits,now we want to go for babecue,we gona be roasted my friend🤣😭

  7. Strategic move by Kenyan’s President, the people of Kenya may be mad, but their old ways have never worked.. working with the West will only help the country continue to evolved and become a global power similar to Saudi Arabi, Qatar, Israel and Taiwan.. for Kenya to work with the UN and to be close allies with the West like it or not, it’s for the better of the country

  8. Previously, US send 25,000 troops to Haiti. The 1000 Kenya police will not make any differences. They will be out number and out gun by the 20,000 Haiti gangsters.

  9. Unfortunately world, this is how the world works, he doesn't look like he's enthusiastic about these deals, if he doesn't send troops he can be removed from his post easily. The US is also getting free land yo set up military bases in Kenya, that's a fact but aside from factual evidence, I smell a Uganda Plan in effect, The Zionists had wanted to make Kenya the holy land but the plan didn't get much support and Kenya can get really hot so it's understandable why Palestine was a perfect location to set up military bases and commence expansion projects. This is a quid pro quo Machiavellian system. Ruto is not a leader, once you get the post that's when you get the reality of things. True African leaders are the ones cutting ties and creating new ones not sending their citizens back 60 years into colonial times. Right now Kenya is no different from 1950"s the average citizen is living for the day and resources are limited, education is for the wealthy and even after graduating there are no sectors to receive those diplomas hence the migration. Dictators are always given bad lights but they literally build their nations it's western influence that arrives to destroy.

    And to add to this edit:
    The Zionists have most probably been awakened to a scary reality of war. Right now the US is flaky and European states have their own problems, no one is 100% in support of this butcher Gaza operation and in all realness, if a full scale brinkmanship cracks that region into conflict, 700,000 God's chosen people will have to be evacuated and the US is not doing well with the right wing and left wing who both see God's people as a threat to stability and Kenya is a perfect country because Kenyans lack xenophobia, are very welcoming and intrigued by anything foreign even technology, so im just putting this out as a potential scenario, that Iron dome cannot defend against 300K rocket bombardment

  10. Only Haitian can protect their democracy. Yhey make the chaos and now they want to find the solutions.Where they guns are coming from. USA being in Haiti since 1915 and same s…happens.
    What happens the USA stay away from Haiti stay away from Haiti affairs including CORE GROUP!

  11. This is exactly what power does whether it's white supremacist or otherwise. They give beneficial Crumbs from their tables to the selfish 🦝 black sellouts for their own self-interest. Every black face on that continent should be appalled and calling them out on it. B1😎


  13. William Ruto is a DOUBLE joker & very dangerous leader. He can not secure Kenyan people safety but he is sending Kenyan police to a dangerous country Haity in order to satisfied the EVIL demented Biden. He did not participate in Russia-Africa summit. He is a toy of indirect white colonialists

  14. Ruto is an occidental bootlicker. Why won't America send their own troops? They won't sacrifice their own but they'll send African to slaughter African. Ruto is a sellout and and Kenya is being used as a proxy.

  15. This guy Ruto is a curse and the biggest embarrassment our country Kenya and Africa as a whole….a degenerate conman, liar, most corrupt, senseless tribalist and an outright land grabber…Most Kenyans r feed up with his greed for money,luxury and power at the expense of poor kenyans Now he's one of Africa's West bootlicker