Kenyan CNN Reporter Exposes Ethiopian Airlines For This In Viral Video.. #boycottethiopianairlines

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Esther Natukunda

Joined: May 2024
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Kenyan CNN Reporter Exposes Ethiopian Airlines For This In Viral Video.. #boycottethiopianairlines

A VIDEO FROM ETHIOPIAN AIRLINES D IS GOING VIRAL ON SOCIAL MEDIA Passenger Evicted from Ethiopian Airlines Flight for Minister’s Seat. #ethiopia #larrymadowo #ethiopianairline #jamaica #africancountry #africanamerican Passanger off Plane By Minister Seeks Revenge With Larry Madowo
#kenya #kenyanews



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  1. The Citizen is more important than the minister, They put them in Office. Was that minister even seeing what was happening? If he did why didn't he speak out?
    Shame on him 10,000 times for having your interest put first over the people you serve

  2. I fly A LOT in Africa. I always try to fly with 'BLACK 'carriers. I have been flying a lot with Ethiopian Airlines, but I do not condone what they did. Although I am African American we still support other Africans. It is unfortunate that we have this problem with Ethiopian Airlines!😢😢 I guess I will find another carrier.

  3. In Europe we seat with Misters in the Train, Tram, etc, being a minister is just a job like any other, if a minister enters the train and there are no seats, he will have to stand, nobody can force you to stand, only out of respect. Thanks my brother Larry, 🇰🇪

  4. This Kenyan guy is just a hired individual to destroy the airlines reputation. I don't think he is doing this because he is concerned over the girl. Africa has one successful airline and people like this guy are trying to destroy it. What a shameful guy. An incident like this can happen at any place but recording this and putting it in public is something very well organised.

  5. Shame on Ethiopian airlines🤬🤬
    I will NEVER EVER fly this corrupted shitty airlines for having mistreated my African sister!!🤬🤬
    The audacity!!

  6. Italians recently told tourists they "don't want any tourists in their country" now they are suffering badly. An airline should not treat any passenger in this manner. Removing a paid customer from a flight was atrocious and an egregious abuse of their small power. This passenger had paid for her tickets over five months ago, with confirmation. Why were they not given hotel and food accommodation and reimbursement? Why were they made to wait 24 hours when multiple flights were available for them to take. Why was her video evidence deleted? Why did their passports and ID have to be taken from them? So many wrongs in this situation. She and her husband must be fully compensated for this gross abuse by the Airline and their employees. This young couple needs a very good barrister to take their case. Don't believe many people who see this report will fly this airline afterwards and will re-book their flights with other airlines. Just shameful for an African airline to treat African paying customers in this manner, as well, they have no right to treat anyone in this manner. How fortuitous that a CNN reporter was able to capture enough of the gross injustice that transpired.

  7. Ethiopian Airline, I have always held you in very high esteem and I have also put you as my airline of choice. However on this occasion you have betrayed your own image, call it very damaging and negative PR. You must therefore apologise to this family and reach out to them with an envelop.😳😲