Kenya school fire kills at least 17 pupils | BBC News

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Kenya school fire kills at least 17 pupils | BBC News

At least seventeen pupils have died after a dormitory at a boarding school in central Kenya caught fire on Thursday night, the Ministry of Education has said.

There were fears the death toll could rise on Friday morning, with 14 other children taken to hospital with injuries.

More than 150 pupils were in the dormitory when it caught fire at…



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  1. Kenya my country where leaders ignore all signs untill tragedy strikes then they the hyena leaders cry crocodile tears and pretend to be sending their condolences and fake investigations begin well they are good in investigations than good governance and preventive measures.. welcome to the land of leaders who are crocodiles pigs and hyenas

  2. It was not just an accident, children in Kenya live with at least 30% the concentration camp inmate mindset.The harsh school rules and brutal lashes despite of its being illegal by constitutional edict. Children have in the past burned schools, to at least escape the harsh reality of what is considered a modern Education system. Its not African to cane a child, it is not christian, it is not moral but it happens as if literally children are donkeys. Death is such a shameful state, but children are known to have committed suicide to imagine they will be in school after the holidays. Thanatos is a state of astute desolation-an unhappy loneliness- considered in the state of the human mind just before they die.

  3. Where are the 70 missing kids. Why are you not reporting about those 70 missing kids. That’s should be a priority. Were they kidnapped? We need answers. 2 days later all those kids missing cmon. Kenyan government should do better

  4. 5/ Cultural Fatalism

    Culturally death is received
    as sensation, drama, rather than the tragedy it is.

    The fatalistic viewpoint of death therefore releases communities of the RESPONSIBILITY to ACT and STOP, future preventable deaths.


    Let's deal with the facts:

    1/ Kenya experiences tragic mayhem resulting in mass deaths every 3 months

    [Scour the news and list and verify]

    2/Corruption is the root of systemic dysfunction,

    For example: What are the standard requirements for school dormitory buildings, in terms of

    – Strength of structure to house sleeping area, what building materials are required, what is the legal capacity for the sleeping area,

    – What regulations are in place to ensure children's safety?

    -Did the relevant authorities inspect the dormitories, before the children were moved in?

    – Were these regulations followed, Were these standards in place?

    3/ Once bitten twice shy, but not in Kenya

    Kenya as a nation has depicted an inability to learn from past tragedies,


    No Conscience, No Compassion

    4/ The first reason deadly mayhem continues in Kenya is that Kenyans have suspended their conscience. Apathy, indifference, limpness and numbness, a refusal to participate in the collective good, born of mental laziness, the devastating lack of empathy for the plight/welfare of fellow citizens, is a building block, a foundation for ubiquitous corruption to stand on.


    Kenyan economy has declined steadily last 30 years for 3 reasons:

    [Look up GDP, GNP, and compare with the rest of the world],

    a) Rampant theft from treasury

    [2B KSh stolen daily, Head line, Daily Nation [Contact Daily Nation for the date]

    b/ Shutting down of manufacturing and agriculture which has coincided with increased imports from China

    c/China loans

    For every KSh100 [approx. $ US .5] The Kenyan economy puts out, China pays itself KSh 85

    (Contact Business Weekly, owned by Nation Media Group for this story]

    Poor citizens [the majority] are focused on putting food on their table, and frequently do not care about anything, more than that.

    Poor citizens are not entirely innocent, because they have failed to evaluate the standards of their lives, and respond accordingly due to mental laziness.

    Rich citizens do not care and live in another planet, driving flashy cars, in fancy suits, to their huge mansions.