Kenya – Fighting for Water | Off The Grid Documentary

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TRT World

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Kenya – Fighting for Water | Off The Grid Documentary

As Kenya battles its worst drought in decades, Off the Grid travels to the most affected parts of a country where climate change is a reality and people are fighting for survival.

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  1. And said, 'Ask forgiveness of your LORD. Indeed, HE is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers.
    Surah Nuh verse 10 to 12

  2. Ibn Umar reported: The Prophet, ﷺ, said, “Never do people withhold alms from their wealth but that a portion from the sky will be held back; were it not for the animals, it would never rain.”
    Al-Mu’jam al-Kabīr 13454
    Sahih according to Al-Albani

    عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَال لَمْ يَمْنَعْ قَوْمٌ زَكَاةَ أَمْوَالِهِمْ إِلا مُنِعُوا الْقَطْرَ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ وَلَوْلا الْبَهَائِمُ لَمْ يُمْطَرُوا

    13454 المعجم الكبير للطبراني باب التاء

    5204 المحدث الألباني خلاصة حكم المحدث صحيح في صحيح الجامع

  3. And after the incoming el niño rains that are on their way, we are also slated for another fun ride of a la niña fuelled drought. Looking forward to the sequel…

  4. Time worker or fetboll Geride
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    This andrestand I vestment firest faundation women chances shre Rilition no this family Rilition intrested no
    This family so women and fore family presnale life Amrican Officale disition
    Presnale life only this Application disition firest
    50 Application presnale women and fore family life Officale disition this saudi fily everything no Rilition no presnale economy foces everything presnale economy Foces stop 100% luoked
    Bicouse chanale firest fore years women and fore family
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