Kanye on History of African Americans #shorts

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Kanye on History of African Americans #shorts

#kanyewest #ye #slavery #podcast #usa



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Take your billions of dollars and create the museum of your dreams. I would go. We need more people SHOWING they care, not just saying it. I would do it if I had that kinda money.


We was kangs thats why we like jewelry and stuff


Well hes wrong fully on all of this. The African nations which had kings were either early European exoduses, or later muslim expansions. Even Mansa Musa was probably a white Berber, and is remebered as Black to serve modern narratives.

North Africa and even parts of the subsaharan region were made up of people of the Middle Eastern or European ancestory.

One could even go far enough to say "blackness" is American, and only applies to the struggles of black americans, not Africans.


Africa is a continent, so why would the history of a king from Mali apply to all Africans?

The whole of Europe doesn't take credit for the Roman empire.




"that pain" is called the Holocausts


The 2nd longest ruling monarchy had to end due to famines in the country, it was the Ethiopian monarchy btw


Mansa Musa obtained his wealth from… dun dun DUN…. SLAVES 😅




If everybody was a king, who did they rule?


So why didn't he use his millions to produce a film about Mensa Musa? Instead we get Wakanda… Why not build a museum about real historical sub Saharan Empires and Kingdoms? Instead he looking and talking about Jews…


He’s not wrong. Mansa Musa was one of the most richest kings in history and affected the value of gold because he had so much.


Bc people like him, when they get rich and famous, just wast everyone's time, instead of doing something like contributing, no they prefer complaining, he doesn't even gets it, so egocentric, and it's always someone else, all that money, all the platform, what in earth is he doing for the black youth? He is just making things worse,


The ultimate “we was kangz” 😅


Kanye seems like a prophet


Damn man makes sense.😮


He is on point with that comment.


Mansa Musa was a terrible king and he left Mali in a worse position. Mali collapsed after him.

Also say it with me people, gold is not a measure of a nation’s prosperity. You can’t eat it, you can’t fight your enemies with it. Gold is only important when there’s less of it, and it really doesn’t matter when you produce a lot of it. Guess what Mali produced.

In all of his stories, it is said Mansa Musa was destroy cities he visited with hyper inflation. It also meant he went in rich and came out poor, because all of that gold he had was losing value every time he bought something.

This is why gold is a trap for more empires, and the smart ones (European) traded in furs, spices, and food. Stuff with value.


I wonder how many black slaves mansa moosa had? I wait we don't know because they didn't write anything down for posterity and record their history. Boohoo


If you go to Washington you find American history, if you want Africans being kings, rulers, Tyrants or conquerors then you have to look at African history. Your not going to find that in an US based Museum. Its like going to the romance section of a book store and complaining there is no crime novels.


Bro go to Africa. Let them tell you what's what.



I disagree


They have hiding the past history not the truth the first people were black i believe jesus was black although i dont believe in any religion. They hide the past as dont want people to know the real truth


The biggest problem with this is, we have been taught for decades and decades that blacks came here from Africa. The real truth is, the historical truth is blacks here in America are from the Americas. Blacks were here all before any whites. You're claiming rights to the wrong country. If anything I'm more upset that you're history is faked and taught that you're outsiders at all. When really you're the true native people here and you're taught that you're not.


Kanye you're stupid, its a African History Musuem, it's about American history, that is are history too.


You're correct.


You're correct.


You're correct.


Mr.West, I whole heartedly agree with what you've said about africans being Kings. In that we I think we black people need to see the movies about the black Kings & Queens from which we black folks have come from.