Kamala Harris says 'too many' civilian deaths in Gaza | BBC News

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Kamala Harris says 'too many' civilian deaths in Gaza | BBC News

US Vice-President Kamala Harris has condemned the loss of civilian life in an Israeli air strike against a school building in Gaza on Saturday.

More than 70 people were killed at the building which sheltered displaced Palestinians, the director of a hospital has told the BBC.

Ms Harris said “far too many” civilians had been killed “yet…



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  1. The civilian death toll is comparatively low compared with most wars
    If Hamas didn’t hide behind schools, hospitals and civilian homes then civilian casualties would be much lower
    Why is it Israel is not allowed to win a war after being attacked ???
    Is the only result that is acceptable for the world going to be “from the river to the sea”
    Just remember why the crusade wars were fought, to stop the invasion of Islam over the holy lands!!!!

  2. Arrest natanyahoo regime, stop sending arms to natanyahoo… Deaths of children, innocent children are continuously dying. What is this.. So unfair that Isreal continued killing children and are not charged… Natanyahoo regime is evil.

  3. She dont actually give a fck, her and biden are legit funding isreal, she just trying to make herself look not at fault when in fact it is they knew, its just when people starting protesting and her running for president she magically started caring

  4. Far ‘too many’ civilians? What does that even mean? So not as many would been okay… she then said Isreal has right to defend too. She’s trying to keep both sides happy. A friend to all is a friend to non.

  5. Unfortunately Hamas is using the same play book of Ho Chi Ming during the Vietnam War! The North Vietnamese Communist soldiers PURPOSELY mixed in with the civilian population and that tragically made civilian casualties inevitable! The US military did their best to destroy the communist Viet Cong but could not avoid civilian casualties. Ho Chi Ming loved taking advantage of US news reporters like Walter Cronkite and US celebrities like Jane Fonda to create the perception of chaos and turmoil and create outrage in the American people against President Lyndon Baines Johnson. This tore apart the Democratic Party at the 1968 DNC held in Chicago. This made the US military forces look like brutal cold heartless bullies because innocent kids and babies and women suffered or died. Do not be deceived! Hamas is evil! They are terrorists like the communist Viet Cong under Ho Chi Ming and they don’t really care about the civilians that die! If they did care, they would not endanger their lives by moving into their communities! PM Netanyahu and the Israeli military have absolutely no desire for any innocent person to suffer any harm! They just want to protect their people and stop the terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah from doing more evil against Israel!

  6. Kamala when you found out! After 7/10
    Israel have enough warning.
    Kamala demand the release of the American hostages first !!!!!!
    Hostages captured on 7/10 that escalated the conflict.
    Kamala why don't you go to the site of 7/10 and Gaza
    Where are the America hostages.
    America have stop Israel to go into Rafah. Only to manage to rescue 4 hostages . Sorry not US hostages.

    If Kamala look into the 7/10 matters should not happen.

    Kamala you should welcome Israel PM in US. Or at least attend his speech.
    Israel PM brought alone not top
    Officials but common delegate citizens for you to questions and answers.
    Hear say information from News and New Channels are the fault of the chaos.
    Already a journalist was involved in keeping the captured hostage. Why didn't you questions her and find a solution to save or rescue American Hostages????
    Why do you hate Jews so much!!!! Is the American hostages are Jews just because they attended the Festival!!!!!
    America have lost its dignity when American flags are trampled and burn to the ground in America ground. Monuments are vandalised with Red paint. Kamala …. you did nothing…..

  7. What these world leaders don't or refuse to understand that they have to answer for their crimes just as much as Israeli genocidal government,and how these Americans while supplying amination and then say too many children are dying when they very well know what it's going to be used for,the people in gaza are not being killed by Israelis but also by usa,but while the middle eastern governments turn a blind eye to what's happening on their doorstep, they're just as much to blame,God bless people of Palestine

  8. This world is a dangerous place. Because of satanyau and other devil angels, the world clearly comes to an end. Why would people pay tax that their angry old leader use it to kill poor people who cant defend themselves?😢 Its sickening ane embarassing. They know dwmocracy they preach and claim to kill.

  9. So unfair. The "poor" Palestinians elected Hamas in free elections because it promised to murder the Jews and all infidels and now they complain that it uses them as human shields.  The Palestinians no longer have the desire to continue celebrating around the corpses of naked women who were raped and murdered and to hand out sweets to the children who were invited to watch the event.  The joy they had on October 7 will never return.  Now they are asking the "enlightened" world to save them and have mercy on their children that they continue to sacrifice for the Jihad.

  10. People are such snowflakes these days, any war thought out history there was a civilian death toll, all the support for Hummus 😂 the extreme left lgb whatever, are to focused on who says there pronouns wrong to know about history, there stupid chant about river, sea they couldn't tell you what river name

  11. Kamala couldn't point out Palestine on a map she is as dumb and fake as they come. She will literally change her accent depending on who she is talking to, she is equally as pathetic as the bbc.