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  1. God will punish those who post fake, deceive lies news this is no play thing about the family they still grieving do not add more trourma to boys wife and JP's mom God have mercy to the family heal them in the name of mighty lord Jesus Christ Amen, 🙏🙏🙏❤️🇿🇦🇿🇦

  2. it was necessary to be secured by nollywood, if it was here in Europe, junior could not die like an animal, you are great artists, norllydwood had to be able to put in the funds, while above all you had to agree to be filmed in the canoe in Africa, there are the helicopters necessary for your safety, poor junior rest in peace.


  3. Everybody has a different version of how and why JP died. Even the survivors are all saying different things and the content creators are just catching cruise with JP's death.
    Everyday na so, so different headline:
    The real story of how JP died. The real story of how JP was killed. JP's killers finally exposed. The last instruction JP gave in the water while he was drowning. I was the last person to speak with JP before he drowned. JP told me who killed him. How JP was beaten in the water while he was drowning. How JP survived the boat accident and was beaten to death after he was rescued. The marine goddess told me why she took JP's life… and so on and so on.
    Una neva tire? My broda, if you enter river Niger without a life jacket and your boat capsizes in the middle of the water, your chances of survival are slim to none. No one has to plan your death, only your funeral.
    Soon you will all forget JP's story and jump to the next big story. That is life.