John Boyega Rumored To Return To Star Wars

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John Campea

Joined: Oct 2024
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John Boyega Rumored To Return To Star Wars

Movie Club: Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 Edition with Alba, Campea and Harloff



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  1. In my honest opinion I think JJ originally wanted to make Finn the lead and have him and Rey become Jedis by the third film, but the committee stepped in and ruined his plans. JJ is actually big on diversity and he's spoken quite a bit about times in which he's attempted to have diverse protagonists and big wigs more often than not opted to not invest in minority leads (he was talking about black actors) for big productions due to statistics in certain markets, which he's expressed is unfortunate.

    The Finn ship has sailed though, and if they want to course correct they're going to have to do a fair amount of retconing to erase the stupid shit his character did throughout the sequel trilogy. A better option would be to start with a brand new male black character tbh. Follow the original plan and model him after Kyle Katarn. Pay Boyega a truck load of cash to come back and kill Finn off in the first film, then have the new black character take his place as no. 2 after Rey (because apparently Star Wars is female forever now).

  2. You're missing the point. Ofc Boyega knew that there was no mapped out plan for the sequel trilogy. He was in the movies. He knows more information than we do. The statement he made was that, even in a scramble, Disney decided that his character wasn't a priority to them. He got sidelined because he is black. No way around it. I shouldn't expect you guys to understand anyway soo..

  3. They did nothing with Finn. Boyega got screwed. But then, as John said, there was no plan for any of the characters. I wish people would get off the 'you have to be force sensitive to be cool' band wagon. During the original series, when we used to play pretend as kids, everyone wanted to be Han and Boba Fett. Oh yeah, and Chewy as well. They just needed to give Finn a cool story arc and not make him Rey's little puppy…

  4. They dropped the ball so hard with Finn. He should have led a storm trooper rebellion, and this did take place in the duel of the fates script. It was pretty obvious, but instead the got caught up in the who is Rey thing, nobody wondered who Luke was, we knew, we just found out his dad was the bad guy, but come on

  5. I know that there are partially valid criticisms about the Sequel Trilogy, but this get's awfully close to toxic territory. There really is a big difference between Finn's characterization on the one hand and Rey's on the other. Someone who can't see that should really either see the sequels again or just ignore them.

  6. What if he burned his Rouge with Star Wars I'm glad because I honestly never liked the character Finn at all I wanted him today so much I wanted him to sacrifice himself and blew up in a ship so if he does not come back to Star Wars. I would personally be glad but if he did it I will just deal with it

  7. 100% money talks. And can change the most stubborn of hearts. But how dirty Disney/LucasFilm did him/Finn, they're gonna REALLY need to follow through on whatever mysteries they were hinting at in TFA. And not sell him on empty promises again. Will it happen? Doubtful, if he stays true to his word & doesn't feel he's been made a VERY compelling offer. But Tobey & Andrew signed on to do No Way Home, Hugh Jackman is back as Wolverine. Disney has the cash, for sure. They just need to have an actual plan & follow it lol

  8. John saying, “he burned bridges” like this isn’t the same Disney that had Ford back even after saying how much he hates these movies. Not saving Boyega and Ford are the same but actors have comeback to projects they hated for the right amount of money and assurances.

  9. Boyega needs to realize that his role in hhd story was like Han's. And Han had less of a role in the 3rd movie compared to Luke.

    If Rey’s movie is supposed to do for the Sequels what Clone Wars did for tge prequels, then they really need Fin. They should hope that his career is in a place where he'd be willing to come back. And they need a good script.

  10. I want him back but 100% understand if he doesn't.
    Have a stable thru storyline from beginning to end. Pay money. Enough of a break between shooting movies to have actors work on other projects. Don't bring back JJ.

  11. Boyega said he didn't like how his character was treated after episode 7 and that they want him to come back they nedd to give a bigger role and some creative control over the character and story.

  12. Watched the first one twice, the second one once (bleah), and did not watch the third one…I wish they wouldn't try and reheat whatever they think it was. Almost ruined SWs.

  13. Campea is not thinking about this the way Disney would. If they have a story they really believe in and are willing to pay Boyega a good amount and they sell that good story to him. He will comeback. Boyega is right about his feelings but with a good story arch planned from the beginning he will comeback. Also MONEY!