John Boyega Just EXPOSED the Sequels (Warning Profanity)

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John Boyega Just EXPOSED the Sequels (Warning Profanity)

Please read his full interview at British GQ –

There’s something to be said about a man who stands up for himself.



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  1. Since this inclusivity wave in Hollywood how many good characters did black males had? Black Panther was always going to be black, I mean how many characters who could be of any gender and race and where the lead or have a good script with something more besides the color of their skin, tokens. For the past decade male black actors were continously renegade to be the sidekick of the white female lead. No more Denzel Washigtons, Samuel L Jacksons, Jamie Foxes.

  2. I wish he was a better character. I know he had potential. I think Finn could have not been a comic relief and instead be a Jedi along with Rey. He will improve along the trilogy. Oh. And maybe instead of him shooting stormtroopers first, maybe he should try to talk to them and get them to join the New Republic since he was once a stormtrooper

  3. The force awakens is actually a good ass movie. Its so bizarre what they did in the next 2. Rian johnson sabotaged a franchise just to make a point to JJ Abrams

  4. As a long time fan, I can testify that so much of this is a parental issue and what kind of values are being taught to young people! I remember television shows in the 70s with multi ethnic casts…. then all Euro American programs after it was believed progress had been made! ( The presence of one minority female as "exotic" eye candy is never indicative of "progress" as it highlights the racist atmosphere of the whole enterprise by the absence of other people of color in front or behind the cameras!) In the 90s, I saw the multi ethnic Star Wars Prequels and The Xmen franchise released around the same time as another trilogy almost totally devoid of non Europeans!

    I don't remember if there were protests or bomb threats when BILLY DEE WILLIAMS was first cast as "Lando" 10 or 15 years before then but I wouldn't be shocked to find out there were! In short, while progress has been made, America is still NOT a Multi Cultural Paradise and pockets of bigotry remain! As, then Vice President AL GORE more or less said when he noticed there were very few people of color in the audience during an Election 2000 Democratic primary debate (aproximate quote based on memory, NOT the exact quote):

    "Even with our best intentions, we could always do better!"

    I think Part of doing "better" is writing a well rounded character and if a person of color is hired to play that character, have the conviction to stand by your decsion, instead of trying to accommodate bigots within our country…. or Overseas!

  5. Disney never cared about the fans, it's all about the money, that's why it ends up being rey, a girl from a desert planet who is the descendant of a dark lord of the sith, meeting some old guy going to another planet and ends up fighting in a rebel plot but watches the old man die in the process, Because it's like number 4, a boy who lives on a desert planet and is the descendant of a dark lord of the sith, meeting some old guy going to another planet and ends up fighting in a rebel plot but watches the old man die in the process.

    ESB: They are now on ice planet, boy goes to new planet to learn from another old guy about how to be a jedi, but ends up leaving to free his friends and fights big space villain before he tries to get him to join the dark side

    TLJ: Girl goes to meet other old guy who teacher her how to be a jedi, eventually goes to ice planet to free friends then fights big space villain before he tries to get her to join the dark side.

    No real correlation between number 6 and number 9 except palpatine, parent sacrifices life for child and palpatine getting killed by his own actions.

    The similarities are too scary to even read, If they wanted to care for us they would listen to the videos, the podcasts the comics and books. They can make perfections like Mando, Book of Boba Fett and Kenobi by listening to the fans, yet when it comes to main saga they choose to go free willy almost retconning everything ever done ever in the star wars universes

  6. JJ setup Finn to be an extremely interesting character with a GREAT character arc. However Ruin Johnson decided that a black Jedi wasn’t worth his time and effort. So he played it safe by making Rey a female Luke and regurgitating ESB.

  7. At this point, George Lucas is the worst world builder of all time.
    He's nowhere near Tolkien or GRR Martin. He'll never be respected as much as Frank Herbert.
    He is a prime example of a lost cause. Lost all my respect. Warner Bros. would have done a way better job. It's not all about the money.
    It could've been as amazing as DUNE.
    Not a single SW movie comes close to Denis' work, anyway.
    The way that man respects world building is something George Lucas and Disney will never understand. Star Wars was rich in lore and now it's just one big Toy Commercial.
    Kylo, Finn and Poe are the most wasted characters in sci-fi history.
    I get George is old and all that, but it was a stupid move.
    He overshadowed his accomplishments with this move. An example of a money monger with no clear picture of tomorrow.
    Let's hope that Disney money was worth letting go of Darth Vader. Smfh

  8. This is why you don’t create a character for diversity’s sake. He or she simply becomes someone who is only there to be black, Asian,etc. you have to make these characters PEOPLE first otherwise they’re just propaganda.

  9. It is hard to give a bigger role to a character that isn't a Jedi or Sith (like Rey and Kylo actual descendants of Palatine and Skywalker). But it is true the character could have had more arch and attributes- maybe some other super cool skills like officially using a lightsaber, great flying, fighting, being stealthy, or a comedian. But yeah, the script writers had a storm-trooper join the resistance as mostly running, asking questions, and yelling for Rey. So I can agree with John's frustration.

  10. TBH, I didn't care for this last trilogy however I'm 100 percent supportive for John Boyega on his disappointment. Disney and Co. totally screwed up and underutilized his character. A rogue stormtrooper is a pretty damn cool idea and ahould have played a major role.

  11. holy f man…. enough is enough with the racist card this is getting out of control, now its coming into Star wars??? (not talking about you theory) just because people hate finn now its "FaNs ArE RaCiSt" dude people didnt like haydens portrayal of anakin??? same with jake loydd? it happens not everyone likes everyone … like man people tried to same the same thing with jar jar n its BS not everythings racist man people are allowed to not like an actor or person because they dont like them!..
    Edit: "no one threatened to boycott the movie because of there character??? i litterally heard sooo many people hate the charecter and development of rey soo much they didnt wanna watch the movies.. i was one of those people i was really excited for rey at the beginning of episode 7 but the writers ruined her. and believe it or not i really liked finns character in 7,8 and 9 he was heroic? and caring and the idea of a rouge storm trooper then going to the resistance is awesome .. so all this hes saying im not following i wanna state i am 110% against racism in todays world theres no place for it…. i just see so much of people calling racism on things that are not… and it Dilutes the people that really suffer from it im really talking about his boycott comments (not the inside writers n stuff because i know for a fact hollywood is racist… ) just my opinion guys u can hate me but im just saying what i believe

  12. They did the wrong sequel
    It hopefully they go back and make the gorges sequal trilogy at some point…. I have no problem with women and minorities what i do struggle with is the shitty story we got i was alrigbt with the last one but even that one could of should of been way better

  13. Crazy how when your only reason for diversity hires is just that, they lack much more beyond “Hey, check it out, we got a black guy, an asian, AND an lgbt member”
    Okay well what do they do?
    “They add diversity to the cast!”
    I get that, but what significance do they have to the film?
    “Pfff fuck if we know, but we got em. That’s awesome right? 😀 Tokenism FTW, Racism, Sexism, and Bigotry BTFO’d”


  14. These were the worst films in the history of film I've ever come across, not just in starwars. I hope everyone who made decisions on that shit was fired.