Jellyfish UFO – Other Dimensions – Non Human Intelligences

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Cristina Gomez

Joined: Mar 2024
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Jellyfish UFO – Other Dimensions – Non Human Intelligences

In this live Episode of Mysteries with a History, we look into the theory that some UFOs may in fact be biological in nature, possibly coming into our reality from another dimension. The recent Jellyfish UFO footage from Iraq is by no means unique, and resides among a plethora of other videos and testimonies concerning biological UFOs.



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  1. Christina, If I wanted to listen to Jimmy slurping his god damned coffee I'd go F2B. Loose this egomaniacal Wolf Man Jack wannabe who comes in and dominates you, taking over the conversation as he is want to do. DUMP this guy. You don't need him.

  2. Cristina, to me I think these things look for certain types of our trash that they need and take it back to the ocean for some construction usage, but they try and do it at night so you can't see them or tell what they are doing.

  3. I'm so sorry. Why are you going on and on about how that video doesn't look like a jellyfish? I'm not typically an internet troll. But I'm sitting here wondering why you're spending so much time on that. It's just a quick little reference to give someone a loose idea of its visual description. My goodness, no one is saying it's a twin to a jellyfish. This thing is an unidentified…thing floating through the air. Why are you obsessing about a humanistic comparative adjective? Others have said it looks like a "spaghetti monster." Should we whip out some images of that and critique the minutia of that terminology's flaws? I feel like I'm getting punked by watching this. Forget the jellyfish, homie. This is similar to seeing a plane crash in a field and discussing how well the crops look for ten minutes. Again, it's just a loose reference point. I'm floored that you're so obsessed with this tiny non-issue about this object. It's almost funny.

  4. First three minutes of seeing this channel for the very first time and the guy on the right is wrong about the jellyfish UFO. There's a zoomed-in version that I believe Jeremy showed on the Weaponized that directly followed the release of the TMZ documentary that shows it twisting back and forth very clearly. Outside of anyone thinking Jeremy and George doctored that footage, then the video in question does not show the jellyfish UFO in a static position. It looks that way from afar, yes, but if you watch Weaponized, you'll see otherwise. (Apologies if y'all talk about what I just said later; like I said, I paused it at 3:09 when I heard the gentleman on the right's comment.)

  5. Thank you for your work here because that painting definitely holds some similarities and there is something here. Also, in “Matrix” the “jellyfish machines”🤔perhaps something in the ocean

  6. What is “interdimensional”? I get hearing this like it is scientific. As if there is an actual example of something that we all know to be “interdimensional”. It all sounds like pseudo science.

  7. Bird poop. The jellyfish video never sat well with me. And now after listening to you maybe I'm crazy but that is bird poop on the camera 100% lol
    Oh you just mentioned it in your video but i thought that before you I even heard you say that

  8. I knew a Vietnam vet named Ben when I was a teenager in the late 70s. Ben lived alone, drank a lot of Jeremiah Weed and smoked a lot of weed. Ben told me that there were "things" all around us all the time and we just can't see them most of the time. He said he found this out from wearing some kind of night vision goggles in Vietnam. I told him I'd like to see them. Ben told me no you don't and refused to elaborate. I'm thinking that from whatever reason, we're becoming increasingly able to see them. Maybe human were able to in the past as well. Whatever Ben saw obviously affected him.

  9. traveling at the speed of light is more like a personal freezing act than timetravel if time exists at all.
    your speed has no impact on other objects! Just because your personal time is frozen does not mean others are too! So therfore you cant stop the time for everyone or worse than that turning back time for everyone! You can freeze yourself with this method and visit the future but i would not cal it timetravel exept you call your meat in the freeszer a timetraveler too because its not rotten after a few days as it should outside the freezer!
    From your point of view, the faster you get the faster you get into every other objets futur! How could this bring you back in time? To slow down any other objects timer ypu need to slowdown yourself!
    But there is a limit in slowing down. Its called standing still! No one has ever broken the record of standing still therfore moving back in time is not possible.

  10. I saw something that fits Jimmy’s Zorro Z description, although I’ve referred to it as a lightning bolt.

    About a year ago I would have firmly put myself in the “extraterrestrial camp”, and I even voted that way in one of Cristina’s previous poles, but I’ve since moved over to “camp inter-dimensional”. Although it’s quite basic, Carl Sagan’s Flatland demonstration really helped me visualize what my brain had already considered to be the most likely scenario – that what we call UAPs, poltergeist, ETs, cryptids, ghosts, demons, etc are in actuality inter-dimensional beings (with or without craft) that can traverse in and out of our 3D world.

    And as always, thanks for another great episode Cristina and Jimmy.

  11. You know years ago I watched some videos about ancient history so far back it could be 10's of thousands or even 100's of thousands of years. The people spoke of a time when the sun that is in the sky now was not there but the planet Saturn ruled the sky. It's light or energy that emitted caused the huge foliage to grow in the time of dinosaurs. Then came the asteroids, floods, ice age etc Native Americans such as the Hopi and Navajo also talk of the earth going through major catastrophic events. Have you ever seen any stories from a man named Norman Bergrun ? The book he wrote is called the Ring makers of Saturn. He claims there are miles long UFOs that were seen in the rings of Saturn that were observed when pictures from a satellite were transmitted to NASA. So the movie Close Encounters of the third kind was based on the UFO event at Dexter Michigan what was the movie Cocoon based on or any UFO movies that Hollywood creates. Hollywood may sensationalize and stretch the story to get blockbuster sales but I don't believe that they're just someone's imagination.

  12. The reason it doesn't change profile as it moves is because its 2 dimensional. Like If you walk by a billboard, the image doesn't change it's profile.

    Why? Maybe a flawless in the hardware, dead pixels or something else.

    Alternatively, maybe extradimensional beings or objects can only enter our dimension in 2d vs 3d.

    Alternatively, if we our 3d universe is really a 2d hologram, and there is a glitch in the 'hardware ", maybe the glitch propagates our reality in 2d.

    Alt alternative, it's a clich in the simulation.

  13. The jellyfish isn’t seen by the human eye. Only by those advanced infrareds that caught it. That’s why it seems to break our dimension. It is….
    This is why it literally looks phony
    It’s so looks fake.

  14. Gary Nolan asked the question as a higher demention being represnt your self to a lower dementional being? The phenominum has shown its self in many way. The other beings speak to us in different ways. The children at Ariel school who locked eyes on those being used some voice and images to convey there message. How many different beings are communicating witb us? They seem to be telling us stuff. Like the beautiful images they leave in crop field. We are not alone, we are her with you. Take care of your planet. Nuclear arms are not good. Help one another.

  15. Everything is conciousness. Earth can be heaven. Its a state of being. Creation in motion is God. We are all part of God. We all create the world we live threw our thoughts , feelings and action. The moment we all understand this premise we can create the world we want to live in. Once again heaven is a state of being. Reality is not the past. We just think it exists. It does in a different timestamp because the universe is conciousness. Drop the past for just a moment. Its all gone all we have is how we think today is. If you drop the past all you have today and that is ever changing. We all are a pieces of God.