Japan v. South Korea (Differences)!

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Japan v. South Korea (Differences)!

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  1. If you're an introvert, than Japan is for you, you can do almost everything alone
    And if you're an extrovert (like me) than korea is for you,
    Nad if you like to be around people instead of robots or technology, than korea is just for you (and the you is me😅)

  2. It was not the UK that started the Opium War against China, but Jardine Matheson & Co., a member of the international financial capital Rothschild.At the end of Japan's Edo period, Admiral Matthew Perry, who came to Japan to open up Japan, was related by marriage to the Rothschild family.Japan's Meiji Restoration was a farce of conflict between the British and French Rothschilds for financial control.They instigated the civil war from behind the scenes, lent weapons and funds to both sides, and imposed financial control on the Emperor's side, which they hoped would help them win.For this purpose, Thomas Glover of Matheson & Co. was dispatched to Nagasaki, Japan.Weapons used during the American Civil War were also used during the Japanese Civil War.Japan's invasion of China and annexation of Korea were also part of Rothschild's strategy to dominate Asia using Japan and to counter Russia.They invested a huge amount of capital and know-how in order for Japan to expand overseas, leaving Japan mired in debt and forcing it to undergo rapid modernization.That's why the Sino-Japanese War, the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, and the Russo-Japanese War occurred.Rothschild gave a huge amount of money to Japan in order to get Japan involved in the Russo-Japanese War.So Japan won the war, but debt repayment was a priority.At that time, it was impossible for Japan, which lacked natural resources, to rapidly modernize on its own in a short period of time.The essence of World War I was that the British and French Rothschilds attacked Germany and Italy.Since Japan was financially dominated, Japan had to follow suit in Asia as well.Japan defied international financial capital on its way to freedom from being forever deprived of Asia's vast resources and assets.Japan aimed to become an Asian co-prosperity sphere.Therefore, Japan formed an alliance with Germany and Italy.American Jews pressured Japan into civil war.In order to participate in the war, the United States ignored the attack on Pearl Harbor despite knowing about it in advance, and portrayed itself as a victim.Neumann and other Jews developed the atomic bomb from the beginning with the intention of dropping it on Japan.After the war they claimed they had no intention of dropping the atomic bomb on Japan.Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has long been full of Korean residents in Japan, delayed the declaration of war in order to show the world that Japan was malicious.They leaked various information overseas in advance, including the attack on Pearl Harbor.International financial capital also used the Soviet Union, which they would later destroy, to counterattack Japan.They brainwashed China and Korea into thinking that Japan was a vicious invader and perpetrator.China and Korea have been fabricating history and teaching anti-Japan for many years in order to steal money from Japan.In China, the financial capital is obstructing the liberation of Asia, covering up the malicious interference, and still fabricating stories of impossible massacres and cruel Japanese troops.The annexation of Korea was also the intention of international financial capital.It was a stepping stone to the continent.Japan, which hesitated to annex Korea because it would increase debt, abolished the corrupt Korean royal palace, democratized Korea, improved the environment, and promoted industry.Korea wanted to become a great power like Japan and repeatedly petitioned Japan for annexation.Korea actively changed its name to Japanese so as not to be ridiculed by Chinese people.After Japan lost the Asian Liberation War, Korea claimed that Korea was a victim of Japan and that Korea was the victor.Korea is still trying to steal money from Japan by making all kinds of fabrications, such as being forcibly annexed, having their name taken away, being massacred, raped, and forced to be taken away.Japan recruited prostitutes in Korea to prevent the Japanese military from violently assaulting civilians on the mainland.Japan provided them with generous protection, including high salaries, benefits, and health.Korea, of course, claimed that prostitutes were forcibly taken away.Korea committed horrific crimes against ordinary women during the Vietnam War.Japanese traitors and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stole some large sums of money and gave it to China and Korea in order to hide it overseas.Japanese people who aimed to liberate Asia were judged as war criminals and executed.Emperor Showa Hirohito apologized to General MacArthur in order to protect the Japanese people.America still believes the atomic bomb was in retaliation for the attack on Pearl Harbor.The atomic bomb was a symbol of pride for Japan, which aimed to liberate Asia.There are parasites around Japan who make all kinds of fabrications and make money.

  3. Ukrainians and Russians differ in appearance. Russians have longer faces and larger features, while Ukrainians have rounder faces and tend to have smaller features. Russians usually have deep-set eyes and often drooping eyelids; Ukrainians have practically no drooping eyelids and have a more open look. According to statistics, Ukrainians are 5-6 centimeters taller than Russians. The nose is also quite often different, Ukrainians often have straight noses, and Russians often have the lower part of the nose raised to the top, simply called a snub nose. Just compare Navalny’s wife Yulia Navalnaya and the Ukrainian singer, the difference is immediately visible. Both nations are beautiful in their own way, however, they differ from each other like Japanese and Koreans for example.

  4. I love how outspoken, direct, and patriotic Koreans are. However, I would pick Japan all day due to safety, cultural diversity, food, cleanliness and overall quality of life.

  5. South Korea is for Gen Z. Uncultured, tiktok crazed, greasy cheesy spicy grimy food, loud music loud fashion plastic surgery.
    Japan is for everyone.

  6. Korea is literally the cheap, crappier version of Japan.
    I’ve been to both countries, and to me it seems like Korea is trynna copy Japan but failed to do so 😂

  7. 세계에서 가장 친절하고 안전하며
    최첨단 기술을 보유.강력한 문화사업
    이나라는 바로 한국.일본 입니다
    두나라 모두 훌륭해🇰🇷🤝🇯🇵

  8. Ong people are fighting over which country is better and idk why but foreigners are disrespecting other countries more than korean and Japanese people. And us korean people say japan is better to live and is better overall and yall foreigners are fighting over that lol