Israel’s Changing War, Embassy Raids and More

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Israel’s Changing War, Embassy Raids and More

The world moves quickly. They’ll be an analysis of the Iran/Israel latest in a couple of days. Thanks for your patience.

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  1. I'm tired of people expecting things when if the roles were reversed, they'd watch you suffer. It applies so many places today. & I know, I'm heartless. I'm just over it all.

  2. the so called attack on isreal by iran was a joint military excercise, hence there's barely any footage ,jets took off and returned with full payloads and we don't even have sightings of debris just some fireworks over tel aviv ,all media reports was pure hearsay.but the mission's objective was accomplished. , Iran got to flex it's 'muscles' ,the US/Uk got to be the Heroes and bill them for for weapons and PR Excercise and well Isreal got to play the victim #diplomacy the kicker ZERO CASUALTIES 😔 NOT EVEN THE AVENGERS HAVE THESE CAPABILITIES

  3. How quickly we forget that after 9/11 the whole world supported 2 invasion of middle eastern countries and no one really cared how the terrorists were stopped or how many civilians were killed or displaced. But we also even quicker forgot that Hamas murdered and brutalized in the most horrific ways in cold blood over a thousand innocent elderly, woman, children and babies. Also kidnapped 100’s more innocent people brutalizing them without mercy and are still holding them dead or alive no one really knows. Meanwhile almost immediately the whole world stands against Isreal and calls their actions borderline genecide and demand Isreal immediately stop. How sick the level of anti semitism I hear all over the news and then come here and here it repeated. Hamas is well documented and notorious for using its citizens as shields and then their deaths as propaganda. Let’s also not forget that no Arab country has offered to let alone taken any of the Palestinian refugees. They only attack Isreal in the name of Palestine. Oh and Egypt has a very large border with Gaza yet no aid has been allowed to use that border because it is blocked by a fence. No one seems to want to talk about this stuff only how mean Israel is and how they are the sole bad guys in this conflict. If my wife and 2 under 5 daughters were slaughtered like so many Israeli women and children were I would care less what the world thought about how I brought the sick evil person to justice.

  4. Why does the writer and Simon so blindly follow clear and proven propaganda. The same reason you say benefits Russia the most is exactly the same for Ukraine. By blaming Russia they get the propaganda win showing that Putin has now escalated to nuclear and thus any response is justified and possibly even necessary. This goes for both sides which makes it all the more scary either way. Let’s not forget that Ukraine has been working with the CIA, MI6 and many other agencies in attacking Russia and using false flags for propaganda against Russia. This has been proven but no one wants to talk about it. I don’t believe either side and the only victims are the citizens.

  5. You ever wonder why it seems like the global state is a mess? Because world leaders are politicians that make a career out of doing it. No one knows war except for people that have been the war, and yet we have nobody in charge of our troops leading them with experience. For over three generations of politicians, not a single one of them I’ve been to war.

  6. Simon, the Constitutional Scholar, thinks that american Electoral College is like Somalia's tribalism. This intelectual atrocity named Simon doesn't realize that without Electoral colege politicians at federal level and special the candidat to presidency will campaing in only 10-12 the most populous states which will dictate the policies and the funds for the rest of less papulated states. Simon's first segment, I'm pretty sure, was plagiarized from Hammas. Word by word. I have to go back to the Archives to see if Simon had a vlog and commntary about Oct 7th 2023 , and the rape of girls and women , the torture and the decapitation of infants and the burning of new born in the front of their mothers. Simon, the product of England post Christian, post Capitalist, and post British Culture. Pathetic and sad. The decline and involution of a Civilization

  7. Israel first allowed Hamas to attack to have casus belli in order to remove Gaza, now they want to use allies to remove danger from Iran by attacking their embassy.

  8. Why is a nuclear power plant operating in a war zone. Should have been shut down a long time ago! Guess when it releases radiation they will blame both sides. Those who decide what happens probably live far away from it.

  9. as a christian, its kinda funny watching two groups who mock and oppress christians, go to war with each other. Lord have mercy on the children who perish, as you said "The kingdom belongs to them", dont hold them accountable, in Jesus Name.

  10. This guy has zero credibility. He did an entire video and have glowing support to the Ukrainians using a suicide truck bomb on the Kerch bridge. He actually went into the engineering of how the bridge was “totally unusable”….

    He supported terrorism and the funniest part was he was totally wrong. It’s 2 years later and the bridge has never been closed more than a week.

  11. Well, that was one sided and a biased video. I hope when the truth eventually come out. People will return to hold Simon and the channel writing responsible. It's crazy to compare Israeli hostages to Palestian "prisoners". It almost sounds as if they are merely a political prisoners, and not something else.

  12. One of the main themes of Israel’s defence at the ICJ was ‘we have notified citizens to evacuate to the south’. Now they have been killing civilians in the south for months and it’s going to get worse. How anyone can claim they are not committing genocide is beyond me.

  13. The amount of BIAS and BULLSHIT in this video is INSANE!

    Some examples of many:

    1. Ignoring the fact that Hamas rejected every peace deal thus far.
    2. Ignoring the fact that Israel has repeatedly stated at nauseum that it would unsure Rafah will be evacuated from civilians to a safe location before starting military operations and acting as though this will not happen.
    3. Saying Netanyahu so many times as if HE is the only one in Israel that wants to destroy Hamas even though the war against Hamas is supported by the vast majority of the population, and Netanyahu is an elected official in a democracy.
    4. Never mentioning the real danger that Hamas posses to Israel, their open stated intent of destroying Israel and killing Jews, their clear and open statements saying they will NEVER stop committing terror attacks until Israel is destroyed, their repeated success in destroying any hopes for peace with Palestinians over the decades, their CLEAR war crimes when they brainwash kids into hatred, send KIDS to fight and commit suicide attacks, fight amongst civilians, fight below civilians, use civilian clothing, use civilian infrastructure, use tunnels that could be used to protect civilians while not allowing civilians to use them, kidnapping killing and torturing hostages from babies to elderly, stealing money from Palestinians for decades, stealing the aid the enters for the civilians for themselves and then selling what is left at a very high markup, etc….
    5. Ignoring the fact that Hamas is demanding that Israel release convicted terrorist that have killed MANY Israelis in the past and will most definitely do so again if released, demanding that Israel completely withdraw from Gaza and let Hamas continue to exist while stating they will NEVER stop attacking Israelis, and acting as though Israel is the "bad guy" for not accepting these unfathomable ridiculous and suicidal conditions that would undoubtedly lead to MANY deaths of Israelis in the future.
    6. Saying Israel is "trading fire with Hezbollah" without mentioning that Hezbollah ATTACKED Israel is beyond absurd!
    7. Acting as though Israelis want a ceasefire in any way shape or form and it is only the "far right" that want a war because they are blood thirsty or something when in reality Israelis want to destroy Hamas because of its stated intent and actions over the past decades culminating finally in Oct 7th. when Israelis decided this can no longer be tolerated and safety through defense only is a mistake because it is bound to fail at some point with such an enemy that has no regard for human rights, peace, or anything to suggest they would EVER stop if not stopped.
    8. Talking about the general killed in an embassy adjacent building and acting as if it was THE embassy building, not mentioning the fact that this general is the commander of the Quds force (Jerusalem force) that is responsible for creating and arming Iranian proxies that are constantly attacking Israel on Iranian behalf, and not mentioning the this commander was involved in Oct 7th, and not mentioning the fact that at that very moment he was meeting high ranking Hezbollah and Syrian proxies in an attempt to coordinate further attacks against Israel.

    This is either criminal or just ENORMOUS ignorance and arrogance!

  14. None of us know what its like to live like they do….. totally surrounded by states that would rather they disappear. I'm not sure I wouldn't be angry and want revenge. 🇬🇧🇮🇱✌️

  15. You really have no clue what is going on over there but keep toeing the liberal party line. I should have known you couldn’t be unbiased. It’s so easy to just say the facts but you always have to inject subtlety or direct liberal propaganda

  16. One thing you failed to mention is that everybody in that region around Israel and including Israel only acknowledge strength and might start talking start retreating start doing nothing and your enemies will come for you. It is a very sad thing to say but all them countries around the area like I’ve already stated they only recognise military force and military strength. There is too much distrust and hatred of each other for any other means to be possible people try to look at that region of the world with the same ideals and values we have here in the west and it doesn’t work I hate this part where Israel always being told to calm down don’t overreact Even by the Americans even after last Sunday when he ran the fight pretty much 300 projectiles/missiles/drones at Israel can you imagine what the United States of America would’ve been doing right this moment if a country had fired that amount of crap their countrythey have the balls to tell Israel they have to calm down the entire things are powder cake and it will go bang bang very quickly I think and in this video you mention about these Israeli hostages which were taken I would say knowing how evil the other side are you can pretty much put a fair estimate on at least over half of those have been assassinated. That’s how terrorist work? I wish people would stop looking at these terrorist with Western eyes thinking they can be changed they cannot

  17. Tune in next week, assuming there is a next week, for more thrilling adventures with Simon Wistler!.. every modern studies students worst nightmare and greatest friend.

  18. Mr. Whistler, I would like to correct you on a single point you made. The aid convoy made several mistakes which were preventable, that led to the subsequent tragedy.
    1) It was past 23:00h that day so the non-reflective, non-IR markings on the roof of the vehicles were not visible by commonly used surveillance equipment at the time with the amount of daylight available (virtually zero)
    2) the aid convoy did not stick together, the 3 vehicles that were hit broke away from the convoy to return early, not sticking to the itinerary
    3) the convoy used armed mercenaries with rifles as security which was not disclosed to the IDF and in fact goes against procedure for aid convoys in Gaza
    4) the culmination of an unmarked group of 3 vehicles with individuals inside them armed with rifles who then got out and jumped on top of parked vehicles to discharge weapons fire into the air to disperse crowds, drawing the attention of Israeli drones is what led to the tragic deaths of those 7 aid workers who didn't think it wise enough to stay in contact with the IDF while operating in a conflict zone

  19. I'm sure this took a lot of work, and the later stuff was really interesting but the Israel stuff was completely outdated already and may cause more confusion than information as Iran attacking Israel has changed that war in a major way

  20. Don't anybody in the West be politically empathetic.
    not my fault morons want to fight.
    I want my Western Democratic taxes spent on Western Democratic matters…
    Folk wanna be Neanderthal,
    Let them…

  21. You really need better moral clarity with the Hamas war. Hamas started this, Hamas kills Israeli citizens and hides behind their own. There was a de-facto "cease-fire" before Oct 7. Hamas WANTS their own citizens killed, they literally say as much. Hamas can end the invasion immediately by surrendering. Yet you have harsh words for Israel constantly but nothing for Hamas or the fact that an overwhelming majority of the people in Gaza support terrorism.