Israel Recalls Ireland, Norway Ambassadors on Palestine Decision

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Bloomberg Television

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Israel Recalls Ireland, Norway Ambassadors on Palestine Decision

Israel recalled its ambassadors to Ireland and Norway after the two nations announced they would recognize a Palestinian state. The move by the two European states was soon followed by Spain. Around 140 countries already recognize a Palestinian state, but very few in Europe. Bloomberg’s Joumanna Bercetche reports.

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  1. I believe Israel should return the favor and recognize Euzkadi, Catalunya, and Galiza as independent states. The Sapmi should also be recognized as independent of their Norwegian overlords.

  2. Norway and Sweeden people i think like nuslim cokck because not only that they filled europe with this creatures by giving them passports like water but they persisting in this . Never expected this 2 countries will become the bin of Europe soon most scandinavians will be living in caves again and all what them ancestors build will be full ruin . No spine , no personality no nothing from this countries just blind obedience to them refugees . Probably if Norway and Sweeden would have just not have this generation living now there and destroying everything and this countries would have just been deserted for 40 years would have still looked better .

  3. If two ethnic groups can’t co-exist in peace, two state solution should be agreed upon for the region’s best interest, It might still be a thorn in the bush in the long run like in the case of India-Pakistan partition, but at least the apartheid can end with both states being represented as permanent members in international leagues like the UN etc. Clearly what is happening now is an attempt by Isreal to execute ethnic cleansing, killing 35000 people and rendering the land unliveable IS ethnic cleansing. This will only further isolate Israel in the world arena. Alternate media platforms are exposing their lobbying and almost every wrong move and more and more people are moving away from mainstream media to alternate platforms to learn the truth. It’s just a matter of time before the world realizes that support from superpowers doesn’t work anymore

  4. Ireland, Norway, and Spain hasn't won a major war in 100 years so Israel won't be taking lessons on how to win a war against Hamas from them.

  5. Norway, Spain and Ireland. Their ambassadors recalled…wow. These three countries leaders are out of their minds.
    Zechariah 2:8-10
    [8]For thus says the Lord of hosts, "After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.
    [9]For behold, I will wave My hand over them so that they will be plunder for their slaves. Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent Me.
    [10]Sing for joy and be glad, O daughter of Zion; for behold I am coming and I will dwell in your midst," declares the Lord.

  6. As an American, I will not buy goods from or vacation in any country that recognizes “Palestine”. Hamas literally entered Israel and put babies in ovens, now you want to create a state for them? The U.S. should absolutely leave NATO, American soldiers should not be bound to protect those that literally back terrorists.

  7. Glad to have the Israeli ambassador gone from Ireland. She's been on TV here for months spouting their propaganda shite. The Irish people have been calling for her expulsion anyway so god speed.

  8. The problem with this is that the Palestinians have been offered their own nation multiple times if they would only acknowledge Israel's right to exist and promise not to attack Israel. The Palestinians turned down all these offers. What Norway, Ireland and Spain are saying is that they're OK with the Palestinians attacking Israel and don't think that Israel has a right to exist. So basically, the governments of Norway, Ireland and Spain are coming out of the closet and admitting that they're anti-Semitic governments.

  9. So how does this work, UN will unrecognize Israel in place of Palestine? or do we just rid of the place of Jews. We all know Terrorism pays, the US pay off Terrorist all the time

  10. Is Israel at war with hamas or Palestine??? You cant punish the Palestinians for Hamas. The innocent murders of civilians needs to stop

  11. GET THEM OUT OF ISRAEL NOW! No ambassador in Israel who voted for this crap! TERRORIST GIVEN A STATE! They’ve never created anything just terror!