Israel-Gaza: UK arms sales to Israel should end, say legal experts | BBC News

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BBC News

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Israel-Gaza: UK arms sales to Israel should end, say legal experts | BBC News

Three former Supreme Court justices have joined more than 600 legal experts in calling for the UK government to end weapons sales to Israel.

In a letter to the prime minister, they said exports must end because the UK risks breaking international law over a “plausible risk of genocide” in Gaza.

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  1. They’ve been in breach of international law since they retaliated. Funny how we’re only thinking about stopping arms deals when 2 UK citizens are killed, not when they were killing 10’s of thousands of Palestinians.

  2. Ahh, that explains it maybe, a former member of the corrupt legal system , worked by corrupt government politicians, now trying to imply he has moral standing 🤷‍♂️, y’couldn’t make this shit up , and it’s broadcast to the public by a sensationalist media 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  3. The UK should expand arms sakes. Also the UK should start deporting far left Islamic Nazis radicals funded by foreign governments and their reign of terror against British Jews, all under Conservative Party Police protection. The BBC should have its right to broadcast News removed by OFCOM for its constant anti semetic pro terrorist propaganda concerning Israel and the danger and hate it fosters as it puts British Jews in danger.

  4. Arms sales from the UK should never have stared!, it's shameful!, and so is the whole narrative that hostilities in gaza began with the October bombing.., convenient part truths to justify chaos and death! While a few rich blokes line their pockets off the backs of suffering children!, who's running this country? Himler?..

  5. Asking for a friend:
    If the Russian military
    were to hide among the civilian Russian population
    and change their military uniforms to civilian clothes,
    while attacking Ukraine,
    should Ukraine stop defending itself because of that?
    And if the answer is no,
    will the Russian army casualties
    be counted as civilians, just because they are dressed in civilian clothes?

  6. What are the woke lefty BBC so concerned about ? The UK provide 0.002 % of arms to Israel compared to 50% USA 30% China. Stop your UK hating habits BBC. It's constant. No mater what Lord simpleton says

  7. 33,000 palestinian dead, 200 social worker dead, 7 food aid worker dead: Israel Netanyaou is a murderer. arrest him – $10 billion aid to Israel from the US… Arrest Bidden and his government for being accessory to murder. US Voting against or/and abstaining on the UN Cease Fire Resolution in Gazais a disgrace to America…. Shame… Shame…

  8. At least half of Israeli's population today is made up of Jews who came directly from Morocco, Yemen, Iraq, and other Middle Eastern and North African countries when they were kicked out by Muslim majority governments as collective punishment for the establishment of Israel. It's simply not the case that all the current population is made up of European Jews.

    Also, just for the sake of historical perspective: the Hebrews can be traced back to the land to at least 1200 BCE, while the Arab Muslims conquered the area in the 600s CE. That doesn't mean 1400 years of continuous habitation by Arabs is invalidated, but it can paint a more nuanced picture for those who can only see the conflict in an overly simplistic colonizer/indigenous paradigm.

  9. Does anyone else find it coincidentally that the U.S.'s joint chief of staff seemly went ill days after returning from Israel at the start of Israel campaign in Gaza. It's likely that he had determined that he wasn't going to be the face of Israel genocide.

  10. They left their original and legitimate homelands, and were involved in an illegitimate state, the occupying state, the best country in the world in terms of privileges and rights. The extremist has more rights than the Israeli citizen. In the new occupation law, all citizens of Israeli citizenship will be blackmailed in the new emergency law, and the stripping and freezing of every citizenship right. Human legitimacy is in the event of refusal to serve in the military, then the shock will be that whoever sells his homeland for another country that is illegitimate and not guaranteed for money will regret it.

  11. The exact meaning of racism is that 34,000 Palestinian men, women and children were killed, but it was not seen as much as the death of 7 employees of the global kitchen!!!😮

  12. The Israeli government need to sit back and think and take a look at themselves. The Palestinian ppl were there before the 40's and you would thinks they of all ppl would understand as a ppl what it's like and would never want to treat other humans that way and you'd certainly think that they wouldn't want to look that way which they slowly are in my view . There has to be a way for a two states to work 😢so all can live peacefully as they wouldn't be there only to the fact what happend back in 30/40`s

  13. Then Jesus cried out and said, “He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me. 45 And he who sees Me sees Him who sent Me. 46 I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness. 47 And if anyone hears My words and does not [a]believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. 48 He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him—the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day. 49 For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak. 50 And I know that His command is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak.
    John 12:44-50✝️🌈💖

  14. Just nonsense… Antisemitic bbc. International court of justice of the UN whose employees actively participated in the genocide of jews is now trying to coverup.

    Either way… Israel doesn't buy weapons from the uk…

  15. Benjamin Netanyahu has "achieved" something truly jaw dropping – he has become even more sick in the head and evil than Yahya Sinwar. At first I sympathised with Israel, now I am so in a state of shock with watching the merciless mass murder of innocent children by Nasty Netanyahu I find it difficult to sympathise with Israel over anything and one has to question the IQ's of their leaders to do these things. They have turned into public relations dunces. The way Israel is behaving they will isolate themselves.

  16. After decades of brutal & illegal occupation, oppression & dehumanisation by Israel, and 13,000 children killed in this conflict. The UK government panders to Israel and is pathetic.

  17. "Boris Johnson: Shameful to call for UK to end arms sales to Israel". This is a headline on the BBC news and another story supporting Israel after they murdered British aid workers. The BBC is back manipulating news stories when they should be supporting the British people who died helping others. Johnson is a bought man who has never done a selfless deed in his life. Even when he is gone, he is back like something you stepped on.

  18. Israel kills anyone who hinders its mission, including western citizens themselves. Why do western governments still blindly support Israel's crimes?

  19. Maybe now the UK and Poland and Australia are able to get a little of the vibe of what "10000, 20000, 30000 dead civilians" has been speaking to the Global South :

    With Israel Occupation Fiends, such trigger-happy megalomaniac butchers on the loose, anybody could be next, any time.