Israel at War: 1948 | 5 Minute Videos
Two thousand years after being expelled from their ancient homeland, and a mere three years after the Holocaust, the modern state of Israel was established by the United Nations. But having a legal claim to the land was one thing—being able to keep it was another. Michael Oren tells the tale of Israel’s War of Independence.
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Israel before war 1948:
I recommend watching a movie called tantura a documentary after watching this propaganda
There is no connection between the word palestina to the Arabs that today called themselves palestinian only for political reason. Syria palestina was name given by the Roman to all the area were today is syria jordan lebanon and israel. In the sies picot agreement syria and lebanon gave to france, after that britain gave the eastern part of palestina to the Hashemite family from Saudi arabia for they help in first world war, that how the kingdom of jordan was created.
To 8020, a agree all what you said. That what I said. The Arabs that today called themselves palestinian before israel was created they called themselves only Arabs and they considered themselves as syrian Arabs. We both say the same.
The reason Arabs didn't teach their kids the full history of these wars is because of they knew they might come to the belief that God favors the Jews not them. That would destroy the ability of Muslim terror groups to recruit kids into armies and as suicide bombers.
King David bought the area for 500 shekels, it belongs to the jews.
هل تصدقون حقًا ما تقولونه؟ أنني أستطيع أن أرى كيف حكوماتكم ابدعت حكوماتكم في صناعة أبواق أعلامية لتسييركم جميعًا كالخراف.
عندما كان المسلمون في السلطة لأكثر من 1400 عام ازدهر اليهود وحظوا بذروتهم العلمية والفكرية وكانوا في رخاء، وكان القاضي يقضي لهم بالتوراة، ولم يكن احداً قادر على ايذائهم، أو حتى يطلب منهم الانضمام الى الجيش وقت الحروب لانهم كانوا يدفعون الجزية (الضريبة)، ولكن عندما اراد الله ان تضعف امتنا وابتعدنا عن الحكم قامت المجازر بحق اليهود وتعلمون ماهي ابرزها ولن اذكرها احترماً لهم.
أنظروا الى كل الدول العربية! اقسم لكم انكم ستجدون لكم اثاراً مثل سوريا واليمن والسعودية ومصر والمغرب! ماذا بكم! لا اريد منكم ان تتبعوني كما فعلتم في هذا المقطع كالعُمي … استمعوا ممن تثقون واسمعوا رواية وادلة الطرف الآخر وسوف تعلمون!
حينما اتيتم الى السلطة قتلتوا المسلمين ولكن لو عدنا يوماً ما والله لن نقتلكم كما قتلتونا بسبب مافعله رسولنا عند دخوله مكه منتصراً على اعدائه عائداً الى بلاده وبين يديه من قتلوا اصحابه وعذبوه ولكنه لم ينتقم وقال جملته الشهيرة عليه الصلاة والسلام (لا تثريب عليكم اليوم، اذهبوا فأنتم الطلقاء (بمعنى الأحرار)) وقال الله عز وجل : (يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تكونوا كالذين آذوا موسى فبرأه الله مما قالوا وكان عند الله وجيها)، (الأحزاب 69).
Does PragurU have a Historytube channel? Does PragurU recommed any Historytube channels?
As a Jew, I mourn the 6,000 Jews who were killed in this war and they and many others who would have lived long lives if not for Zionism. I don't care about the Arabs. Zionism kills Jews.
Am Yisrael Chai!!! Should've done this video a long time ago and posted it a million times! Maybe those ivy league students would've thought twice before protesting! 🤔🤨
barnegdenstad 2148 : i want to correct your little mistake. Palestina is the name of the entire region where today is syria, jordan, lebanon and israel and the west bank. The area where israel is today is considered southern syria. And the Arabs in the region asw themselves as syrian Arabs. The name palestina was given by the European after the Philistines who lived in the region of Ashkelon and Gaza during the Bible time. The Arabs who lived in the area are not the Philistines and they always considered themselves Arabs and did not use the name palestinian. During the war in 1947 it was the Arabs League not the Palestinian league. Only after the establishment of the state of Israel the Arabs begin to call themselves palestinian only for political reasons. I RECOMMEND YOU READ ABOUT THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN FAISAL AND WEIZMANN FROM JANUARY 1919 IN THE PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE. IN THIS AGREEMENT THE ARABS WANT BIG ARABS STATE CALLED BIG SYRIA AND THEY ACCEPT THE THE JEWISH WILL HAVE A STATE IN THE AREA WHERE IS ISRAEL TODAY, ONLY WHEN THEY LEARNED ABOUT THE SECRET AGREEMENT BETWEEN BRITAIN AND FRANCE CALLED SIES PICOT AGREEMENT THEY FELT BETRAYED BECAUSE THEY LEARNED THAT SYRIA GO TO FRANCE. AND THEY STARTED TO DEVELOP NEW IDENTITY SEPARATE FROM THE SYRIANS AND THE JORDANIANS. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE SYRIANS THE JORDANIANS AND THE PALESTINIAN.
More then 70% of Jordanians are palestinian and the rest are bedouins. Before that during the ottoman rule the entire area that today syria jordan irak and israel was without borders and called syria palestina. Britain and france divided the area between them and france get syria and lebanon. When the Arabs learned about the secret agreement between britain and france called sies picot agreement they felt betrayed and started to develop new identity separate from the Syrians and the Jordanians. Before that they want big Arabs state called big syria. The Palestinian jordanian and syrian are the same people they all Arabs. In the past the Palestinian considered themselves as syrian Arabs they never called themselves palestinian, only after the state of Israel created only them they started to call themselves palestinian and only for political reason. Before the war in 1947 it was the Arabs league not the Palestinian league.
When britain received the mandate over the region they gave the eastern part of palestina to the Hashemite family from Saudi arabia, for they help in first world war. That how the kingdom of jordan was created.
Propaganda at its finest
At the time of United Nation's partition… how many Jews were already living in Israel vs. how many migrated to Israel (at this time). For those that were not already living there and migrated after the UN partition… where did they go to live? Who's home's or property did they end up at?
"Don't go East! They hate you there! I wouldn't go West either if I were you."
– Soviet Officer, Schindler's List
Many people keep saying "they should've given a piece of Germany to the Jews" but they would be hated for occupying land that was native to its inhabitants – the German people. To some extent, the Poles too – who failed to protect them during the Second World War. Where else would they feel safe and loved? Their historic homeland with their brethren already with them.
This video is so full of omissions or down right lies it's useless as a history lesson.
so was there an isreal before 1948????? nope! free Palestine ! and 32 county Ireland!
By genocide and war crimes and taking more land this is bs
Zionists propaganda
Long Live Israel from South Africa 🇿🇦
The rats at Prager U are pushing lies and propaganda for Israel and deleting any negative comments.
It’s almost as if you forcibly claimed their land of which palestine was already a land with great religious diversity from christian to islamic and jewish, and decided to pretend like taking peoples land was your given right simply because britain ordained it so. Instead of joining palestine and coexistence
Thinking beings suffer from one major liability – the ability to divorce thought from the facts of existence, the ability to generate ideas, abstractions which may appear plausible but which are in fact false. Thinkers can choose to fantasize, and then to impose upon others and the environment their fantastical notions, often through the use of deception and even force. Such is the history of Mankind – a battle between truth (ideation connected to existence and validated by observation) and falsity (ideation divorced from existence and "validated" by faith or by whim). The one factor which renders falsity so devastating to human existence is the belief that the INITIATON of FORCE by one human against another human is ever justified. It is NOT. Thus, the U.N. "voting" to seize the homeland of one people and hand it over to another people who had not, themselves, through nonviolent efforts in THIS lifetime, EARNED that homeland, was an act of war against the existing local population. Political institutions have no more right to violate others than individuals do! The foundation of the modern State of Israel is a form of imposed generational "reparations" in which individuals now living are being held responsible for the claimed sins of their ancestors. Based on that "logic", virtually every human in every group must now owe some other human in some other group some kind of reparations, for all groups and all individuals have ancestors who committed sins against someone, somewhere, sometime. The only remedy for the mess in the Middle East is to strip from man's philosophies the very idea that the initiation of force by one against another or others is ever justified. It is not, and resorting to it AGAIN will not ever remedy the sins of the past. Time travel is impossible. It IS time to get on with our lives and create a future worth living in.
Israel has a right to exist and defend itself.
❤️🇮🇱עם ישראל חי
Isnotreal is real Israel is not
3:55 The details on what actually transpired are not very clear that it was unprovoked or a preemptive strike to break the truce by Egypt but all the information I’ve heard over the years points towards no reasonable explanation for Egypt’s aggression.
Ironically, the name Palestine was created by the Romans to erase Israel from existence.
As an atheist and strong supporter of Israel, I find it disconcerting when Conservative Christians express fervent support for Israel. Many of them base their support on religious beliefs rooted in mythological Bible stories, which they believe will lead them to a heavenly afterlife. This support often seems more about their own ideological agenda than genuine concern for Jewish people. It’s a troubling reality that their motivations are often driven by their own fantastical views rather than a true commitment to the Jewish community.
Jews are good and all Arabs are bad, this is the PragerU Dogma they feed to help the zionist movement. Keep eating it up in the comments.
"If you will it, it is no dream, Dude."
-Walter Sobchak, The Big Lebowski (1998)
Between 1949 and 1967, West Bank was officially part of Jordan and Gaza was occupied by Egypt, but Pro-Palestinians never mention this fact.
The supporters of Palestine don't like factual history and will probably come to downvote this video.
Not "Palestinians". They didn't exist in 1948. They are made up after 1967 war. They are all Arabs as far as i'm concerned.
Yes the UN voted for the creation of Israel BUT, and is a big one, all the arab countries in the UN opposed to be created there, because you know… new neigbours are not the easiest of people.
Imagine someone propose that Michigan will be an independent state for scientologysts, every country except Canada and the US agrees but its created nontheless, because there are so many christian and arab countries but none of the followers of xenu
Thank you for making these types of videos. You are educating many many people.
Even the Qur'an mentions Israelites 40 more times and even said the Israelites live in Jerusalem, the Qur'an never even mention Palestine and Palestinians once