Is Institutional Racism At the Heart of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Departure ? // Ep 127

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Is Institutional Racism At the Heart of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Departure ? // Ep 127

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Following Prince Harry and Meghan…



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  1. Excellent layman’s explanation of how white privilege operates to diminish the experience of black and black biracial peoples experience Phrankleen. Younjust have to watch how Piers Morgan has behaved on GMB. Words failed me. He decided he would decide whether racism has played a part not black people. The mask has really come off on him. Just watch his tactics. I never seen a bigger bully in operation. The way he becomes animated. The UK will always be the master manipulator,, gaslighting the masses to convince them it is beyond racism. The Harry and Meghan story could not be a better example of how this is operating and playing itself out. They have shown how far they are prepared to go by even racialising their own at the very top of their society and institution, in this case Harry in to maintain the status quo. If you didn’t believe it before people best believe it now. Meghan instantly felt it moving here. Things are bad in the US etc with race but you cannot even begin to compare how far forward they are in race relations compared to here in UK. They don’t want Harry anymore since he procreated with Meghan. Fortunately he never really wanted them when he grew and realised the institution he was born into. I think he chose Meghan knowing it would lead to his way out. I think we are going to see one happy man right there 🙏🏽

  2. Let me jusr stop you there…Meghan plays the race card to cover up her disrespectful behaviour to the Queen country and other royals. She makes no claim to be black and has ditched all her black family members, She does not want her children to associate with them because they are black. So stop playig this race card & understand this narcisist . She only likes herself, uses people,drop them when she gets wat she wants. She sets a trsp to hook Harry and he falls into it. In Spanish she has stated that she is no black.,she uses skin whitining, does plastic surgery on her nose to straighten it. When she went to zTronto she did not connect with any black person. So all of you STOP PLAYING MEGHANS RACE CARD

  3. I totally agree with you, some people of colour are too licky,.licky, they willl sell out their black sisters and brothers for crumbs . I do respect black and white because there's only ONE creator however, I

    detest RACISM. Meghan faces a great deal of racist abuse from many quarters in the UK. May God
    have mercy on the haters.

  4. The British Royals are true racists. Remember the British Eugenics Society. When Prince Philip complains that there are too many humans on the planet, we all know too well that what he really means is : "there is too much "colored people". They represent the exact opposite of our dear Canadian values. It is about time we proud Canadians stop kissing those Royal B**T and become a Proud, Sovereign, Independent, Prosperous Nation.

  5. So so real talk thanks bru for putting me more on point to carry knowledge an awareness to our people although my education not long I'm still a instrument to my people just like you

  6. Meghan was intensely welcomed until she criticized the world for global warming while she took frequent private jets, despite most royals use commercial airlines. She reeks of privilege and entitlement. Visits Africa where people are dying of Covid and has a successful tour, then discusses her victimization. The world is disgusted.

  7. I was so aghast at Britains and how they treated Meghan Markle. The same people who admonished Trump were the same people making these casually racist statements about Meghan. I am black and always considered Meghan a mixed raced person. Unlike Obama, her skin tone is quite fair and it was harder for me to see her as a black woman but I like and accept her as a mixed raced person. What kills me is how vile and vicious the media was towards her. Kate ( who did everything under the heavens to get Prince William) was considered an Angel and Meghan some sort of villian? Dismissing Meghan's priveledged upbringing that was equal to that of her sister in laws and saying she was Straight out of Compton! Inquiring about what color little Archie would be and actually having discussions on it 🙄🙄🙄.. it was horrible and then they were salty when they left. They called it MEGXIT, like seriously? When this was so obviously Harry's decision. I saw an interview in 95 when Harry said he didnt want to be a Prince and wanted to live a normal life. I mean come on! Yet its her fault. All of this and virtually no press coverage or comments on Prince Andrew and the whole Epstein situation but Meghan and Harry are the villains.

  8. What I find interesting is how the media has changed the minds of how many respond to homosexuality (as if it's a new thing). They've even coined the phrase "Love is love," which means absolutely nothing. However, they refuse to use the same tactics to make racist ideology socially disallowable. One can only surmise that racism is a social construct that is permitted.

  9. 10:10" and when you confront them, they be like: "Oh oh that's not what i mean, that's just comes out wrong, oh i did not mean it like that, oh i have no idea…! …! I REALLY don't mean it like that🙄🙄🙄
    Yeah right!!!
    White PEOPLE ARE very "calculative" they know EXACTLY what they wont to do before doing IT!!!



  11. I,m white. I,m on the fence with issues like these simply because so called "statistics" and "facts" nowadays are always being manipulated or twisted by different agendas. One side will say one thing, another will say something completely different. If you claim to have been a victim of assault based on racial hatred or someone has verbally abused you with racial slurs I wouldn't dismiss your claims just like that, but until we've proven the incident actually happened and got ourselves the perpetrator its just a claim and in this harsh world police, services etc get cut so looking at through a police officers eyes if there responsible for a particularly violent area if you get verbally abused with racial slurs there going to look at that like either we devote our time and efforts towards the gangsters, the rapists and the murderers or we get the individual who offended you, there always gonna devote more time and resources to the first option, not saying that your claims shouldn't be investigated.

    I believe that racism exists throughout the entire world everyone is capable of it no matter who they are, where they live or what color their skin is, we,re all capable of it. Should we speak out against it and take practicable action to stop things like this happening to all people?, yes, but will we?, the most likely answer is no and that's because as human beings we look at as " If it doesn't affect me, why should I care?" so on an individual level most people will do whats in their own self interest i.e. whats going to make them richer?, how are they going to take care of there family?, how are they going to afford that dream car or get that dream job?.

    Fighting someone else's battles to them is a waste of time as they don't get anything out of it themselves, so to them your problems are not there problems so they won't concern themselves with it. I don't think the abuse she's been at the end of is justified I don't really have an opinion about her myself. Of course your right in saying its the media kicking up a fuss it always is.I,m not sure man its such a volatile subject that its difficult to be certain what the correct approach is, interesting video nonetheless thank you for sharing.

  12. Harry and Meghan made the right decision to leave this country. The racism here is deadlier as you said because they do it covertly. Institutional racism is infiltrated in every aspect of life of black people in this country. if a black person is involved in any form of investigation within an official organisation, the person should expect very little to no mercy. They take one look and yep, guilty. No such thing as innocent till proven guilty where black people are concerned.
    They usually try everything in their power to conceal their true intentions, as they find it extremely embarrassing when they get caught out. I find them to be one of the most two-faced human beings on this planet.

  13. Hello Phrankleen, in ITV prog Loose women, I was surprised to hear one of the panelist’s Saira Khan of Pakistan origin saying there is no racism in this Country. I understand her husband Steve is white English. But that not withstanding she could not face reality. My husband also a white English man from Bermondsey was shocked to hear such from Saira Khan. Saira did not stop there she went ahead to say that Meghan had left the Country she met intact now DIVIDED. Can you imagine? Where is Afua Hirsch, Hayesa Hazareka, Trisha Goddard, Shola Shogbamimu etc to come out more -& tell Saira Khan off. We need more strong voice like yours. What the hell is happening? The World is watching!

  14. Racism in the highest order. But How can a father become a useful instrument in the hand of his daughter’s great enemy. At first it was like a joke that Meghan ghosted Piers . Then slowly & gradually it becomes visible & clear that it seems PM fancy Meghan & she never came back to take more from what PM planned for her having found a younger, handsome Prince. Trust me if by mistake Meghan had played in to his hand by now he’ll would have let loose. This man does not want to get over missing Meghan. Even his mother appealed to him . He said it on air when Meghan’s baby arrived . Lord Sugar told him to get over it. Yet No this man is crying & weeping over losing out on beautiful Meghan. Till today he still abuse Diana because Camilla is his friend. Camilla fears him so she gives him crumbs of left over from Charles’s left over organic food😃 so you will never ever hear Piers Morgan saying rude things to adulterer Camilla. The best that Harry could do is what he has done. Meghan has no family except God, Harry, Archie & her mum. The rest is noise. I am sure palace used worse than Piers Morgan. If they gave assurance from the palace especially Charles, Kate & William then it might be a sort of balm to soothe her & Harry. The attack here is larger & bigger than them. It could destroy them completely. There will be in other places but it won’t be as bad as this. 🌹

  15. Thanks so much. My verdict is that the Royals have colluded with the media to make sure Harry becomes very tired & fed up & then split with Meghan leading to divorce. That was why he was stripped of all what he has worked for & all he knew, thinking that he would think twice . Unfortunately it backfired because Harry married Meghan for a reason/purpose. He has dated over 15 ladies before settling with Meghan. And Harry does not flirt, he follows one woman at a time. Because he saw what he wanted in Meghan, he hid her fir 6 months before coming out with her. In revealing her out noise of abuse started to scare him. But instead he did an unprecedented thing by issuing out a serious paper from the palace to caution the press & the public. I remember very clearly that Rachael Johnson if The Pledge apologised to Harry on air for her own attack. I respect her for that. However, Harry now rushed Meghan so that he won’t lose her. It was so quick because that’s what he has been yearning for. Now Harry knows that there are POWERS in this Country which many people do not know if & that us why he had run with this woman & their son. That’s why he hid where Meghan delivered , & that’s why Harry refused the palace doctors to deliver Archie after all the efforts of the haters to let his wife lose that pregnancy due to trolls, media & Piers Morgan. Mark you Piers Morgan is a very close friend of Camilla Parker Bowles & the palace as a whole. Camilla invites him for dinner sometimes. The palace continues the battle of Diana because Harry would not let go his mother. Then marrying a multiracial is a great offence. The British are very hypocritical. They know that all those pumps & pageantry if welcoming Meghan & the wedding is all hiding under the shell line the snail & the tortoise hiding in their shells. They are out now as hyenas to devour Meghan God forbid. If Harry & Meghan stays in England they will split, & even the worst could happen. However, they have nit stopped. Germaine Greer she is 81, she hate Meghan with passion. She predicted that Meghan will leave the firm & take Harry with her. But to me it is Harry’s decision. He had wanted to bolt long time. That’s why he followed the the Zimbabwean Chelsey Davy for 7 years. But Chelsey said she wound nit be able to take the heat, facing the media. Now this old witch Germaine Greer has predicted again that their running away if successful would be disastrous because the Royals would not take it. People were shouting about Harry spending taxpayers money, now he left their money they are still screaming. Another witch is Angela Levin a writer whose own mother treated her with cruelty when she was a baby so much so she left her mother at age 3. She dies not know what love is about. Thus woman really hate that Harry married Meghan. Please we need to be on our knees for Meghan. Thus people are all out to hurt Meghan. They will nit touch Harry but they are gunning at Meghan but they will not succeed. We need to give Harry & Meghan a SHOUT-OUT. The World us watching!!!. Please this Channel NEVER STOP 🛑 on your campaign to help this strong couple. 😍

  16. Thanks so much. My verdict is that the Royals have colluded with the media to make sure Harry becomes very tired & fed up & then split with Meghan leading to divorce. That was why he was stripped of all what he has worked for & all he knew, thinking that he would think twice . Unfortunately it backfired because Harry married Meghan for a reason/purpose. He has dated over 15 ladies before settling with Meghan. And Harry does not flirt, he follows one woman at a time. Because he saw what he wanted in Meghan, he hid her fir 6 months before coming out with her. In revealing her out noise of abuse started to scare him. But instead he did an unprecedented thing by issuing out a serious paper from the palace to caution the press & the public. I remember very clearly that Rachael Johnson if The Pledge apologised to Harry on air for her own attack. I respect her for that. However, Harry now rushed Meghan so that he won’t lose her. It was so quick because that’s what he has been yearning for. Now Harry knows that there are POWERS in this Country which many people do not know if & that us why he had run with this woman & their son. That’s why he hid where Meghan delivered , & that’s why Harry refused the palace doctors to deliver Archie after all the efforts of the haters to let his wife lose that pregnancy due to trolls, media & Piers Morgan. Mark you Piers Morgan is a very close friend of Camilla Parker Bowles & the palace as a whole. Camilla invites him for dinner sometimes. The palace continues the battle of Diana because Harry would not let go his mother. Then marrying a multiracial is a great offence. The British are very hypocritical. They know that all those pumps & pageantry if welcoming Meghan & the wedding is all hiding under the shell line the snail & the tortoise hiding in their shells. They are out now as hyenas to devour Meghan God forbid. If Harry & Meghan stays in England they will split, & even the worst could happen. However, they have nit stopped. Germaine Greer she is 81, she hate Meghan with passion. She predicted that Meghan will leave the firm & take Harry with her. But to me it is Harry’s decision. He had wanted to bolt long time. That’s why he followed the the Zimbabwean Chelsey Davy for 7 years. But Chelsey said she wound nit be able to take the heat, facing the media. Now this old witch Germaine Greer has predicted again that their running away if successful would be disastrous because the Royals would not take it. People were shouting about Harry spending taxpayers money, now he left their money they are still screaming. Another witch is Angela Levin a writer whose own mother treated her with cruelty when she was a baby so much so she left her mother at age 3. She dies not know what love is about. Thus woman really hate that Harry married Meghan. Please we need to be on our knees for Meghan. Thus people are all out to hurt Meghan. They will nit touch Harry but they are gunning at Meghan but they will not succeed. We need to give Harry & Meghan a SHOUT-OUT. The World us watching!!!. Please this Channel NEVER STOP 🛑 on your campaign to help this strong couple. 😍

  17. You hit the nail on the head. White privilege gets away with it so often because we as black people ignore or laugh it off. We need to be more unified as a people but we are so divided. I was called an oreo for most of my childhood as black people I went to school with bullied me because I talked correctly and made good grades. Why, it's just ignorant that we constantly tear each other down. We separate each other because of our hues and hair textures all because we have assimilated to a false sense of beauty. Meghan is being bullied and unfortunately it's not just white people saying the nastiest of comments. I saw a documentary where a black British woman labeled Harry "….whipped," really a woman reducing the love for a woman to what she can do in bed? For shame, that commentator should be so ashamed of herself.

  18. All of the British royal family is attacked. Meghan has not been singled, or have we forgotten how Camilla was called a rotweiller and constantly compared unfavorably to Diana, how her looks were disparaged, how her private conversations with Charles were aired and ridiculed, how Princess Anne was constantly compared to a horse, how Prince Edward was ridiculed with the homophobic slur, "Dockyard Doris," etc… Was that racism? Oh no, Meghan has gotten off light. We, always hear about the "Straight out of Compton" article, but other than that, there haven't been other. The Danny Baker tweet? Yea right, lets pick at loose strings and straws and try to make a case out of this. One man does not speak for the entire establishement. By the way, red hair, fair-skinned, caucasian featured Archie is white. Or are we going to twist everything around and call it racism? Meghan has bought on a lot of the criticim she has received. The fact that she has totally ghosted her father hasn't helped. The fact that the only family member who went to her wedding was Doria hasn't helped. You might say that her father's family is messed up. Okay, I'll give you that, but what about her mother's family? They helped raise her and she can't invite one single member? Meghan has serious issues and the British press and former fans like myself have picked up on it. I was one of those people who was thrilled that Meghan married Harry until she started with her BS about "barely existing," etc… A duchess with servants and maids at her feet, living in a palace, who has people like Beyonce and JayZ doing tributes to her is barely existing! Yea, right.

    The fact is that Meghan was accepted with open arms into the most exclusive family in the world, that in itself shows how far we've moved ahead. She was also invited to the palace in a quicker time period than Kate. It took Kate four years to be invited to the palace. Meghan was invited in one year. How is that for racism?

  19. My son was in a well known British regiment, one year they had to go to Balmoral, the Queens home in Scotland. My sons best friend was a Fijian, they had both fought in Afghanistan, both put their lives on the line for Queen and Country, however one day my son and his friend were tasked with escorting Prince Phillip on a days shooting, they were told they were to carry his shotguns and ammo. When my son and his Fijian friend reported to the member of staff who was with the Prince he turned to my sons friend and told him to go away and get someone white to carry the guns as he would not be wanted to carry the guns. Both my son and his friend were disgusted at this, this was out and out racist, so when Prince Harry married meghan I was wondering how it was going to work out. They do not like black people, they are a bunch of racist *****.
    The public have no idea what these people really think of us, they see white working class people as nothing more then peasants, who need culling (Prince Phillip once said he would love to come back as a virus to wipe out most of the people) if they see white working class people like that then what do they think of you if you're black, well my son saw the real royals and its ugly.

  20. It's exactly the same way in the U.S. I believe the word you were looking for is "militant." And yes, Meghan was attacked solely for being a black woman. T j.g eye couldn't truthfully say anything else about her. Remember, I said "truthfully." Everything they said about her negatively were lies. They did the same thing in the U.S. to one of our greatest presidents and our first black president, who is also biracial, President Barack Obama.

  21. I'm black, American, woman, who lived in England for 10 years, worked for 5 years there, and it was pure hell… The racism there effected me in a way that woke me up harshly to the fact, my intelligence and contributions were not welcome, wanted or accepted. Basically, know your place black, shut up, sit down, and be invisible until we turn our attention to you. Until we ask you questions to appease our curiosity about the oddity of why you're so hostile and angry. Smh… Run Meghan run!

  22. Piers Morgan is the worst piece of S~#? there is. Kate chased William for 10 years and two breakups and he wasn’t sure of her still. Camilla chased Charles the only difference is they are in love not K&W. William folded because Kate had him by the b*** unless he wanted the media to tell their secret.

  23. Some whites would even say I am.married to a black or have black children and so I am not racist.But,I have seen and heard white parents call their children and husbands the n word when they are angry. A white woman once told me she quit her job because she cannot work for a black man referring to her husband.So, racism is culture in white society anywhere that they are for thousands of years passed from generation to generation and if you look into history and the wiping out of blacks in Europe. So,it doesn't really matter if it's the royal family or a president,he or she will receive the cold shoulder of a racist culture supported by the majority.I am proud of the husband for taking a stand against old long culture built on racism and am.also proud of Meghan for being able to leave.A lot of blacks would remain and continue to endure such humiliation just so that they can continue to be called a Duchess or part of the royal family and would lick butts to remain there. Blacks should understand that war has been declared on you for over thousands of years and you can't continue acting like it's a video game you are playing.Tearing one another down for the benefit of those that hates you just like Gayle just did in her recent interview trying to tear down Kobe Bryant. Racism can never stop.No one love to lose his or her privileges but would rather protect it.Racism would instead be clothed or disguised in a different attire rather than stopping it.