Inside The World's (Worst) Slavery Crisis (with Katharine Houreld) – Change Agents w/ Andy Stumpf

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Inside The World's (Worst) Slavery Crisis (with Katharine Houreld) – Change Agents w/ Andy Stumpf

Today on Change Agents, an IRONCLAD original, Andy Stumpf has an extended discussion about the horrors of modern Eritrea, home to the second-largest population of slaves in the world.

Investigative journalist Katharine Houreld is The Washington Post’s East Africa bureau chief and previously served as the East Africa bureau chief for…



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  1. Your interviews/content is unrivaled. Every one is incredibly inspiring, informative, interesting and thought provoking. Well done, Andy and the team. Thank you…🫡


  2. Propaganda, we send all manufacturing to chynah ,who then use slave labor, whats the difference?????????? Oh thats right we're looking for reasons to go to war

  3. As soon as she said Eritrea used to be a part of Ethiopia I knew it was going to be a biased interview. She also forgot to mention how Ethiopia is currently threatening to steal Eritrean land which is coincidentally where she found the “42 Eritreans” she interviewed. She’s definitely giving Iraq weapons of mass destruction vibes.

  4. It's amazing how every revolutionary, collectivist regime ends up imprisoning significant proportions of the population they claim to be liberating. Yet even educated people often believe the BS, that "it'll be different this time." No, it won't. Tyrants will always tyrannize, and they'll use any means of coercion, violence subterfuge, enslavement, etc., to get what they want and maintain power.

    That's why the American experiment has been so unique and relatively long-lasting in terms of how free a society we've had over the last ~250 years. It's not perfect and our liberties are consistently being eroded in small, yet myriad, ways, but the fact that our very first founding documents were explicitly dedicated toward building a freer, more perfect society of united individuals stands as reasons why it has done so well.

  5. Eritrea has only four recognized religions, and you get punished for worshipping outside of them? Not going to ask what the sanctioned religions are? Nebulous "Russian connection"? And from a ComPost "reporter"? This isn't passing the smell test. Strong vibes of babies in incubators, Saddam's WMDs, Assad gas attacks, Russian bounties, beheaded Israeli babies, Bucha massacres, mass graves, pandemic of the unvacced, etc. Might be a good time to go back and see what Eritrea has that we're trying to steal.

  6. This is the future of America if we don't stand up and make some changes ASAP!
    Think it can't happen? Think it's not in the plan of the elete……. continue vote Democrat and you'll soon find out.
    America HAS to take care of her own first, if not, there will be nothing left to help others.
    Trump 2024!

  7. I know I haven't listened to mainstream news much in the past ten or so years, but at 68 yo for this to be the first time I have even heard of this place is pretty crazy. Also crazy, is the feeling I have that this is the same direction our own country is moving towards.

  8. I’m from there and to talk about things like this from a lady that’s not from there , makes little no sense , yea there is big difficulty out there but talk about all the positives first , the prison system out in the states are big problems 2 .

  9. When I was in Iraq and Afg Id sometimes see the weather page of Stars and Stripe with a site near Asmara it was always way cooler due to the altitude (about 7K ASL) I know back in the 60s and 70s we had a listening post there.