Inside MAC Cosmetic's Influencer Lunch during Hub of Africa's Fashion Week! | D!NK News Ep: 22
Inside MAC Cosmetic's Influencer Lunch during Hub of Africa's Fashion Week! | D!NK News Ep: 22
Discover the magic of Studio Radiance Serum-Powered Foundation in D!NK’S front-row access to the MAC Cosmetic’s Influencer Lunch held right here in Addis Ababa during Hub of Africa’s Fashion Week. Stay tuned for MAC’s Resident Makeup Artist Mical will take center stage, sharing valuable tips and insights through the live makeup demo and more…
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እንዴ አልተጨመላለቃችሁም አበዛችሁት የሚሸጠው ለኢትዮጵያዊ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ነው ለምንድነው በራሳችን በምንረዳው ቋንቋ የማታወሩት ወይስ እንግሊዘኛ ተናጋሪ ብቻ ነው የሚገዛው ሆ በጣም ተጨመላለቃችሁ ምድረ ቦርኮ
Le manewe yemtenagrut be english kunkkua" Meder doket hulla.get a life.
The products seem amazing, the host and the girls did so well. My girl, I'm so proud of you, yohiyee❤❤
Why don't these Ethiopian women communicate in Amharic language?
Instead of having a conversation in the colonial language?
Being proficient in English language does not make you wise; actually the English language makes you dumb, Speaking and writing English is no different from Amharic, Oromo, Tigre and other Ethiopian languages.
Don't you know that the English language is a system of colonial expansion?
Y’all captured the event beautifully 🤎🤎