Ibrahim Traore’s Surprise The World With $8.1M Tomato Facility

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Ibrahim Traore’s Surprise The World With $8.1M Tomato Facility

Let’s come together in reasonable dialogue to honor our ancestors and reclaim the world through an African lens. Join me as we delve into African history, culture, and worldview to better understand their relevance to our lives today. By sharing our thoughts and knowledge, we can pave the way for a new culture of awareness and reclaim our…



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  1. President Ibrahim's large agricultural projects in Burkina Faso and Niger from the center of Africa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG0VjmuM_pgSrenia, the size of the farms is only 1.2 Ha, but there are farmers' cooperatives. Africa needs an ax, a hammer of nails and the entire agri-food industry of Belarus for agriculture. Tractors and motorcycles taxis. Africa needs a baby formula factory, AGH home appliances factory and it will pay with gold or uranium or nickel and palladium – they have all the raw materials. I promote the exchange of products and services for products. Berda is a symbiosis of two economies based on bilateral benefits. Africa needs an Electricity Power Plant powered by gas and oil, but also the construction of the first Bajana Nuclear Power Plants of the RosAtom cooperation project of Greater Russia and Belarus from uranium ore enriched in Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG0VjmuM_pg. I know Africa will be rich, but it will take 12 years to train the engineering and technical staff of African countries and they will be trained for free by African countries in Belarus and Greater Russia. Africa does not have much liquid foreign exchange, but it can pay with natural resources of minerals and metal ores. Africa needs weapons to fight terrorists paid by the Al Capone Empire.

  2. Wielkie projekty rolne prezydenta Ibrahima Burkina Faso i Nigeru ze srodka Afryki. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG0VjmuM_pgSrenia wielkosc gospodarst wam tylko 1.2 Ha ale sa rolnokow kooperatywy. Afryka potrzebuje siekiery, mlotka gwozdzi i calego przemyslu rolno spozywczego Bialorusi dla rolnictwa. Traktorow i motocykly taksowek. Afryka potrzebuje fabryki formuly mleka dla dzieci, sprzetu domowego AGH i bedzie placil zlotem lub uranem czy niklem i palladium oni maja wszyskie surowce. Ja promuje handel wymienny product i service za produkty. Berdzie to symbiosa dwoch gospodarek oparta na dwustronnych korzysciech. Afryka potrzebuje Elektrowni Energii Elektrycznej napedzanej gazem i ropa ale tez budowy pierwszych Elektrowni Jadrowych Bajana projektu wspolpracy RosAtom Wielkiej Rosji i Bialorusi z rudy uranu wzbogaconego w Rosji https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jG0VjmuM_pg. Wiem Afryka bedzie bogata ale potrzeba 12 lat aby wyszkolic kadre inzynieryjno techniczna krajow Afryki i beda szkolic sie odplatnie przez kraje Afryki na Bialorusi i w Wielkiej Rosji. Afryka nie ma duzo plynnej gotowki dewizowej ale moze placic naturalnym dobrem mineralow i rud metali. Afryka potrzebuje broni aby walczyc z terrorystami oplacanymi przez Imperium Al Capone.

  3. I always wondered when someone would come along and show African leaders how to become prosperes. I don't see anything bad about this man. I wish you all in B.F health wealth and happiness.

  4. I would ask all Africans abroad to form a joint investment forum,get the cash together and send to African countries that are doing great. That way,Burkina Faso does not need IMF and international lenders money.

  5. Hope it's kept as organic as possible, unlike the west who use chemicals pestersides, etc, there must be alternative natural produce protection, as the oldest race in the world before the colonization, the knowledge of planting ang growing fruit n veg must of been in place, I like to wonder if all that was needed, back in the days, was she molybjust digging as he picking what mother Africa gave freely,

  6. Imagine, these projects wouldnt have been available when they were under the rule of the french, PROOF that european countries have very little interest in helping people

  7. With Ibrahim Traore a young man at the helm of administration in Bukina Faso, am expecting a glorious change and fruitful life for all citizens of Bukina Faso.

    Not only for Bukina Faso but also the entire Afrikan Continent. My greatest desire is:
    1. For the Continent to be rid of corrupt leaders.
    2. Leaders must be selected base on their genuine love for their Continent and people.
    3. For all Borders to be removed returning giving way for:
    One Continent!
    One Currency!
    One PEOPLE!
    Similar to all other Continents.
    Trusting that this will happen in my ĺife time.