Ibrahim Traore Made This Bold Speech Shocking the Western Leaders & Their Puppets in Africa

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Ibrahim Traore Made This Bold Speech Shocking the Western Leaders & Their Puppets in Africa

Let’s come together in reasonable dialogue to honor our ancestors and reclaim the world through an African lens. Join me as we delve into African history, culture, and worldview to better understand their relevance to our lives today. By sharing our thoughts and knowledge, we can pave the way for a new culture of awareness and reclaim our…



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  1. I can guarantee they won’t let him see it though. You know what will happen to him. Unfortunately the west or even others in Africa won’t allow it.

  2. He is the reincarnation of Thomas Sankara, past murdered Burkina Faso president. May the creator of the cosmos protect this focused and courageous young leader and his family. He is 100% RIGHT! All of Africa needs leadership like this. Africa must completely separate itself from its colonizers and be independent and free to decide the future of their respective countries separate from the fake gratuities and lies from the colonizers, disguised to dupe Africa and keep Africa dependent on the colonizers. Similarity in America Malcom X was cut from the same cloth; and he was murdered. Muammar Gaddafi also cut from same cloth, was murdered in 2011.

  3. AFRICA UNITE Greetings to you my brother, I have always respect some of the things that you say, for truth is the greatest weapon given to man, but then one must also remember that truth can be lukewarm, or it can be strong with the power to burn all illusion and deceptions. Africa is called the people of the Sun, from which the word Son of God came. That which is called the Holy Bible is perceived as a religious Book; rather it is a Historical Book, with a hidden Revelation, that can only be revealed by the Spirit. It is for this reason that Cry’ist told his followers he had to leave, and he said to them that if he did not go the third within the Trinity would not come at the end of days, whom he called the Spirit of Truth.
    Truth will not be victorious if it is spoken in partiality, it must be spoken in its fullness. A part of Africa was sold into slavery to those in the West who also colonize Africa. This was told to Abram in the Book of Genesis, that they would become his seed. The Creator told him that they would serve those who became their master for 400 years and after that they would return.

    Until this return Africa will not be United or liberated, and those in bondage have abandoned their Mother. Out of slavery a blessing would be born, for as it was spoken of, the slavery of the West becomes the fulfillment in Egypt. 2019 fulfilled 400 years of a recorded slavery in the West. This has nothing to do with those claiming to be Jews who is claiming this liberation from bondage under Moses. This History is only verbal, African history of a 400 year slavery is practical and tangible, therefore it can only be the slavery shown to Abram concerning his seed, because it speaks to the Present. If you over-stand the story of the Prodigal son that went abroad, and when he saw his condition of suffering, he said that he will return to his Fathers House begging for forgiveness. It tells you of his older brother being angry claiming that he did not leave the House, and now his brother who went away comes back and he is making a big party for him. This story has to do with Africa, and his brother that went into slavery. The difference is, he is not returning back empty handed, for it is written that after 400 years he will return with great substance.

    Africa must be prepared to shed everything that is of Western influence, this World that you live in was given into their Hands to rule over you, and they have destroyed it by their rebellion against the Law of Life, and created a World based upon their sinful nature. The returning of Africa scattered to the four corners of the Earth, is promised under what Revelation speaks of as a New Heaven and a New Earth. If this does not happen the World as we know it is doomed. It is 2 Esdras that says the Earth is no longer young it has approached old age. One does not put New wine in Old wine-skin. All the minerals taken from Africa will be returned so that Africa will use it to build the New Jah’rusalem, the City that will Unite Africa. The one world government of economics will be a thing of the past; Africa must shed everything that is of oppression in order to welcome a New World, governed by righteousness, not economics. If Africa prefer to continually speak against the West, yet desire that Barabbas be their teacher and guide by talking about Democracy and Economy, it means that you have fallen short of total Truth, and will fail by a compromise.

    This is not the time to loose faith, and talk about partner! You have done service for them in theirs World, it is time for them to do service to you in the World that now comes from the Creator as written in the 24th Psalms. The sin of your enemy that he uses to uphold and rule over the World, Money and Military Weapons will die with them.
    When Africa faith is United, there is no weapon created by man that will have the power over you, for it is Nature that fights Africa’s Battle when they call upon their Creator with a pure Heart. You cannot defeat the enemy with the sin of his invention. I share this link with you for those who live above the Education of their Colonizer


  4. Great Job, H.E.President Ibrahim Traore.
    May The Almighty God Empower You To Perfect That Which He Alone Had Destined For Faso, Africa And The Global World.



    As far as I’m concerned our brother President and his advisers are already doing all he’s possibly able to do as we speak , especially in all things concerning security , federation , economics and in explaining to our family what WS is and how it works from theirs and our cradle to grave .

    We’re destroyed scripture says due to a lack of knowledge . I say due to a true lack of knowledge of ourselves , the Most Highest God Himself and the truth concerning all the real pressing (past) present (and future) wickedly evilness that’s around us all . Amin again .

    Sorry but I dear not go into any more detail about it than this , especially since we’re communicating over a devil’s controlled communicational device , and as usual forced to be monitored 25 / 8 / 366 days a year by Satan or his multi running dogs themselves .

    For well over 6000 plus years this has been told to us precisely what to expect and how to respond , and suffice it to say how we should precisely precede forward from here on .

    Our brother President and his Presidential advisers are following the script precisely as far as I’m concern , our terrorist oppressors God willing will remain way too busy battling the Almighty’s one million and one attacks , until they’ll eventually fall completely on their own if we do all we can in separating (from their mindset , conversations and actions) , atone in all 8 steps , unite amongst our likeminded brethren (in simplicity , proper action and proper order) and continue to practice the find art of doing for ourselves (like but unlike others who are doing for themselves but at our expense) . Amin again .


  6. ❤❤🎉President Trraore,i'm a African from Liberia I pray for you God give you long life,I hope the African's leaders will joint you to develop they country and to love there country

  7. As the youngest president in Africa, you’re the example of good government, not going broad as begger but hard working for the citizens and whole Africa also for the whole world.

  8. African leaders are responsible for the poverty ravaging the continent by conniving with the western capitalist to loot and steal the resources of the continent.Go on Mr President African youths are in with you and God almighty will protect you from every arrows 🏹 from within and outside.

  9. God blesses this young presidents Traore and his countries France you thief stop! Stealing from 14 Countries go Back to Europeans. They needs to grows their own foods. I WAS BORN IN JAMAICA MY ANCESTOR CAME FROM Africans as Slaves we had fights the Spanish and the British for our Freedom. So After Slaverys was suppose to be over they then wents to Africa's and Slaves the people furthermore. The white Europeans and the Indian's that abusing the black peoples whoever is mistreating the black peoples of Africa's leaves to and go back where the hell they came from. The black peoples wants peace and prosperity not war
    Its very sad that the Whole Continents of Africas has so much wealth yet the black peoples of Africa's are so very poors its all come about because of Slaverys and Colonizations you white Europeans you slices up Africas as if it was a cake or a Turkey to have for the festive season. You white Europeans you peoples are shameless. France go away and never show your nasty face in the wholes Continents of Africa's go go go can,t you heared leaves Africa alone goodbye.

  10. Do we Africans know our main problems? Do we have to blame the west or our African leaders? Everything is unity and love ourselves. Africa is full of tribal, religious, political wars. How can you build a nation without unity? We Africans are fighting wars among ourselves. Corruption is also destroying Africa. If China, and Russia can transfer industrial technologies to Africa to develop that will be okay. Because Africa needs technology to develop.

  11. Boycott. Traitors go first. You do not need anything from any country. Africa is blessed with sufficient resources to maintain itself with needing to import anything. 👏🏽 Burkina Faso President is 💯.

  12. We all know what the Powers that be done to the last Man who wanted to unite Africa and build strong alliances amongst each other on the Great continent. It won't happen again. I speak this into existence.

  13. We need more of Ibrahim Traore and less of William Ruto. Ruto has truly degraded Kenya. A true humiliation. Kenya stands with Ibrahim Traore and disowns the prostitute William Ruto.

  14. I am hopeful and full of anticipation with this effort to pull Africa away from western influence. I think it’s a great idea to reach out to China in Russia, but with caution just to make sure we’re not getting in bed with the same type of snakes. I say we, however, I’m not from the African continent my ancestors are and every since I was a child, I have always hated how lopsided the relationship between the West and the motherland and how exploited And disrespected my people have been treated. I know it’s a long road because the Wes has strategically and very effectively divided the people and controlled the valuable resources for their own self gains. I could go on all night about this, but I was wrap it up with this. I support this man with all that I am and I’m very hopeful that if not in my lifetime that one day Africa can return to its former glory.

  15. African leaders are feeling the heat from this young leader forming a coalition of the neighboring countries to change the situation in the Sahel region by taking back their sovereignty from the west to benefit themselves by making their country stronger 😅😮😢😅😊.👺👺👺😡😡😡✅.????.This leader is so much threat to all neighboring countries by speaking the truth with serious seriousness to force the people to even report corruption anywhere in his country period.👺👺👺😡😡😡✅✅.????.😅😮😢😂This leader is not playing with idiots period.???.???👺🔥🔥🔥👨.?

  16. Anybody who has studied the modus operandi of the US knows that they are Machiavellian in nature. They create the problem and then pretend to solve it. The US treachery and hypocrisy are being exposed each and every passing day.