Ibrahim Tarore's Transformative Impact on Burkina Faso Through Major Projects!

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Ibrahim Tarore's Transformative Impact on Burkina Faso Through Major Projects!

Ibrahim Taroreโ€™s Transformative Impact on Burkina Faso Through Major Projects!

Letโ€™s come together in reasonable dialogue to honour our ancestors and reclaim the world through an African lens. Join me as we delve into African history, culture, and worldview to better understand their relevance to our lives today. By sharing our thoughts andโ€ฆ



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  1. Any leader that have sustainability on his agenda must be commended and supported. I declare that Bokena Faso may soon the first Zero Waste African country ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. IBRAHIM TRAORE โ€“ is a man of dignity , integrity & profesionalism in its endeavour to bring innovation to its country's progress after years of corruption , pillage & colonalism with debt trap mentality .
    Now a new era have emerge for his fortitude to bring BURKINA FASO to the next level . By leveraging his astute policy towards RUSSIA , TURKIYE & CHINA he have open a new dimension for a WIN โ€“ WIN solution .

  3. JOSHUA LEADER for AFRICA PEOPLEโ€ฆ. Sir you were BORN for thisโ€ฆ.. GOD has given you a JOSHUA LEADER SPIRITโ€ฆ. He will protect you and your family and AFRICA ๐ŸŒ PEOPLE

  4. He is swell headed,and russia is his advisers,when you want a man do what you want ,all you have to do us compliment him,and thats what is going on,hoe china and russia getting their way in africa,by making africans feel they so care about their history,oldest trick in the book,try it,and see,if you want something thing from someone,compliment and,you will get what you want

  5. Impressive beyond recognition , you have to realize people don't want to be owned and driven like a herd of cattle. They want to live, learn, and grow, and that's being HUMAN โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ

  6. Very impressed with the Sahel region, they are impressive in their directives toward a better life for their people. I salute Press Traore as the leading force in that region, but I feel too much emphasis is placed on him only, and none on the other junta leaders as in Niger, Mali, and Guinea. Or is it that they are not making newsworthy moves like Pres. Ibrahim Traore? Would like to hear more good from that whole region as their moves are inspirational to the whole of Africa so far.

  7. I hope the people will learn about Ibrahim Traore achievements and pull the strings of those puppets really tight and boot them out of power. It's amazing how much President Traore has achieved in such a short time. Wow

  8. African leaders don't like him because of the following:
    1. For being the West puppet
    2. Afraid of being slain by the West
    3. Lacking of development projects for their countries
    4. Rampant corruption in their countries and their institutions
    5. Trabalism form of governance
    6. Practicing Democracy without development projects in their countries
    7. Lacking unity among Africans among others.

  9. ะ”ะžะ ะžะ“ะ˜ะ• ะ‘ะ ะะขะฌะฏ ะ˜ ะกะ•ะกะขะ ะซ,
    ะงะ•ะ›ะžะ’ะ•ะงะ•ะกะขะ’ะž ะ“ะะ ะ”ะ ะ—ะ ะ’ะะจะ• ะ‘ะฃะ”ะฃะฉะ•ะ• ,ะ’ะกะ ะงะขะž ะะ• ะžะ‘ะฅะžะ”ะ˜ะœะ ะะ ะะคะ ะ˜ะšะะะกะšะžะ™ ะšะžะะขะ˜ะะ•ะะขะ• ะ•ะกะขะฌ, ะ•ะฉะ ะžะ”ะ˜ะ ะจะะ“: ะขะ•ะฅะะžะ›ะžะ“ะ˜ะ˜, ะ˜ะะžะ’ะะฆะ˜ ะญะขะžะข ะ’ะขะžะ ะžะ™ ะญะขะะŸ ะ–ะ˜ะ—ะะ˜. ะŸะะ ะžะ›ะฌะะž ะจะšะžะ›ะ ะ˜ ะžะ‘ะ ะะ—ะžะ’ะะะ˜ะ• ะ”ะ›ะฏ ะœะžะ›ะžะ”ะžะ™ ะŸะžะšะžะ›ะ•ะะ˜ะ•. ะ‘ะฃะ”ะฃะฉะ•ะ• ะฃะ–ะ• ะะะงะ•ะขะ ะŸะžะ’ะ•ะ ะฌะขะ• ะะ• ะšะขะž ะ’ะะœ ะะ• ะŸะžะœะžะ–ะ•ะข ะ’ะซ ะกะะœะ˜ ะ”ะžะ›ะ–ะะซ ะ’ะซะ‘ะ ะะขะฌ ะกะ’ะžะ˜ ะŸะฃะขะฌ.
    ะ˜ะ—ะฃะงะ˜ะขะ• ะšะะš ะ ะะ—ะ’ะ˜ะ’ะะ•ะขะกะฏ, ะ˜ะ—ะฃะงะ˜ะขะ• ะ˜ะกะขะžะ ะ˜ะ˜ ะกะขะ ะะ ะ—ะ ะŸะžะกะ›ะ•ะ”ะะ˜ะ• 50 ะ›ะ•ะข, ะ‘ะ›ะ˜ะ–ะะ˜ะ™ ะ’ะžะกะขะžะš, ะขะฃะ ะฆะ˜ะฏ, ะฏะŸะžะะ˜ะฏ -ะšะžะ ะ•ะฏ,
    ะœะะ›ะะ™ะ—ะ˜ะฏ ,ะกะ˜ะะ“ะะŸะฃะ  ะ˜ ะขะะ˜ะ›ะะะ” ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ญ. ะ”ะ ะฃะ—ะฌะฏ ะ‘ะ ะะขะฌะฏ ะ˜ ะกะ•ะกะขะ ะซ ะ’ะกะฏ ะขะ•ะฅะะžะ›ะžะ“ะ˜ะ˜ ะขะ˜ะฅะžะะšะ˜ะะะ˜ะงะ•ะกะšะ˜ะฅ ะ ะะ—ะ’ะ˜ะขะ˜ะ•, ะขะ•ะฅะะžะ›ะžะ“ะ˜ะ˜ ะขะะœ ะžะะ˜ ะ’ะะก ะะ• ะšะžะ“ะ”ะ ะะ• ะžะ‘ะœะะะฃะขะฌ ะ˜ ะ•ะฉะ ะ‘ะฃะ”ะขะ• ะฃะœะะ•ะ• ะขะ•ะ ะŸะ•ะ›ะ˜ะ’ะž ะšะžะ’ะกะ•ะœะฃ.
    ะ”ะ ะฃะ—ะฌะฏ ะ‘ะ ะะขะฌะฏ ะ˜ ะกะ•ะกะขะ ะซ ะะ• ะ—ะะ‘ะซะ’ะะ™ะขะ• ะ’ะซ ะ”ะ ะฃะ“ะ˜ะ•, ะะคะ ะ˜ะšะะะกะšะžะ™ ะšะฃะ›ะฌะขะฃะ ะซ, (ะฅะ’ะะ›ะ ะ’ะกะ•ะ’ะซะจะะ˜ะœะฃ) ะฃะ’ะะก ะ•ะกะขะฌ ะšะžะะขะ˜ะะ•ะะข ะ”ะ•ะ ะ–ะ˜ะขะ•ะกะฌ ะ”ะ ะฃะ“ ะ—ะ ะ”ะ ะฃะ“ะžะœ, ะ’ะะจะ•ะ˜ ะ ะะกะกะซ ะœะ˜ะ  ะะ• ะ“ะžะขะžะ’ะซ ะ’ะกะ•ะžะ‘ะฉะžะœ ะŸะ ะ˜ะะฏะขะฌ ะ ะะ’ะะซะ˜ะœ ะกะ•ะ‘ะ•, 400 ะ›ะ•ะข ะ’ะะก ะฃะ‘ะ˜ะ’ะะ›ะ˜ ะšะะš ะ˜ะœ ะฃะ”ะะ’ะะ›ะžะกะฌ ะŸะžะœะะ˜ะขะ• ะ˜ะกะขะžะ ะ˜ะ˜ ะŸะ ะž ะะขะฆะžะ’, ะ’ะะจะ• ะšะฃะ›ะฌะขะฃะ ะ ะะคะ ะ˜ะšะะะกะšะžะ™, ะ’ะ•ะ ะฅะะซะ˜ ะ•ะ“ะ˜ะŸะ•ะข ะ˜ ะะ˜ะ–ะะ˜ะ™ ะ•ะ“ะ˜ะŸะ•ะข ะœะซ ะ’ะกะ• ะžะข ะขะฃะ”ะ ะ”ะ ะ•ะ’ะะซะ˜ ะ’ะ ะ•ะœะ•ะะ, ะ’ะะ’ะ˜ะ›ะžะ ะœะ•ะ–ะ”ะฃ ะ ะ•ะงะ˜ ะ•ะคะ ะะข-ะขะ˜ะ“ะ  ,ะจะฃะœะ•ะ ะ. ะ”ะ ะฃะ—ะฌะฏ ะะ• ะ“ะ”ะ• ะะ• ะ‘ะฃะ”ะ•ะขะ• ะกะงะะกะขะ›ะ˜ะ’ ะšะะš ะะ ะ ะžะ”ะ˜ะะ• ะŸะ ะ•ะ”ะšะžะ’. ะฏ ะงะ•ะ›ะžะ’ะ•ะš ะŸะ ะžะ–ะ˜ะ’ะจะ˜ ะกะ’ะžะ˜ ะ’ะ•ะš ะฅะžะงะฃ ะงะขะžะ‘ะซ ะ’ะซ ะ‘ะซะ›ะ˜ ะกะ’ะะ‘ะžะ”ะะซะ˜ ะ›ะฎะ”ะœะ˜ ะะ ะ—ะ•ะœะ›ะ• ะ˜ ะฃะ’ะ˜ะ”ะ•ะ›ะ˜ ะกะ’ะžะ˜ะฅ ะ’ะะฃะšะžะ’ะž (ะ”ะ•ะขะ•ะ™).
    ะะ ะ’ะกะ ะ’ะžะ›ะ• ะ’ะกะ•ะ’ะซะจะะ˜ะ™ ะะะœะ˜ะ,!

  10. It of to start from somewhere so Ibrahim traore make the first move so all the rest of the African leaders to do is just unite and do the same thing and we'll have one united state of Africa ๐ŸŒ United we stand forward we go peace perfect peace ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ

  11. May he will always be protected by his people and and his close ally. Because west andvamerica is good at tearing leadership that challenge them by time post undermining his credibilty by creating a chaos with in by decade but subtleties financing anti group even the religious community are tap. West and america is also like communism using these repugnant methods, ei. Like whar they did to libya and also in Philippines and many orhersโ€ฆ so i pray for his protection and his peoples to understand historical implication. More wisdom and willed political will for its people.

  12. ฮฃฯ…ฮณฯ‡ฮฑฯฮทฯ„ฮฎฯฮนฮฑ ฯ€ฮฑฮนฮดฮฏ ฮผฮฟฯ… ฮตฮฏฯƒฯ„ฮต.. ฯ„ฯŒ ฮบฮฑฮปฯฯ„ฮตฯฮฟ ฯ€ฯฮฌฮณฮผฮฑ ฯ€ฮฟฯ… ฮญฮณฮนฮฝฮต..ฯƒฯ„ฮทฮฝ ฯ‡ฯŽฯฮฑ ฯƒฮฟฯ.. ฮ ฯฮฑฮฒฮฟ ฮบฮฑฮฏ ฮตฮนฯ‚ ฮฑฮฝฯŽฯ„ฮตฯฮฑ.. ฮคฯ‰ฯฮฑ.. ฯ€ฯฮฑฮณฮผฮฑฯ„ฮนฮบฮฌ ฮท.. ฯ‡ฯŽฯฮฑ ฮธฮฌ ฮดฮตฮฏ ฯ†ฯŽฯ‚ ฯƒฯ„ฮฟ ฯ„ฮฟฯฮฝฮตฮป.. ฮฑฯ€ฯŒ ฮšฯฯ€ฯฮฟ