I want a partner to do Kiss-a-thon- Delay

I want a partner to do Kiss-A-Thon – Delay | Pulse Ghana


I want a partner to do Kiss-a-thon- Delay

Ghanaian television personality, Deloris Frimpong Manso, also known as Delay, has announced her quest for a partner to join her in an ambitious Kiss-A-Thon.

Deloris Frimpong Manso

This comes on the heels of a series of Ghanaian Guinness World Record attempts in various marathon categories.

In a recent social media post on platform X, Delay expressed her desire for a record-breaking kissing marathon and called upon her followers to help find the perfect kissing partner. She wrote, "I want to do a Kiss-A-Thon, nominate my kissing partner. Please get me a good kisser 😁😋."

The announcement has sparked excitement among fans and followers, who are now eagerly anticipating whether the TV personality will do as she has said.

Here are a few reactions from social media.



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As the Kiss-A-Thon trend gains momentum, it seems Ghanaians are determined to make their mark in the world of marathon records.

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