I Tried every Seaside Restaurant in Lagos Nigeria!
I Tried every Seaside Restaurant in Lagos Nigeria!
I Tried every Seaside Restaurant in Lagos Nigeria is a video about me taking you through restaurants in Lagos and showing you great places to eat in Nigeria. I take you through restaurants in Lekki namely, The Kingfisher, Bolivar, Sailors Lounge, The lighthouse bar, and grill and lastly farm city which can all be found in Lekki phase 1 Lagos …
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I'm not the first but I'll take this position any day, Anyways notification squad here… TAF!!! Squad, we are here representing.
i saw blow job N1,500 😂🤣😜😝
Only with money one enjoy great places of the world generally.
All your videos are very good ❤❤🎉
Nice review overall 😅
This was 3yrs ago not anymore
A platter of grab 6500 keh lol😅
Holy sh#t 3K Naira? Inflation o.
Tayo, I am addicted to your channel 😂 You are doing well
Waw is very beautiful I really love it
Tayo great job again bro. Definitely looking forward to bringing my wife to some of them beautiful restaurants once in town 🇺🇸😃🇯🇲🇳🇬🇯🇲🇳🇬🇺🇸🇯🇲🇳🇬
"If you want to spend less, just buy beer" lol
What about radison Blue 😅
I would like to see a review about Thailand, would you do something like that
God bless Tayo❤️❤️❤️
Is kingfisher a good place to go on a date?
I wish someone take me to the Kingfisher
This so so 😍 Beautiful, Thanks to you Tayo, this is Now on my bucket list, by the special grace of God Almighty, I will surely visit this Gorgeous looking places.
I will like to use this medium to Reach out to every OMOLUABI YORUBA Person and all Nigerians that this video is one of the Major Simple Reasons why we should all Embrace YORUBA NATION NOW so that we can experience the Re -building of our Nation , so that we can Achieve our Full Potentials that Nigeria has Been Suppressing for all the Past Years , Yorubas are Smart Intellectual Broad Minded People and our Lands are Treasures waiting to be Explored .
I aslo humbly implore the Ibos to Support and Embrace BIAFRA whole heartedly so as to Re-build , Save lives, their Tribe and Heritage, Same goes to the Middlebelt People and The People of AREWA in the North.
Beautiful video, I love the price tagging…
Lol, I love the way you do your voice over🤣. You’ve gained a subscriber 🥳
Great video only criticism is how late you start filming, by your second location it's getting dark and the content for us goes down hill. Try gettin'to your first location's a little earlier. Keep it up 👌
I’d visit kingfisher because of ur review, their food are nice but the service are very poor
Pro Tip: Tell the kid to put down the phone when he is being filmed.
He seems like such a child. Time to grow up.
>>> 6:00 <<<< ALERT : Tire Fire !! FAIL. 3rd world country. NOPE.
1. Kingfisher (Cocktail N3,000, Crabs&Peppersoup N6,500, Yam&Peppersauce N1,000)
2. BOLIVAR (BOLIVAR cocktail N2,500)
3. Farm City (Catfish N5,000)
4. Sailors Lounge (Long Island Ice Tea N4,000)
5. The Lighthouse Bar&Grill(Yam&Peppersauce +Suya N2,200)
Now let's go!
Thank u tayo
Hello Brother T, Merry Christmas, please sir i need your assistance, I'm making/drawing my plans for my restaurant business i wanna open here in Lagos, Surulere where i stay, so please i need you to help me with some of the things you think i should/could put into consideration when opening the food/restaurant business of mine. Thanks a lot sir and God bless you immensely, i look forward to hearing from you soonest.
I am a Chinese live in 1004 Lagos , doing online properties business , like your video so much !!
R.I.P to the people that died at the tollgate
I like Lagos but I want to develop places that are not develop yet
The restaurant is located at where in nigeria
This is gorgeous
Love your videos.. you have awesome content. I'm planning a visit to Lagos, as soon this virus let us breath. Maybe December. Pls make a video on what kind of places I can visit as a tourist. And how to avoid get the mumu price. Lol
Hey bro I really looking for the next video upload oh I can't wait to see it
We supply the outdoor furniture for them
Your voice is soothing. Lemme stop typing and just enjoy.💞
lol saw "blow job" on the menu
Drinks averaging $10??? That's insane!
Ur videos really inspires me to work hard so i can afford such luxuries.
Hi am emmanuel from ghana.
Never knew nigeria has such beautiful places.
I will visit oneday. Thanks
Why are they hiding this from us Nigeria has cool places