I Tested The Strength Of Celebrities
I Tested The Strength Of Celebrities
He didn’t even try and broke it
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I Tested The Strength Of Celebrities
This is the world’s most accurate grip strength test, you have to squeeze it as hard as you can and it shows you how strong you are
It goes all the way up to 90kg and…
0 %
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I can probably go 5X that 90 kg limit challenge lmao
I'm 158Kg and 200 lbs
I try that and I got. 90.5kg
Ha Van Hieu in Viet Nam has 103 kg
6:58 was the best part
So the Calisthenic guys are the stronger. No surprise, huh?
That last guy was a monster 😂😂😂
Small hand male here, bobybuilding at 183lbs at 5'10. I get ~123lbs for grip.
Gyat pause at 0:12
Yes I'm a break
Get homer
There's alot of random people who don't even lift weights who can break the machine. Getting over 200 lbs to break it is not that hard. The strongest grip strength in the world is over 386 lbs.
Dad streanght is stronger
The second guy actually seemed really humble
last guy is best athlete by far
2:23 why he black there but white in the video
2:00 respectful friendly guy that could beat your ass
he sounds dead nice but guy that you dont wanna be in a fight with
Martyn ford is fcking Humble. looks can be deceiving
Nice 👍
homme 1 femme 0
I can
Yes I will break it
If my channel reach 10k I’ll do 50 push ups
Curious what Anatolys grip strength is.
try the grip strength of a welder!
8:05 o cara saiu do anime
Eu 1kg 💀
I want to try and i definitely break it
Yes i can do it because I'm deshi indian boy
11:07 oh shiiittt man🌈🗿
0:43 hell naw that's a number right there💀💀
0:06 69? Why so common🦹♂️
0:06 bro knew what he was doing
Itni qharaab dubbing