I Tested Celebrities Extreme Morning Routines
I Tested Celebrities Extreme Morning Routines
I Tried Celebrities Extreme Morning Routines, these were crazy
Thank you so much for all the support on my YouTube videos. I appreciate every single one of you for clicking on my videos, commenting and Subscribing. I am working so hard to make the YouTube dream a reality and I promise I won’t stop uploading YouTube videos. I couldn’t do it…
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I actually started going to the gym to those times because I was really, and I mean REALLY insecure about myself. I kinda liked how empty it was, there were a couple people but seeing how empty it was and having no clue what to do I just did what you did. I tried and experimented, with the main focus on doing SOMEthing at all instead of nothing. Now I am long done in a 7 day workoput routine and go to normal times, but every now and then at crazy times just because I like how empty it is
1:06 staff watching the security cameras 👁️🕺
That running in the dark looked like kipchoge pace