I LOVED This: Mixed Race Kids vs Their Parents [Reaction]

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Amala Ekpunobi

Joined: Apr 2024
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I LOVED This: Mixed Race Kids vs Their Parents [Reaction]

Today I’m reacting to a Cut video that has mixed race young adults face off with one of their parents and answer difficult questions about race, family, and love. Let’s talk about it!

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITnd0RLNVY0

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  1. Me over here trying to think of black movies🤔 I don't watch many movies at all! But an awesome animated Harriet Tubman movie I watched as a kid, Rush Hour (the dude was hysterical 🤣), some of the sherwood production stuff…

  2. Im half white, half mexican- turned out very pale compared to my mom and even my younger brother. I went to school with a mixed community- mostly mexican or white.

    Looking back, I didn't have many friends- I hung out with some spanish girls- not all mexican, and later hung out with white girls. But generally, was pretty ignored, if not lightly bullied at times. Was it due to race? I doubt it, I just wasn't like for one reason or another, but sometimes I wonder why people picked on me.

  3. Black people should not feel comfortable saying the N-word constantly like they do. That sends a signal that it really was not about white people using the word more than black people saying we have the power to make white people stop using words we don't want them to use. i think it is pathetic that black people still use that word. If not then it was not as insulting to them as they made it out to be.

  4. oh por Dios! que es lo que pasa en USA, porque están tan obsesionados con la raza?, todos somos lo mismo HUMANOS…. yo si me sentiría ofendida como madre, si mis hijos solo validaran la raza del papá, eso es como si me estuviesen negando… en latinoamerica es de lo mas normal imitar los acentos de amigos que no son de aquí como los Chinos, y siempre se los llama "chino" y el nombre, igualmente a personas negras, claro que se les dice de cariño, no es una forma ofensiva..

  5. Lol "I'm not black enough for black men". Girl drop them black men if they don't appreciate you for who you are.Either change the type of black men you're going for, or change the race altogheter. Pretending to be something you're not won't get you anywhere good, nor would get you anyone who deserves you.

  6. Personally, as a mixed race woman, I have experienced the most racism from black people.

    White people have been racist to me, absolutely. But in terms of ‘we are not equal or you do not belong here’? I’ve only personally experienced that from black people.

    Things like ‘well, you’re light so you’re not actually black’. ‘You’re white, you can’t have problems’ ‘you don’t experience racism’. Straight up insulting my mother because she is white and when I challenged it? ‘I can’t be racist, because I’m black’.

    Completely stupid things about my music taste. I like metal. So now, ‘I’m acting white’ I also like Hip Hop and dancehall. ‘You’re not black enough to relate to that music’. And finally the straight up ‘you are not *one of us*’. I never asked to be ‘one of’ anybody. I am just *insert my first name*.

    What defines ‘one of us?’ What is this unspoken scale of blackness? How does my lighter complexion mean that I haven’t been through shit? If a racist neo Nazi attacked me, is it not as bad somehow? If I had two light skinned but 100% ‘black’ parents, do all of these criticisms based on my skin colour still hold weight? Or is it cultural? I have 100% Jamaican Aunty’s who are lighter than me who perpetuate the same exact nonsense.

    All of this categorisation and for what? I am half white and I am half black. However, I don’t see either of these traits as my identity, but have been made to feel as though I have to ‘pick a side’ or I’m a traitor, while simultaneously I wouldn’t be accepted as such if I did pick ‘the black side’. If you wanna be objective about it though, I am mixed race.

  7. I couldn't even name "white movies". Asian would be easier, only because I could default to foreign films, unless told they had to be specifically Asian American. Haven't watched many foreign latin films. Weird question.

  8. The hypocrisy of the black community is something that has consistently astonished me…

    When I was a radical left leaning liberal marching w blm… It was.. “you’re black because your father is black”.. “you’re black because that’s how the world sees you”… “they gon treat you just like us they don’t like you either”..

    Now that I’ve gained common sense and have rejected victimhood I’m “white washed”…. Or “not even black”… OR the BEST ONE “You’re just a self hating black/mixed woman”

  9. black doesn’t have to cancel out the other races. i hate that it feels fucked up to say there’s positives and pretty things about being white, but i think it should be okay to appreciate those traits without being racist. every race has strengths and calling cards that are unique and should be shared

  10. That's a Filipino curse, wanting to be white. It's not a mixed race thing. But because being lighter skin tone means you're beautiful , darker skin tone means you're from the boondooks.

  11. My mom is white and my dad is mexican but I don't think I've ever had an identity crisis. I think that's only because I was raised around mostly white people so I identify with my white side more. I wish I was raised with a lot more of my mexican culture.

  12. My dad is full Hispanic and my Mom is half Hispanic and half white. Honestly hard to identify I guess. Thought what’s crazy I understand that of “I’m to white for the black kids and to black for the white kids” the Hispanic kids where I live made fun of me for not being dark enough or not knowing Spanish but from the white people here have seen my hair and called “crazy” I’ve even been told “Your hair looks exotic” so yeah been a struggle still struggling with it today

  13. Wow I loved this video ❤❤ as Colombian it’s so hard to pin point black or European when it comes to Latin because we are the Original Mixed Kids, and within the Latin Community that has caused so much Colorism and it’s so Real

  14. i kina feel saying the n word is just as racist weather you are black or white. just say "hey bro" instead or something when you are greeting someone.

    cus if black people are allowed to say n word but not white people. that is just double standard i feel.