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  1. Its kinda like thinking of a new primary color that isn't a shade of an existing color, no, like a new color thats completely unique and completely different from any other primary color🤯

  2. If your eyes popped out of your head you would the your normal binocular vision seeing images that contradict each other. You would get sick and puke on your eyes as they dangle in front of your face.

  3. Nothing is something and that’s what scares me you can never really have nothing if you think nothing is just black your wrong what is black a shade a shade is something so what is nothing what was here before the universe before us that question will never be answered❤

  4. Because its not like closing your eyes, you are still seeing something. Its just a very unsettling feeling. However. The amount of people who are completely blind is not super common. My nephew is blind and he can still see a little. Like in the dark with no street lights was how it was explained to me. Essentially shadows.

  5. I have no peripheral vision to the left in either eye. I do not see black anywhere. My vision simply isn't as wide as other people's. I also have a larger blind spot in my vision, but my brain fills it in to make sense. Again, I see no black areas or spots.
    Also, since I can't see left, I'm always right 😁👍

  6. If they’ve never seen light before logically the only thing they “see” is black but since they’ve never had sight before they’re brains are wired to focus on other senses and their minds eye(pituitary or whatever), not talking spiritual.
    Try closing one eye and notice how immediate ur brain puts full focus on the open eye and now notice how you don’t see the black in the closed eye (unless actively trying to). I just think that same logic applies to other senses from the circumstance they were born into.
    I’m not blind tho so what do I know

  7. Y’all don’t understand, I’m blind out of my right eye like completely blind and it’s almost like there isn’t even another eye, you don’t see blackness. You don’t see darkness. You literally don’t realize that you have another eye. I understand when you close your eyes you see black, but in the eye that I am completely blind out of if I didn’t have a mirror I wouldn’t know that there would be another eye because there’s nothing there.