I became a disrespected Stay at Home Dad while She earns £100,000 yearly…

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I became a disrespected Stay at Home Dad while She earns £100,000 yearly…

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  2. Any reason he couldn’t set up his own business? 18 months is a long time. It causes stress in any relationship when one person is carrying the financial burden. It’s not good for her to belittle him but it sounds like resentment is kicking in. It would be good to hear the wife’s side of the story too.

  3. If he gets out of the relationship, will he not get a job to take care of his needs? He should know that 18 months is too long a time to rely on one income.
    Why did he not tell his relatives that he is now jobless? Expecting the wife to take care of him, their children AND his relatives is asking too much.
    Let the man MAN up and get any legal JOB. Staying without a job is affecting his self image and he is pouring his frustration on his wife.

  4. She don't want a stay at home dad unless he can still earn money. But to be honest with you even if he does get a job she still won't be happy with him. I say leave let her do her job and take care of the kids on her own. I don't know why a man can work and take care of his kids and a stay at home wife and still respect her and love her but a women has to do the opposite she will lose all respect for him and even try to humiliate him with friends and family. They honestly think they are better then you. I say leave her and if she don't try to win you back with a honest heart then devorce her. That simple. Believe me you will be better off. Mairreg is a equal partnership one is never better then the other.

  5. A Man should never ever never ever move into a women's house without having a home of his own..simple and he should never ever get married and under no circumstances pay the mortgage on a house by himself if married..look at the statistics as to who takes the lit when divorced..

  6. I don't care what her side is . She used her status ie employment to degrade the father of her children

  7. Nahhhh! I have always gone with all the emails and stories being shared but this one no deh straight. Phrankleen, we need to hear the woman's side. We don't know if he really really did the stay at home duties or she had to come home after work and instantly switch to mummy and wife duties. This alone can easily push a woman to her breaking point

    On the other hand, there seems to be an issue with partnership and support. We the people need to hear her own version.

  8. I feel like this relationship can be remedy. Let them go see a counseling. The man was helping with this kids.. he was not just sleeping around.
    Maybe the lady too was stressed.
    I strongly believe this relationship can be save ..unless there is more ro the story

  9. The western world and the 21st century have blured the roles of men and women in a relarionship or marriage. But one thing I've learned over the years: when a man is srtipped of his ability to earn a living and take care of his family, his ego and mental health take an African flugging. Men want to be providers period! If truly he was the unselfish one, and choose his children and his wife, for the betterment of the marriage, then there is surely and truly hope. SEEK professional( not a place of worship) counseling. It is easy to walk away, but hard to stay, learn and grow. It is also okay to separate for a couple weeks. If you or phrankleen read this reach out to me.

  10. Lets not forget, looking after children is a work.
    This man is not jobless.
    Nowadays women always lose respect for men when they become the main breadwinner… she doesn't even value the work the man does looking after their children. At Ieast they have their dad with them everyday.thats very valuable.
    She sees the money she making as her money. Not family money.
    As women we can be so ungrateful too.
    She will regret it, when he gone.
    Money has spoikrnmany people
    We think money is he end all and be all.
    Thats why many people are burnt out and very unhappy. We console ourselves with material goods……

  11. 18 months is a long time for your man to sit at home not doing nothing, i don't think they had sit down and she say to him hun i will work you take care of the kid's because if i make that decision as a woman. How would I then tell my man go and look a job get off your ass…
    My bother let me tell you something from a female perspective. No matter how much a woman tell you its ok not to work she will look down on you…
    How can she see you as a man when she is supporting you..
    Your like one of her kids so the respect go out the window…
    So for all these man out here who want to be a freeloader. Ask yourselves do l want to be look down on by a woman. No matter how much you love your man no matter how rich you are and you can take care of him no problem. In your eye in the back of your head you look down on this man.
    Because we or coming from a place where man work and take care of females we see that coming up. Plus for the religious people a man should be the head of the household that was drill into us, so even if you think your opened minded it creeps in. This man is a bum.

  12. Somethings iffyish here i think . .There's evening care work or weekends. A childminder can pik up the children after school till wife returns so he can go to work in the night even 3nights a week🤷🏾‍♀️. . .A man needs to work no matter what . . .

  13. As someone living abroad myself, 18 freaking months is a long time to live without a job, be it a man or woman. Even if you can’t get a job in your field get a survival job and keep pushing… No woman wants to support a man that isn’t working, that woman wld respect him if he got his behind up and got any kind of job to support the family whether its high paying or not. I’ve lived in the UK and I know that its very easy to get survival jobs (warehouse, Customer Service, Call Center etc), so what’s his excuse? A jobless man with an ego is a woman’s worst nightmare.

  14. There's is always two sides to a story. 18 months without at least a part time gig, even before covid, come on , please. On top of that spending limited resources to others outside that home ?There's a situation here in the US this minute where the husband refused to work, wouldn't even help at all with the children and worse of all the family is losing their home because he took equity out of the house and didn't pay up. I don't think they should break up. He should get a job, it's not a good thing for a man to depend completely on a woman for such a long time. It's completely obvious what will happen if it's not corrected.

  15. A marriage is a partnership. It is fur richer of poorer, sickness and health. She should take of the household financially, until he get back on his feet.
    They can try counseling first before giving up. I have friends who work and the husband is a stay at home Dad and it works for them.

  16. Look…I'm a man, and I will say these 2 things:

    1- 18 months is a long time to comfortably let your woman make all the money in the home. Go find a job, even if it is Walmart while you keep the search going AND study for better certs AND take care of domestics. It will not need to affect your ego if you YOURSELF arrange yourself without anybody telling you. Let her even be the one to tell you herself that "baby please chill. I got you". That should not be a period of you being comfortable…which leads to #2.

    2- You would have to be super comfortable with the situation to even contemplate handling any external family requests AT THIS TIME. It's beyond irresponsible to be trying to use your wife's money to handle to solve family problems back home. There is such a thing as "I can't right now as I am out of work". You are not God, neither are you the only family member. They will sha find a way without you.
    You should only be having the mind to help external family when you are earning your own money. It should not even cross your mind if it is your wife's money.
    Even when you are bringing up the subject when gisting family matters with your wife, show yourself a responsible man by specifying that you will have to tell them no given YOUR current situation. Then let HER decide if she has the bandwidth to help….not by any compulsion!
    Men should learn how to operate in dignified humility and emotional intelligence and not just crash when life blows small wind their way because of ego that you have not even earned the right to have due to your freaking joblessness.