How To Fix America's Broken Food System | Senator Cory Booker

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How To Fix America's Broken Food System | Senator Cory Booker

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Our current food system is a national emergency. It’s intricately designed to confuse and mislead consumers, making healthy choices difficult and contributing…



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  1. Powerful conversation about the broken food system. Senator Booker and Dr. Hyman highlight crucial issues. We need systemic change and individual action. Let's support policies that prioritize health, sustainability, and equity. This is a complex problem, but together, we can create a food system that nourishes both people and the planet.

  2. Harris should not choose Buttigieg as vice president. He does not understand that non-affluent young people need their time for study and work, not for mandatory forced service activities. Their early years are the time for youth to be learning or building careers, not further subsidizing prior generations.

    Cory Booker has a much stronger stage presence and would do a better job of demolishing "Tea Party" Republicans. GOP fascists cannot be reasoned with or appeased, they must be defeated decisively.

    Harris and Booker would have the vigor to win this existential fight.

    Hopefully Harris will separate herself from Biden's sponsorship of genocide. I hope that Harris can also quietly stop talking about college debt forgiveness for such a large portion of the population, funded by taxation of American adults in general; I hope that she recognizes that Biden's debt forgiveness plan was terrible – – it was too broad and made little sense to educated professionals or to working and middle class Americans, who should be the natural supporters of the Democratic party. ….

  3. Enjoyed this video chat so much… I’m an health and wellness ambassador/advocate… I’m obsessed
    I was very sick, over 100kg, high inflammation, high cortisol, blood test were always abnormal and so on…. When I started my holistic health journey and now after 5 years, most of my illness and health has disappeared, medications have been stopped. I dropped weight straight away , inflammation dropped, cortisol levels dropped. Thyroid levels balanced etc, my skin became vibrant and glowy… all my life i struggled and and went to every health professional and every dietician in my state and nothing worked, until I healed from past trauma too and ate just real whole foods … of if I knew it was that simple 20 years ago, my life and health would’ve been so different… but so grateful I have been given this opportunity and so grateful that you Dr Mike and senator are taking this serious 🙏🏽🙏🏽🩵🩵

  4. Obviously, it's great to hear an elected official actually care about the food system and to do it publicly. What I need to know is what is Corey Booker going to do about it as a US Senator? Can we get other officials on board? Can we publicaly educate people? Can we educate school children or take the ultra processsed food out of schools? Something has to be done!

  5. As an RN, age 79, been on real food since age 35; it’s all about U.S. greed. This applies to our broken medical system that is corporate owned, big Pharma, and Food companies! Either take responsibility for yourself or be a victim.

  6. How is it , that Medicare doesn’t approve CGM for diabetics, they only approve when you’re in INSULIN. I’m trying not to be in insulin , I was px CGM. I wonder who makes this rule, ?

  7. why does he want to go down the road and get a salad? a salad is processed food. Why not go home and make a salad out of the whole foods yourself? the problem is that people don't want to prepare their own foods. people are too lazy to learn. to learn what to eat, how to grow food, how to prepare food and what foods to eat. Stop wanting and start learning how to create. anyone can grow and process their own food…

  8. I always liked Cory Booker for the good things he has accomplished, however I feel he is oblivious to how severe our broken food system really is. I hope he continues to work with Dr. Hyman and helps to push through all the corruption in our food industry – we need an army to do this!

  9. When people catch on to a certain ingredient that they want to avoid, the food industry just gives it another name.
    It is a never ending battle to stay on top of things.

  10. A good start would be to get the packaged junk food out of the school lunches. Schools just connect with local farmers for their lunches. Many parents would be willing to support this. Start the kids out with healthy habits and continue the trend at home. It is more work and a little more expensive but it’s worth it.

  11. The problem is our time who has time to even fix a salad, the cost of living is so high we need to work long hard hours just to drive to McDonald’s and other ff places on the way home to get dinner

  12. Meat is contaminated. 90% of vegans still use dairy( liquid meat). The Nutrient composition of Plant Based Foods is not to different as that of meat. But meat is not essential for a healthy diet. Vegans use added oil, which is not necessary when eating Whole Foods. So much to learn. I have the Dr.Hyman,s Young Forever CookBook. Cookbook. O try so hard to school people on healthy eating. The jokes that come out are awful. I think those who want to know have to take a class. I can’t even look at my daughter when she eats. She calls me the Food Police. So unless someone wants to know I keep quiet. I was a Family And Consumer Science Teacher, who took Nutrition seriously, and still do. Our food is disgusting. Animals are even suffering because of the food they are fed. I cook for my animals, real food. Thanks for this program and the book is awesome.

  13. I recently visited a new doctor in a very small town practice and I asked him what he thought about functional medicine. He said “it’s quackery. I’ve seen people go to the Cleveland clinic and come back with a bunch of vitamins and then just get worse.” I was totally dismayed and actually disgusted. How can I address this lack of information and ignorance??

  14. "For every dollar we spend on food at the checkout counter, we are spending 3 dollars in collateral damage"! 🤥😔 Chronic disease, mental illness, obesity, dementia and tooth rot, is all caused by our S.A.D. American diet! My new non-Profit company JosieJohann Foundation is hosting free workshops for women, mom's and babies, teenagers etc., educating them on healthy eating!! Thank you so much for all I learned from Dr. Mark Hyman!

  15. Flouride is also a driver of poor health amd mental health issues which needs to be addressed. The Flouride action network has been trying to get to court for years and the case date is continued again and again.

  16. It’s expensive to eat healthy. Our companies are very greedy!! It’s all about the almighty dollar. I try to do my best in eating healthy. I do enjoy going out to dinner once a month. It’s amazing how many people choose not to cook healthy or how to do it. It’s probably overwhelming for them.

    The American people also need to focus on exercising. I exercise 6 days a week since I have retired. When I was working, I went to the gym 2-3 times per week and walked on the weekend.

  17. Congress, through 18 USC 175, legalized HHS/ PHS/ military production and use of biological weapons, by classifying them as 'select agents and toxins.' including our food supply worldwide, search Bailiwick News

  18. 30 years ago my brother was an endocrinologist. 40% of his patients were diabetes. He couldn't get them to change their dietary habits, so he switched to being a GP, and found it to be fun to do medicine again.