How the malls looks like in Angola? Welcome to Avennida Shopping Luanda/ Angola #Angolanyoutuber

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Findirela Yeza

Joined: Mar 2024
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How the malls looks like in Angola? Welcome to Avennida Shopping Luanda/ Angola #Angolanyoutuber

#Angola #Ghana #Africa #Nigeria #TPA #Zap



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  1. I would like to company you on your next trip here and if anyone would like to visit angola I can translate for you for free I like this country and I want others to appreciate it as much as I do

  2. Love the video. Thanks for showing to the world that Angola is not just poverty and other negative stuffs. We also have beautifull places to visit and have a lot of fun. Next time try to visit Cabo Ledo beach and Mussulo island, i`m sure you will love it.

  3. I will visit them soon, God willing It seems to be a nice country that is there is there are talking English. Or only Portuguese. I hope you really want to go