How Rwanda Plans to get Insanely Rich

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How Rwanda Plans to get Insanely Rich

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Rwanda may be the…



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  1. Why is this brilliant video interrupted with so many commercials? I swear to god and universe I WON’T BUY ANY GOOD OR WON’T USE ANY SERVICE ADVERTISED ON YOUTUBE. I hate agressive advertizing.

  2. Why nations that adopt a western style of looking at collectivity manages to come out of the poverty trap ? Korea, Taiwan, Japan, China, Singapore, Hongkong? Is Ruwanda next ?

    On the other hand, why Nations that spend a lot of time complaining about oppression occurred during colonial times, cannot move from square 1 after decades ?

  3. Very similar to the Taiwanese economical miracle in the 1970s. The formula is:
    1. Stable political system
    2. Safety
    3. Open for business
    4. Invest in people, as the only resources for a tiny country

  4. The Father of this nation is so respected. I lived in West Africa , maybe this will be my first East African country I visit. 🇺🇸✍🏾✈️ Leah Tunkara

  5. This video was thorough and good but I must say that after the genocide the president ensured the "we are all rwandans" motif and removed the ethnic labels, as rwandans we are not even supposed to label each other or mention the two groups . Government wise there is a mix of people and only socially in elders is there any discrimination , which the government tries to restrain as we are all rwandans and this could build tension. Currently every Rwandan fears Kagame leaving but just as stated in the video the people have an insecurity on falling back into violence and bad leadership, its not a tutsi vs hutu thing. So the whole stiffling hutu people in his rule is not true rather there's a lot of forces outside Rwanda that threaten violence and attack of the country, or president. Its not a lack of free speech its more not being able to differentiate governmental critic and threats from genociders that fleed. Its not a lack of free speech but instead the choice of being sensitve to the context of Rwandas history. Finally as someone said in the comment "The West tends to value political freedom; other places tend to value security. Generally speaking, as long as a regime provides security and prosperity, political freedom never becomes a priority" and this accounts for every Rwandan.

  6. This video is lying, first and foremost Tutsi were kings and they treated all tribes equally,the citizens got treated the same,protected the saying the colonizers gave privilege to Tutsi is a huge lie that colonizers and their supporters like to spread to try make up a reason why hutus killed Tutsi.Tutsi were already kings and it is not the colonizers who put them in power,it was hard for colonizers to set their foot in Rwanda and they tried a couple times before and it didn't work,there was a great warrior Tutsi king Rwabugiri who had given order to his guards to kill anyone with pale skin who would dare enter Rwanda so arabs who tried got killed and that threatened the rest,so the colonizers were told about Tutsi and so when they managed to enter the country by lying that they were good gospel preachers after that King Rwabugiri had died they knew they had to be careful with Tutsi as to not provoque them so it is not giving privilege to Tutsi but rather it was trying to be careful with Tutsi so Tutsi wouldn't discover how evil colonizers were and attack them that's why colonizers had to play careful not to interfere immediately with Tutsi way of ruling so this video is lying by saying they gave privilege to Tutsi lol how?it is a way of europeans of lying to make themselves seen as the pillar in everything ,how can you just enter a country and claim you gave the kings privilege while you don't have a say in their country,you're just a foreigner and they are kings there is nothing you can offer a king that is beyond being a king,colonizers did not offer anything to Tutsi that they didn't have If anything Tutsi kings never got along with colonizers as colonizers always wanted to oppress the citizens and the kings were always protecting the citizens and abolish forced labour that colonizers wanted to force onto the citizens,the colonizers even killed two Tutsi kings (the king Musinga and king Rudahigwa) because they were against the colonizers and wanted the colonizers to get out the country; and that's when colonizers selected a handful of hutu men they conspired to throw Tutsi out of power by first making up lies that Tutsi are foreigners and that the country belongs to hutu all of that was because those hutu got along with the colonizers and they folled everything the colonizers asked them to do and colonizers realized if those hutu get in power that will make colonizers stay in the country and rule the country through hutu since Tutsi were against colonisers interfering with their way of ruling so that's the root of genocide against Tutsi,once colonizers killed the Tutsi kings and officials and put hutu in power,the hutu along with the colonizers plotted to exterminate all Tutsi as they got threatened by the Tutsi potential of ruling the country again,so they wanted to kill even the new born as they feared that even the new born would rule the country in the future and that would make colonizers lose their grip onto Rwanda so that is the main reason why they committed genocide against Tutsi and it started in 1959,they thought they'd kill Tutsi little by little till they finish them all without the world knowing it but once the Tutsi in exile formed an army to fight back that made hutu and their colonizer supporters(belgians &french)to plan to exterminate the rest of the Tutsi at once in 1994 as they realized they may get defeated by the Tutsi in exile therefore lose the opportunity to exterminate Tutsi little by little as they first planned since that's how they tried to exterminate the rest of Tutsi in 1994 where they killed more than one million Tutsi in just 100 days before they got defeated by Tutsi army from the exile.

  7. During genocide against Tutsi in 1994 more than one million Tutsi were killed by hutu government and hutu civilians,so it is not only 800,000.moderate hutu who got killed in the genocide weren't even a hundred and they got killed because they were against the killings of Tutsi.last but not least Tutsi did not migrate to Rwanda from the horn of Africa that is simply lies made up by colonizers so they can make Tutsi foreigners in their own land Rwanda.Tutsi like any other tribes migrated to subsahara Africa many thousands years ago and they came to empty lands of great lakes region and formed a kingdom comprised of many countries,it was an empire and their way of ruling was exactly like the way of pharaohs of ancient egypt,even the name the pharaohs used to call the most high Imana is the same name Tutsi call the most high,the Tutsi kings resemble the historically powerful pharaohs of egypt like pharaoh Rumeza whose name got westernized as pharaoh Tutsi history they never said they came from horn of Africa they said they came from far north which is definitely in egypt &israel as the both countries were originally inhabited by a black nation,moreover the bible is full of Tutsi culture and belief and the colonizers knew how much they resemble the pharaohs and the biblical people so the colonizers forced them to stop practicing and celebrating certain events that were similar to the biblical people,they even forced them to stop calling the most high "Imana" that they should call him"Mungu"like swahili people do but they refused and kept using Imana as the name of the most high so all of that were ways of colonizers to try to erase every proof that would connect Tutsi to pharaohs and the biblical people.Tutsi were great kings and ruled nations of different tribes in peace,they were great warriors and only fought for a good reason and they never fought their own citizens as they bear in mind that citizens are to be Africa kingdoms used to fight for lands and when they defeat you your citizens become theirs there was no bad blood they all later lived in peace and that's how empires got formed.

  8. That's just what the west wanted them to doUnited States England want them to fight1 is to kill all peopleAnd say that it wasn't genocide But not now they can walk in and take over the country and take all the natural resources that they want Boy you have to answer slow Slow slow You need to put it together World and you can't get together Just stop Bandits from robin hood You can't pull it together long enough And order to keep Foreigners out of your country Taking away

  9. Rwanda est un mensonge occidental. Son economie est subventionner par les stats-unis et l’union europeen et les pillages ressources miniēres au Congo.
    Il n’y a pas des miracle

  10. Rwanda I developing at high speed on innocent blood people of Congo…Without rooting Congolese mineral resources, Rwanda is nothing…Very poor indeed

  11. The Chinese are responsible for the Rwanda "miracle" as soon as they kick out the chinese it is doomed to fail. Wait for it, I guarantee its coming. I have been there a few times and there is already talk of not needing outside help and not wanting to pay for outside help or split profits with "greedy" outsiders. Its doomed to fail if they go down that road…

  12. I vividly remember the 1994 genocide. Today, a TikTok video brought back those memories. But I also found a video that makes me happy for Rwanda and its people.

  13. Talking about belgian colonisation whitout talking about the german is dumb as fuck since the source of the conflict started with german colonisation not belgian

  14. You should also say, that this genocide was planed by kagame and the West helped rwanda growing by buying their stolen ressources from dr congo

  15. I really can't tell exactly whether Tutsis and Hutus are two different tribes or otherwise. The reasons are many to describe this. For a community to be described as a triable they must have peculiar features such as dialectic language, cultures that differentiate one community to another. The only different features that describes Hutus and Tutsis is their physique. The Tutsis being tall (although Hutus also are tall), they have thin and long noise (which also some Hutus have). In the contrast, Hutus are described as stock and short with wide chest ( some Tutsis also have this features, the late Col. Gen. Michael Micombero first President of Republic of Burundi had all Hutu features explained here). The two communities speak same language ( Kirundi or Kinyarwanda). This however may not explain much about the two communities! This is so because Tutsis are very minority 15% in Burundi and 14% in Rwanda against 85% of Hutus in Burundi and 86% Hutus in Rwanda. One thing is clear; if Tutsis immigrated from the horn of Africa as we are told, they lost their culture and language to that of Hutus majority. This is explained by the fact that no single Tutsi vocabulary exists in the current Kirundi or Kinyarwanda languages! Meaning that the information we have today about the origin of Tutsis is subject to further critical research and examination! How can it be that we do not have remnants of Tutsis vocabulary in Kirundi and Kinyarwanda?

  16. "Homicide rate is even lower than in the US". I was laughing at this. Only an American will see this as an achievement. US is ranked 156 of 206 countries according to UNODC. That is, way below many 3rd world countries.