How Lasik Surgery Works 👀

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Zack D. Films

Joined: Mar 2024
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How Lasik Surgery Works 👀



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Is that for astigmatism? I have it

I gotta do this soon…


For the teens below 18 and have been advised to do it at 18: remember that even though the doctor may advise it it's best to do it late e.g in your 20s because there's a higher success rate then doing it right after 18. I was advised by my physician on this.


Yeah never doing that


But I have seen Final Destination 😢


Well, always the humans have to repair the God's work!! It seems God doesn't know his job very well!! 😂


My brother is going to get this soon I think 🤔


Why the music tho?




best thing I ever did. only thing is my eyes are really sensitive to light. I remember after I healed, a traffic light at night was sooo vivid and bright


How did people figure out they can cut open your eye and shoot a laser in it


no ❤


Screw That 😂

I’ll stick to Glasses

Thanks but No Thanks 🥃🔥

A man had lasik surgery for his eyes and said the first two months were fine but after those 2 months his eye started to get worse and thought he was going to be blind


Is this real?


It's been a year and I can see perfectly 😊


Horrific flashbacks to Dead Space 2 where I fucked up the button press


I have done this before, its chill, you can also just snap any stitch right of while you awake you just hear a snaping sound


I somehow fucked up the machine and broke the suction from the device that holds your eyeball in place THREE times. Had to get emergency PRK on top of the LASIK flap cut that had been 90% of the way and partially torn due to the machine’s suction. I’ve had 5 abdominal surgeries and let me tell you that the next 12 hours were the most agonizing moments of my life. When it finally healed, it was well worth it. But godDAMN did that hurt.


I'm so scared of it. What if I move?? What if I look somewhere else? What if I BLINK??? How do they numb it???????


Kim Kardashian did this to her eyes


I got subconjunctival hemorrhage after lasted about 10 days and then subsided…but getting Lasik was the best decision…I was so tired of using glasses and contact lenses.


I know this is not good, but I'd go blind before I let someone do this to me


gently?? 😅