How Israeli soldiers are livestreaming war crimes | The Take
Al Jazeera has investigated thousands of posts from social media documenting war crimes by Israeli soldiers in Gaza. What does this database expose about the last year of war – what’s being called the first “livestreamed genocide”?
In this episode:
– Richard Sanders, Director, “Gaza”
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You mean your Monsters?
if this was done by palestinians the west will label them as terorrists . WHY IS THE WEST NOT SAYING THAT ISRAELIS ARE TERRORISTS ? but the west is supporting the GENOCIDE done by ISRAEL .
They make Hitler and Stalin look like rookies..I hope history will tell this war honestly and the Jews being pure evil
What disgusting monsters.
There IS No escape
This is what western alliance is funding. War Crimes!
Danke für die Aufklärung!
Merci à Al jazeera les vrais média du monde ❤
Quelle société dégoûtante 😡🤢🤮
If what happened on October 7th was not genocide, then you're wasting time with this coverage… People were butchered, hacked burnt alive… Stop playing victims card and stand for human rights life equally..
If despite hourly video evidence available for everyone to witness, there are still apologists, as well as rejoicers, It is easy to understand how the atrocities in 1930s Germany were allowed to take place.
Please watch the documentary "Israelism" Explains a lot .
According to the International Court of Justice there is NO GENOCIDE of the Palestinian people. Stop the framing and stop posting HAMAS Propaganda.
It is increasingly difficult to have even the most basic respect for Israel.
Jewie jews are asking for another infamous German action…
I don't understand … Hamas live-streamed their genocidal acts of terror. They even used phones stolen from those they just killed. And while Israel most certainly is NOT committing any genocide – the hypocrisy and double standard become clear when criticizing Israel for also using social media
Its not just the israeli military who radically discriminate against the people of Gaza, its many many ordinary citizens within Israel who believe that the people of Gaza are sub-human and beneath them. This is taught to them at a young age, and it was so sick to see those social media tiktoks of Israeli's racially mocking them and getting away with it. This is systemic and I can't believe the west still staunchly supports Israel.
They are evils on the loose
What would be the Hebrew translation of "Wir haben dass nicht gewusst"? They'll be needing that phrase soon.
– Oh my god, they broke the dishes!
– You bastards!
Criticize Israel= You are antisemitic ! Criticize Israeli war crimes response "we were victims of Holocaust" The absurdity of Israeli society is pathetic when you have 96% support active genocide from grandchildren of Holocaust survivors.
it is war. assume it.
So Israel is proving again there r no rules…..MIGHT IS RIGHT……but the amount of hatred that is spreading towards them will be dangerous for Jews all over the world 😢😢😢
In what world are we all pretending to live in?
In what world have any conflicts been fought that did not include war crimes on every side?
AlJazeera is a pure propaganda channel
This video is un-American and should not appear oin the internet.
Why are the men puting on womans braws.
Thank you Al-Jazeera! Their have been crimes against your journalists as well, and UN soldiers.
Nice to know who to arrest and try!
Oct 6 was at coachella, then we would agree
Al Jazeera is a platform of hatred ..very sad
رب اشرح لي صدري ، ويسر لي أمري ، واحلل عقدة من لساني ، يفقهوا قولي
if there is god, this isn't going without repercussions.
so are you
Why dont you guys critize hamas. Just as idf told hamas works for u guys. Not one is telling about the abuse done to the hostages.
Only Palestinians can stop this war , release the hostages, AND WAR IS OVER.
Hamas came through the border fences and indiscriminately killed, tortured and kidnapped civilians. There cannot be war crimes dealing with retribution and Israel avenging these horrible crimes perpetrated by these monsters.
Its was a bad idea for Hamas to start a war in the first place.
This is so horrible. What the Israeli soldiers are doing is absolutely sickening.
Zeeshaunrauff what does Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Afghanistan Iraq and Vietnam have to do with Israel in Gaza
Nations at war have always done things like this it's just that now every one has a smart phone or go pro to upload videos to social media platforms
Free israel
It’s bad enough that I’m part of the generation that is cooking the planet but this? This is the moldering cherry on top.
'The World' accepted it ? No, only the Western leaders and their controlled media. The rest of us will not forget nor forgive, and we will keep talking about it.
The islamic propaganda from Al Jazeera.
As a former Greek army low officer …This is not the army spirit. This is disgrace of the Israeli army. Really schocked.
Hamas did the same on October 7th? You reap what you sow.