How AI helps predict extreme weather | BBC News

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How AI helps predict extreme weather | BBC News

Climate scientists at Oxford University Physics are contributing to the EU’s “Destination Earth” initiative by developing a weather model that utilises Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The project involves AI and a digital twin of Earth, simulating natural phenomena and human activities to predict climate change scenarios around the globe –…



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  1. News flash they had weather reports before the Farmers almanac. And you know in fact the Farmers on the back is still more accurate than all the high-tech that we have today😂😂😂😂😂

  2. The AI model will only be as good as the data that is put into the programme. If certain data is ommitted like with IPCC model then it will give conflicting results hence why they have to keep on changing the perimeters to get the result that fits the agenda.

  3. AI is something else Big Biz can make money out of, so we will again be issued with claims that " this has already been agreed/ this has all be sorted," tho none of us ever had a chance to contribute to that debate. ( ditto Climate Change, wind & solar )
    AI is another tool that will be used to control us and spy on us. Facial recognition started out as "a good idea" for maybe tracking down wanted criminals, terrorists etc and even tracing missing people. But oh no………its will be used to control your movements and stop you wandering around your own country, because you might stir up some unrest when you get there.
    AI will not benefit the ordinary man.

  4. Madisson, maybe best to delete this video. He is only accused and has yet to face trial. Let us give him a chance to defend himself. If the victim is subject to court ordered anonymity, surely the accused, should have the same right…until convicted.

  5. The only way AI can Predict the weather is that pple send airplanes in the air to let it rain or Haarp or chemtrails. In the beginning computers made mistakes also. In the beginning there was a big bang still nobody know when it started now we have computers?

  6. No one can stop the power of god or redirected otherwise flooding wouldn't happen otherwise earthquake wasn't happen otherwise typhoon wasn't happening all the stock is the talk of the failure who don't have a job to do or to make any kind of investment losers are so many all over the world on the TV on the news everywhere

  7. Maybe it may predict the weather, but AI cannot predict how dumb the human race is at understanding the climate. Oh well, I will put another fan on to help cool down, even though it's been 6C higher than normal where I live, and the sea has been at the highest temperature since record began. Another big storm is about to hit the area with a large amount of rain and lightning. AI only works on historical data, and we are living in unpredictable times!

  8. Fascinating video! AI is truly revolutionizing how we understand and predict extreme weather patterns. The ability to process massive datasets and recognize subtle patterns that humans might miss is a game-changer for forecasting. This technology can help save lives by giving communities more time to prepare for extreme events like hurricanes, floods, and heatwaves. It’s incredible to see how science and tech are working together to combat climate challenges!

  9. Help.
    Anche per me.! Io non ce la faccio più. Giorno e notte, continuamente, senza tregua. Pressioni, sempre le stesse cose, fino allo sfinimento. Registrazioni, con risposte fatte. Un amore immaginario che, non esiste, solamente per avermi fatto male,ma loro continuano con questo uomo da anni, ma lui non esiste… Ferite sanguinante, aperte, cercando di non pensare, di ricucire, niente… Loro continuamente, come un martello pneumatico. Ho cercato questi miei affetti, senza trovarli,il loro lavgio del cervello, fa sì che tu veda continuamente, una persona che non esiste,questo per sempre da tanti anni..La voglia di avere Qualchuno di loro vicino, mi ha portato ad avere , vere problematiche. Ho bisogno di aiuto, Shooting, STOLKING, il risultato di anni e anni, che mi hanno portato ad ammalarmi. Ho bisogno che Qualchuno intervenga, ma questo non accade mai. Quella persona, deve venire a vedere, cosa c'è in questo appartamento, e chiuderlo… Non riesco più a vivere. Loro, che tutte le notti è giorni, sono stati gli artefici, di aver attentato alla vita di una persona INVALIDA, facendole il lavaggio del cervello, sino ad aggravarne, lo stato ischemico… Ogni volta, senza respirare più, gridandolo più volte, ma alla fine, venendo vezzeggiata…Il loro comportamento, è anche frutto di alcune sostanze che condividono, con l'aggravante di far parte di un CORPO DELLE FORZE DELL'ORDINE. (naturalmente, non facendo di tutta l erba un fascio). Loro hanno sempre confermato, di aver fatto del male, a più persone, avendone avuto il potere!…. Adesso, da anni, ne hanno fatto tanto a me, facendomi ammalare e togliendomi gli anni più belli.. Stanca di soffrire, non posso più andare avanti così.. Ho chiesto aiuto, a destra e a sinistra, invano, ma adesso basta. La mia vita, è più importante che certi criminali. Loro hanno fatto del male ad una persona, invalida in casa propria.. Adesso, mi vedono scrivere, io in un punto, loro nell'altro… Ma sempre sotto controllo tutto onde evitare sorprese…..

    Ho raggiunto l'apice.. Di tutto.. Ora basta!….. 5 anni di calvario, anche davanti alla perdita di cari,.. Ma Qualchuno deve intervenire subito….! PER FAVORE!

  10. As one of the biggest polluters since 1850s, UK has been dumping nuclear radiation waste in the sea beginning in the 1950s, these waste eventually get carried by northern nordic current to the North Pole which contributed in the melting of the polar ice sheeth, global warming is now unreversible as this downward spiral will only get worse every Year, from record breaking heat to record breaking storms and flooding, the worst is yet to come. While China is creating inland seas in desert for aquaculturing and building next generation Green power plants, UK's infrastructure started to fail, all the money wasted on poorly designed projects. If UK really wanted China's help, UK need apologize for the opium war, cut ties with US and return all stolen artifacts.

  11. This can be designed to work with our current understanding of geo engineering to provide water equality for all people of the world and actually reverse the current diaspora or migration of people.

  12. there is one thing we have to do. Stop wasteful Capitalism and greed. That is where climate change originates so no amount talking around that issue will matter.

  13. You are back: the Trump hater…..yes, hater you and that woman you both. When Donal Trump gets back in, you guys will get no interviews, you will not even get near the White House, in fact you will be banned, the BBC for all your hate speech & dis-information, woke media, why do we pay for a BBC licence?