Horn Africa News: ውዕሎ ኣብይ ምስ ወከልቲ ትግራይ/ ዘሕጉስ ዜና ጀነራል ክንፈ ዳኘው
Horn Africa News: ውዕሎ ኣብይ ምስ ወከልቲ ትግራይ/ ዘሕጉስ ዜና ጀነራል ክንፈ ዳኘው
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ብጣዕሚ ሃሪፍ ዜና
Interesting news
Very interesting news
ፅቡቅ ብስራት ኢዩ ንህዝቢ ትግራይ። ከምኡ እናበለ ናብ ፅቡቅ መንገዲ ክመፅእ ክኸውን ኢዩ።
If what you said is genuine. It is exceedingly imperative. And clearly the federal government should motivate and succour to the IDP ( Internally Displaced Persons )and other people of Tigrai as well.
kab nay pitoria agreement nay algeris peace agreement eka eyu zqidim ente international laws kikber zelewo, haqi haqi eyu tegariway wey Ethiopia kunu international laws nkilu haqinetu mere eyu , badme kea meriet Eritrea koynu tewesinu eyu, ab qidmi higi hade mifrah wey mihguas zbehal neger yelen :: selam ente delika nselam mejemeria sirah 🎉