HONEST but SERIOUS: Are anxiety and mental health struggles common in the disability community?
HONEST but SERIOUS: Are anxiety and mental health struggles common in the disability community?
Today’s HONEST but SERIOUS question is: Are anxiety and mental health struggles in the disability community?
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I believe that it might be common but I'm not sure. I have anxiety and mental health struggles on top of my disabilities.
Likely so as we don't have to many people to relate to as well as how other people preserve us and such, but I feel like we're making progress hopefully.
I think they are, just from trying to cope in a world designed to exclude /be hard for us, never mind coping with disabilities themselves
I think they very much are but some of that is aggravated by the amount of ableism we deal with daily. I have mental health, anxiety on top of my physical disabilities
I believe it is as we're all observant, I personally see qualities in others i wish i could have in myself in order to circumvent and surpass the anxiety I suffer with.
There are moments where 'masking' helps you achieve success in those moments, but masking is only temporary solution.
Saying that, if you persevere you eventually reach the point where the confidence becomes a solid part of you, life changes at that point.
Individually however, it is down to us to make best of what we have, then push forward and be better in ourselves whatever our own personal circumstances.
Giving up is easy, but hard very hard on the mind in the long term.
Perseverance is difficult too, but the long-term rewards are worth much more for your mind.
I'm waffling, I hope you are well M'Lady.