HogWatch at Real Estate Convention (West Bank Edition) | Hasanabi Reacts to Walter Masterson

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Hasan Reactions

Joined: May 2024
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HogWatch at Real Estate Convention (West Bank Edition) | Hasanabi Reacts to Walter Masterson

Hasan reacts to friend of the show, Walter Masterson, who went to a West Bank Property Sale convention in New York to ask the people there about their thoughts!

Edited By: https://twitter.com/HasanReactions
Intro Animation By: https://twitter.com/HasanReactions
Outro Animation By: https://twitter.com/HasanReactions
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  1. They had to keep Johnson in there to pass Ukraine/Taiwan aid, it had already been months of waiting as Russia advances. Chaos is not needed to just try and prove a point about the apartheid state.

  2. From whence did the Zionist state come: from those, all over, abroad, who collectively attacked and colonized the region. They did not come from one place, like some fount: they came from all over, far and wide.

  3. I've always said this for years about zionism (usually christian zionism, but it applies to all forms) that it should be, and by some it is, considered a massive lack of faith if you think your god needs the help of modern politics etc. to fulfill something you believe he promised to you.

  4. If Mike Johnson was ousted Ukraine would have not gotten its funding and Russia would take over Ukraine.

    Is Hasan's actual position to abandon Ukraine? Fuck off.

  5. Jew is not an ethnicity, its a religion. Israel is 80%+ European DNA by their own mass DNA testing. Theyre not the Semitic Hebrew they identify as, that DNA is and always will be the Hebrew DNA that is 90%+ of Gaza. Theres a reason they dont take Hebrew DNA for right to return. All Palestinians would have right to the land of their ancestors and the European and American occupiers would not.

  6. It's even funnier that Christians support this. One of the most notable things Jesus did, central even to his arrest and execution, was oust merchants from the temple, because it was a misuse of the temple. Yet here they are, cheering it on

  7. Given that not a century ago, a particularly cruel-hearted person could have chanted “nobody wants you” at Jews being denied asylum in country after country after country…. How can they miss the parallels? It turns my stomach and breaks my heart.