History of Israel-Palestine Conflict

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History of Israel-Palestine Conflict

This video presents the History of Israel-Palestine conflict that rooted a few thousand years ago.

00:00 Introduction
00:42 Early History of Israeli-Palestinian conflict
03:11 Israel and Palestine under the British rule
04:25 The Birth of the Israel State
05:12 The 1948 Arab-Israeli War
06:15 The Six-Day War
07:01 The First Intifada…



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  1. The Israelis often quote the bible that God gave the land of Israel to them as justification for what they are doing in Gaza to which I say: Regarding this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhEmFPJLrMo Archbishop Jonathan Blake, he speaks well and he's only trying for peace which is a noble cause. But at one point he shoots himself in the foot. Check out timeline 1:17 on the video he says that God and the bible are inanimate, (ie. not living.) Now you would believe that if you were an atheist,

    but as a bishop I would have thought he would have believed in a living God.

    Maybe he's lost his faith.

    I believe what it says in the Bible, and it says in the Bible that God sold Israel to the Jews. Possibly the British Balfour Declaration of 1917 was based on this. I also believe that God can change his mind (he's not inanimate) if you read the Old testament you will see that he's doing that all the time, and judging his people harshly when they do wrong. It's obvious that they have done wrong with the genocide in Gaza. I think that by changing the borders of Israel and grabbing Palestinian land they've betrayed that trust that God has in them. We will see if He will judge them harshly for this? Because you have been given something, that does not mean it can't be taken away. (ie. freedom taken away

    from someone who is put in prison.) Because of their actions and their attitude God will take back the land of Israel from them.

  2. So tldr
    Israel wanted to be independent

    Surrounding arab countries didn't want that so they went to war with Israel

    The arab nation lost
    They lost very bad

    And Palestine state became smaller because of the war they cause

    Palestine got mad they started a war again and lost again

    And a lot of small conflict happened until present day

  3. إسرائيل ترتكب جرائم بشعه بل فلسطين قتل الطفل ونساء وتدمير المستشفى والمدارس وتدمير القبور وقتل الطفل الخدج في مستشفى غزه وحرق المساعدات وسرق الطفل رضيع من غزه وسرق اعضاء الفلسطيني في السجون الاحتلال

  4. So if islam arose in the 7th century, and the hebrews and jewish kingdoms existed in the levant before that. Did the arab ancestors of palestinians come to the levant (israel) from somewhere else during the spread of islam? Or were non hebrew arabs living in the israeli kingdom? On a side note. The whole who was there first thing has no weight in the current conflict today. We can keep redrawing lines in history and saying this group or this group was pushed out of their land etc. It doesnt matter. We seem to focus on just 20th century on in the current debate. But then why is israel who was granted their nation by the UN the center of the hate, and not britain or the UN who made these decisions and controlled it prior

  5. After watching this and other more in-depth videos, it kinda sounds to me that if the Arab world did manage to kick all Jews out of the region (i.e. eliminate Israel) they would only turn on themselves. Israel is a common enemy it seems that creates a paper thin unity in some Arab counties. Take Israel out of the equation and some Arab countries would still be at war.

  6. 10:35 A ticking time-bomb that can explode at any time

    ie: whenever the Palestinians kick-off (this vid does a neat job in avoiding all explanation of who started every one of these conflicts. Clue: it ain't Israel…)

  7. "In Gaza, the perception persists that the Jewish people, with British complicity, intruded upon their ancestral land, displacing its indigenous inhabitants. The British themselves, harbingers of empire, laid claim to distant shores—Jamaica, the USA, Canada, New Zealand, and beyond.

    Conversely, the Jewish claim to Israel is rooted in the conviction that, as ancient texts suggest, their forebears dwelled there millennia ago. In Britain, waves of invaders—Jutes, Angles, Romans, Saxons, Danes—supplanted one another, while the Welsh, often seen as the true inheritors of the land, trace their origins to Iberian migrations."