He took enough body shots, traditional UFC #Musangwe #mma #africa #fight #boxing #king #amazing
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These dudes can’t fight to save their lives! 😂 I’ve never seen any black dude in America fight that bad! 😂 Even the ones that ain’t that tough can fight way better than that 😂
In Russia you would be dead
Da baby still got it 👊🏾
What the hell he do.. Nothing h just pushed him down 😂😂
Waste of my time watching this, lol..
This some NPC shiii
I saw the same thing at t the zoo the other day
Dababy stop being cocky
They got no squabble let the get bro I’m the black jeans first and then let lil dude in the blue jeans get his remix
But they can't fight😂
Ufc 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
They wouldn’t last fighting African americans 😂
DA Baby looking guy😂😂😂
Most of the youngins need to take lesson. No need for lead.
The chuck Taylor's said it all.
Amém Jesus Cristo te amo muito nosso salvador sempre tenho fé no senhor Jesus Cristo te amo
Garage fighting.
Ninguém bate em ninguém
Cripple fight in the parking lot
Arms stretched out like they gonna hug
Nobody was hurt in the filming of this video 😂😂
So did we get boxing from Africa too. I know bungee jumping we did, like most other things. The west and Europe stay stealing & tweaking. Who else can't create but only steal…sounds biblical. 😉
Boy stop it lmaooo that was horrible
Where was the punch?
This is less UFC more WWE
African wrestling Entertainment
What would God think of this
Fr though yall yt haters need to get put in your place idc why is yt comments so Dang toxic now a days Low live people smh
YouTube Comments now adays is feeled with miserable people hating on the video cause they have a bad day don't mean yhey should come and spread there negative to everyone sadly everyyone in the youtube comment is like this they aint even using gloves they would knock yall out and i pay money to watch 😂 Yall need yo get pit your place toxic Yt Bots fr😂😂😂
No mames wey
Is it a push fight or blow fight
I saw not one body shot.
They can't fight
Pay per view from temu
Are you not entertained yet?
what id dababy doing there