Has democratic South Africa lost its way? | Inside Story

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Al Jazeera English

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Has democratic South Africa lost its way? | Inside Story

South Africa is bracing for a milestone election.
The governing ANC has been in power for 30 years, but its dominance over South African politics could be in jeopardy.
Millions of voters say they are disillusioned.
The unemployment rate is the highest in the world.
Violent crime is on the rise — the latest police statistics show a person is…



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  1. I pray for a miracle for these elections. we are all excited that it is voring the day tomorrow. The ANC is a disgrace to this country. Inppray they get a surprise of they lives after counting is done they are too confident that they will win again without a coalition. They must lose and understand how fed-up South Africans are. They will fool the tender entrepreneurs, not the whole of South Africa

  2. The spokesperson ( cadre) is talking nonsense or rubbish, making use of the Apartheid terminology ( blacks, coloureds Indians, blah blah, blah) trying to defend what's glaringly indefensible. The ANC is rotten to the core. Dwelling on the glory of the '90s pointing to the abolition of Apartheid won't help. If 10% of the South Africans own 70% of the economy, it speaks for itself 30 years on! Crime is rampant and unemployment of the youth unprecendented in the world. Basic services for the poor blacks are scarce – 30 years on!
    What a shame!

  3. The ANC is going nowhere, analysts, reporters, research polls (asking a basket of selective people opposing the ANC), opposition parties learn the hard way the psychology of South Africans voting behaviour. Indeed the ANC lost its way, which political party doesnt? After the election the ANC will remain in power. Bookmark this comment and you will realise you get it so wrong all the time.

  4. Rocketing unemployment, rampant crime, corruption and nepotism within the government, violent crime across the country, rising domestic abuse, failing State enterprises, the worst of which is Eskom which makes South Africa unviable for foreign investment, porous borders, poor education, empty government coffers as a result of State Capture, a bloated cabinet and perks for those in government, et al. Many claim South Africa is a failed nation. Those who can afford to leave from all races have left. Those who can't afford to leave, given the punitive exchange rate, remain. The utter tragedy is that South Africa is a beautiful country, the weather is good and the mountains and the sea are bountiful. Nelson Mandela's vision for South Africa was vastly different from what has been implemented since Jacob Zuma, to date.

  5. Sounds like quite a few posters think the solution is to copy Zimbabwe: nationalise things you don't know how to run. It never works. Why try what you've already seen fail so close to home? The hive brain of the free market along with robust law enforcement allocates resources and rewards competence more effectively. That's the way to build a more successful economy and society imho: free up people to solve their own problems rather than hoping big clunky incompetent central government will do it for them.

  6. No matter what you say especially from a world afar can never deter our determination of ensuring that the the ANC remain in power. Less than 48 hours left to victory. We are going to vote ANC🖤💚💛 and so far things are fmgoing well

  7. You keep harping on about inequality, but you vote for socialist policies that ruin our economy. 30 years later. You still blame white people for your blunders. Grow up.

  8. The biggest failure in our country is the ANC Apartheids movement because of their idiotic and dragonic policies, they are responsible for their own failures. Pravin Gordhan recently admitted the truth about their failures!

  9. As if every problem in SA is caused by the ANC. Go to Cape Town and see a huge divide – extreme wealth and extreme poverty. None of you is talking about the white minority owning everything and majority of blacks picking crumbs under the table. We have many mineral resources in the country and nothing is benefitting the black community. Problem of SA is not the ANC. The ANC are martyrs for capitalist whites to thrive. Not a fraction of our land and natural resources is benefiting the black community. Why are you blaming the ANC for only 30 years compared to 400 years of looting, murder, and colonialism. Where are these so called statistics came from? The entire conversation is designed to paint this nasty picture of SA and you wonder why are we still here? You ask yourself why the white people who feels our country is falling apart don't leave our shores and move to the "perfect" Europe or America. No country on earth has no issues even worse than SA..

  10. This is the facts : The ANC was a liberation movement who won the vote for black people and the repeal of apartheid laws. Only to become the Largest Criminal Enterprise on Earth who implemented far more racial laws than ever before in any other country on Earth. To using Mob Rule to push through unjust policies that only benefit the In Crowd and Cadre. To effect Cadre deployment into positions of power regardless of capability but rather based on loyalty. To push through criminal Tenderpreneurs who grease palms whilst offering next to No delivery of Product to the people.
    They become nothing more than looters, thugs and crime lords, all vying for positions of power even at the end of an assassin's firearms.

    To call the ANC a party or even a liberation movement would simply be factually false of their current Definition by way of operation. They are now A CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE

  11. South Africa's democracy has matured. People have access to information and they have a voice on how they want their country to be.

    What is strange though is that we are not using our voice and power to safeguarding our communities from the social ills that have creeped in. We direct all our expectations to government.

    We even blame government for the foreign nationals that we have given our garages so they can start businesses. We blame government for the electricity connections that we have allowed and we are paid for by those setting up informal settlements in our areas.

    We allow our children to drop out of school and when they are unemployed we blame government.

    Companies run by South Africans hire undocumented foreigners and we blame government.

    When will we take responsibility for our part in the mess we have created?

    Do we really want to be policed like we were during apartheid? Anyway.

    My vote will go to the African National Congress ⚫🟢🟡. I grew up in a rural town and went to school paying a minimal amount.

    I went to university and my fees were paid for by TEFSA now NSFAS. The opportunities created by the government of the ANC saw me in London working for Barclays on an ABSA knowledge exchange programme. While I have medical aid, I take my children to the local clinic for basic healthcare services.

    I implore you to vote for the ANC. Let's work with our government to build the South Africa we want.