Harvard Psychiatrist: The #1 Reason You’re Sad, Single, and Lonely (FIX THIS)

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The Iced Coffee Hour

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Harvard Psychiatrist: The #1 Reason You’re Sad, Single, and Lonely (FIX THIS)

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  1. First time watching, great subjects, great questions. Can't wait to see what else you have on your channel.
    PS…GUY IN WHITE SHIRT….You have impinged pecs, DO THE DOORWAY STRETCH. Sorry to notice but it is my thing. as a myoskeletal therapist. It brings your head forward just an inch and I can see it in your throat, your neck muscles holding up your head. You know the tingling fingers from where the arm nerves cross the pec and insert in front of the neck.

  2. Playing the victim happened against my son in 3rd grade. Two bratty boys would run up to the playground monitor and say Matthew is hitting us. They would pull my son aside and make him sit down at their feet while the bullies would point and laugh every time the monitor turned their back.
    I think bullying at school is a major cause of depression in middle and high school age students. People say religion doesn't matter. If a child believes their is no judgement or karma for their actions, some of the meaner kids find joy in disruption or tricking someone like the boy who shook salt in my pet rats eyes when he acted like he was going to feed them. My brother saw him and told me. This boy had to go from the basement to the kitchen to get the shaker. What an asshole, either mentally deranged or just evil. I sm sure that wasn't the end of his escapades.
    I also had an older neighbor lady friend, who always had one young girl at work after another, she would make miserable until they quit.
    When she made a joke about jews riding on train cars i never spoke to her again.

  3. It’s hilarious that they guys are trying to understand that happiness doesn’t come from external things yet the adds are just trying to sell things to make you feel better aka fake happiness

  4. @healthygamergg this conversation actually really helped me understand the phenomenon of how I can leave a really terrible patient situation with, instead of a feeling of trauma like one would expect despite my being able to help them, but, instead, with almost a sense of euphoria. I’ve never considered it unhealthy, but rather a tool to make my job tolerable, because it happens more frequently when I am really able to make a difference, and it allows me to continue what I do (and I don’t seek the feeling like an addiction). Reviewing in my mind, that feeling of singular focus on the situation and loss of self not only helps me do a better job with what I am doing, but also allows me to leave the trauma of the situation behind while retaining the knowledge I learned from it. (Hospice RN)

  5. Watched the whole thing !!! I have to say, Dr. K is a gem of person and i really appreciate his ability to communicate with absolute honesty and truth. Really impactful stuff especially about perception and meditation. Thank you for having him on the podcast!!!

  6. I can not believe this episode exist as free knowledge…Thank you Dr K, I took so many notes…You have completely changed my perspective on life in so many ways, I appreciate you so much. God bless you ❤️❤️ and I thank god that I came across this episode 🤲

  7. Ups and downs are what living is all about. Achieving radical acceptance is basically opting out of feeling alive. Don’t be afraid to feel. You can still be in control of yourself and still feel.

  8. 3:23:10 this is such a bullshit part of Olog's beliefs and opinions. Those are examples in which lying OBVIOUSLY does not work like what the fuck bro? A good equivalance to the other dudes example is lying for a person who is in the closet because their parents would fucking disown them and abuse them if they found out. If you need to lie then go right ahead, but this guy man this is why exacly why I stopped watching or respecting his work because he DOES NOT KNOW how to perspective take on helping people based on a sociological perspective, he is at times too individualistic which is why he still to this day is still on helping incels and says stuff like "We relinquish and happiness to other people when we don't figure out a way to deal with their bad behaviour" that is actually bad by the way and that whole spiel about good and bad is stupid too because yeah buddy the only thing that good and evil needs to exist for is humans, not like the universe, we NEED for the safety of a lot of different people a barometer for people who cause harm and enjoy doing so vs people who ensures the peace and stability of other peoples and their own lives.

    Telling you bro I'm a gamer too so I get where he is coming from with some things and I used to be a fan, but man he has been so innacurate with life shit its crazy no one talks about it.

  9. @3:13:00 .. can there even truly be a thing called "incel" when, if they wanted, they could go see an escort? There are male and female escorts.

    So it isn't that you're involuntarily celebate, but that you're unable to attain sexual relations …. for free, or what we would by and large perceive as free.

  10. @2:09:30 .. have these guys ever worked in a warehouse or factory? There's only so many positions for people to be promoted to. For those who don't get that promotion and are stuck in the non living wage grunt position, you expect them to continue all the "above and beyond" shit?

    Yes, the system has hurt me by not paying me enough for my hard work to even afford my own bachelor pad apartment. And I'm making well above minimum wage.

    We give extra in an attempt to be rewarded with a living fuckin wage!!! To be rewarded with the ability to afford our own apartment, instead of a fucking room in someone else's basement.

  11. The really big issue with cognitive bias, is as Graham puts it that not one percent of people are able to think critically. Then why do people in the top 30% feel so much smarter than everyone else ? Critical thinking is an incredibly hard process even for someone smart, their brain power can feed their cognitive bias, they will find reasons to believe what they believe instead of applying the scientific method.

    The availability of information of all quality has created massive amounts of people on the mountain of stupidity of the Dunning-Kruger effect. I actually believe we all are on that mountain of stupidity on some subjects. Awareness of one's cognitive bias is probably one of the keys to fighting it but clearly not the only one.

    Another massive issue is trustworthiness of information. People get fed propaganda (political or economical) built by people trained in neurosciences. We are asking people to be critical about every single signal they get in a pool of thousands of signals a day when many of them have been crafted by people with an intent to alter how your brain reacts to it. People know this and some people's reaction is just to shut it out and fall back onto their own beliefs since the information they are getting is so polluted by communication skills. This is actually a pretty sane response, people know they are being lied to and manipulated but they don't know when, how, or why, so they start mistrusting commonly accepted knowledge and become flat earthers…

    If a politician doesn't use these skills they won't get elected, if a company doesn't use them they will sell less well than their competition. There is an active competition on how to manipulate people.

    We can train people to detect this, but the world is such a complicated place that you can't fathom the causes and consequences of most things, we need to trust in some forms of authorities on different domains to make decisions for us, we can't individually all know what's in our foods, how tax evasion works, how stuff is funded… The thing is that there are strong incentives for people and authorities to lie and manipulate.

    What I find happens pretty often is that people are pretty good at identifying manipulation but they are very bad at understanding why. They will jump to conclusions and will often misjudge intentions.

    Humans fundamentally build their beliefs off of their culture. The rapid development of the internet has been really hard for humans to process, these days with large language models and emerging AI we are adding another brick to the wall. I believe building a culture that revolves around the pursuit of truth over profit is what is required for large scale resolution of these issues.

    We have a society that incentivizes manipulation, we can't really complain that people become paranoid or indoctrinated when most power structures, governments or companies have an interest in altering the way you perceive the truth.