Hamas' secret billion dollar fund to survive war with Israel

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Channel 4 News

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Hamas' secret billion dollar fund to survive war with Israel

It’s seven months since Hamas attacked Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu sent troops into Gaza.

The Israeli army controls most of Gaza now and says it’s wiped out almost three-quarters of Hamas’ fighters.

Israel massively outguns, outnumbers and outspends its enemy.

But experts now warn that even with a total military defeat in the…



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Biased reporting.


Without anyone from the CIA finding out….suuuuure….


I stand with Israel😢


Bias and poor journalism. We gotchya!


Its not secret. It came from Obama and Biden many years ago.


How can Hamas survive if all the fighters are dead?




I always known Channel 4 News to be low level pro Zionist propaganda outpost. But this poor quality investigation report is below their standard…. It's more like written by Netanyahu, who can never tell it as it is.

On with the omitted information and descriptions ……… October 7th was just another day at the office but the jailer was not paying attention, distracted by scheming with his supporters to dismantle the Arab and Islamic worlds. Gaza is the most densely populated region in the world under siege by Zionist invading occupiers with a web of Zio-masonic influential real terrorists spread throughout the world's governments and media. They thought that the are in control of the world comfortably, until they fell a sleep and HAMAS shock the world to wake every body up. So, who ever is financing them, they are doing something good for the whole of the world. It may not be for those who are set to keep exploiting the world's population, but it is certainly for the best interest of the rest of the world's population.


I am sure you did get your information from the IDF and Bezalel Smotrich !
Please get yourself an honorable job !


Hahahahahhaha funny zionists propaganda!!!


I LOVE ISRAEL AND STAND WITH ISRAEL Peace for Jerusalem if you don't Stand and Love Israel, this is up to you but when Israel destroys all the terrorists and rescues The "H-o-s-t-a-g-e-s " E_V_E_R_Y__O_N_E O-N-E O-F- T-H-E-M """" then it will be a different story and not fiction but true "! some people are forgetting, of course, a very important person 100% MAN 100% GOD, CEO. The Creator not just of Israel, but every inch of this world Air, Land, Moon, Stars that have names The, Sun, Wind, N-S-E-W directions water, that freely flows most places and The Earth, and " The VERY 1ST and ONLY TRUE RAINBOW" that makes true 7 colors across the sky and the devil cannot mock or come/close to copy. The ONLY TRUE GOD ."Father GOD My Father, gave Israel their land, and will never end because The New Heaven and The New Earth will Be RIGHT THERE where Israel sets Isn't she beautiful?


She seems proud 😅


Israeli funds network:

AIPAC $ —> US Congress —> US Tax Payer $$$ —> Israel


What is this ?? IDF terrorist propoganda??? Joke channel


This woman is annoyingly chipper and girlish. I'd sure hate to hear her exuberantly describing Islamic beheadings in her signature delightful and coquettish manner


Great, now do US-Ukraine 😉


She needs training in how to speak and present a subject so that people can never detect a lie. She is an amateur. She is giving it away 😂


stop laying to your people


You've gone through IDF documents? The same IDF that utterly failed to protect its people?


This woman is awful, this music is awful, and she is an awful journalist.


Why is this evil woman speaking with a smirk on her face?


this channel want to compete with jhonny harris but get fund from israel


sold out media


this journalist know more than mosad what an idiot


It is an IDF's propaganda media!! 😅
get lost.


Every human in the world has obligation to defend Palestine aginst anti-humanity isahell. Look milions of Good hearted ,humanly enriched Jews are against zionist isahell. Long Live Palestine.


Free Palestine.


wikipedia journalism


What a waste!


Western work propaganda agenda against the Palestinians resistance


Bibi must paid her this fake news billions dollars from USA tax😔😢


LOL, Propaganda and misinformation.


360 million dollars of taxes a year
What bullshit


We stand with Palestinians warriors


Propaganda machinery telling mire lies


She looks like Cinderella’s Step Mom.LOL Crrreeeeepy


This lecture looks more Propaganda video.


UK institutions and media is compromised they have been infiltrated and bought by Zionist agents. Don't believe a word they say.


Channel four has no credibility, I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them.


This is more like a propaganda video from Israel than a serious investigation, disappointed by channel 4 news. Guys plz start reporting this video