Habari Gani: How Are You Doing?

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Dr. Ray Hagins

Joined: Jun 2024
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“Habari Gani: How Are You Doing?”

Greeting and welcome to our Sunday Online NJIA Fellowship of The Afrikan Village & Cultural Center. Our prayer is that your life will be enhanced and empowered by your presence with us today. Now, prepare to receive the TRUTH from our Spiritual Leader & Teacher, Dr. Ray Hagins.



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  1. Thank you Dr Ray I love the introduction to the lessons I would like to thank you for being the first person open up my mind about the illusions that were taught and that I was a victim of because of you I have got in the chance to listen to other people who think outside of the box who know about the illusions also so thank you so much Dr Ray love you❤

  2. YaH shal'OM beloved meshpaca

    This name and title
    Jesus 🪨 Christ. ?????

    G. Zues, the rock Anointed 🤔

    The horse in Hebrew
    The pig in Latin,

    This name jesus, stems from previous IeSus, as the I was modified into J modification date 1534AD…. Yet, the SOUND ALSO CHANGED, so this name Jesus is NOT 🚫 the same NAME as Latin Iesus Christos…. Moreso the deeds done uner each name, while similar, are distinctly different…

    The Ancient Covenant Elders TRUE SCRIPTURE NAMES, tells a different story…..


    YaHU'aHs 🔯 Salvation/Deliverer, 🔺 = ∆aleth – Door..

    Put aside the meaning of MessiYah……

    🤔 Are Daleth-Door piYAHmids 🤔
    Is it posdible to form light via sonic implosion 🔯… What, if any, do these things have in common, is this a potential process weve been made to overlook due to religious beliefs and traditions of dogma… 🤔

    Acts 13:1 Yahua∆im elect teachers at Antioch….
    1 MACCABEES 13:28 Shem'n Kheph'a built 7 piYahmi∆s…. He taught at AntakaYah now called Antioch 🤔 anti Akh, akh is friend in hebrew phonetics.. 🤔

    Did we even get the true mesaage intended 🤔 also look up the symbols for God, Mi'qmac and Egypt … Its ∆ a ∆aleth.. 🤔

  3. Hi thank you so much for bringing the truth. Today’s message was so true. It was like you were sitting in my kitchen yesterday as me and my daughter and my husband was talking and what we was talking about is on this subject here it is today Monday. I turned you on and you talking about what you’re talking about is this the creator is so so so good the creator and the ancestors feeding me back what I was saying on Sunday and here today is Monday and I’m listening to you and ancestors coming through you telling me. I’m on the right road now what I said to my husband and my daughter thank you so much for letting the ancestors use you.

  4. Thank You, Brother Ray for sharing this message of Nehemiah! It is so true, and apt, it resonates so well with my personal journey and specific experiences for well over the past 40 years!! Many Thanks, Once Again, for sharing this message!!! It is Totally, Greatly Appreciated. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

  5. The 🎥 call the gods of Egypt is our story especially the part is your ❤lite as a 🪶. Dr Ray Hagins is amazing teacher that truly teaches if you follow up what he shares(.the two pillars that our people are still ignorance and fearful to learn.or except change ASE

  6. I echo vqualls5894 sentiments well said. I will say at this time, keep on the flight for the destination is ours and the journey is the lessons of past present and futures. (Shalom)

  7. Hi Dr. Hagins. As I was going towards my hair dresser appointment this morning, I saw so many churches and people entering. However, I did not see the usual crowds as before. I just began to wonder how in the world are we going to be able to stop this lie they have going on behind those walls? Well I for one am telling people how I no longer believe in “Jesus” and then I ask them to please look you up. I say “Dr. Hagins” with one “g.” He can explain way better than I can!! I know it won’t be in my lifetime Dr. Hagins, but thank you for teaching me and others and the fact that we got it!! When I tell people there is no Jesus and no one’s coming back for you, they look at me as though I have 8 eyes and which one can they rebuke!! But not everyone goes there and so I know I have led some people to listen to you, to do their own research, and wake up!! Although this is a lonely place I’m in right now, I know that our future people will have it together and be away with the great lie. Thank you so much and I pray God gives you the longest life anyone in this day has ever seen with all your faculties to continue teaching. Mmmm, imagine that, Dr. Hagins 225 years of age and still leading!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! ❤