Gym Bully SLAPS Man Mid Workout

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Gym Bully SLAPS Man Mid Workout

Gym bully slaps a smaler man mid workout. Fake “Tough Guys” Get EXPOSED.



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  1. Bro that was saying chill out was scared by the tone of his voice it was high pitched signs of nervousness he was trying to
    de-escalate the situation but he has heart for standing up for himself even when the other guy pulled out a knife on him.

  2. There are certain types of….."people" (those we can't name) that ruin all things, especially gyms. These certain types can't be civil, have no clue about etiquette in any situation, and have low eyecues & impulse control. It's only going to get worse and these certain types don't work and have plenty of time to ruin everything good.

  3. Ugh, now I understand why home gyms are so popular for people unless you have a group of friends or family you go with. People are fucking crazy and self-centered. It’s like who raised some of y’all? Would y’all’s parents be proud of some of the horrible behavior y’all do? Fighting over dumb shit, trying to get people caught looking at you, talking shit about random people at the gym, how about y’all WORKOUT AND GO HOME lol. If you’re mad someone’s hogging a machine, guess what, it’s a public gym so they can sit there as long as they want jackass. They aren’t on your schedule dipsht! Find another workout to do! People are so aggravating!

  4. We are in a different climate. We have gotten away from general respect for each other.
    If you put your hands on someone, I would say expect the same for yourself.
    Ladies, stop trying to fight men. The average 15 year old boy would be a problem for about 85 % of women.
    Just stop it.

  5. Gym bully? Sounds more like insecurity. The obsession to prove himself to be an "alpha". If you're not one in your own mind, don't expect others to view you as one either.

  6. why does this never happen at my gym? guy in the wife beater clearly has never tried this on a boxer/mma fighter/wrestler and it shows, hopefully one day tho

  7. I had 2 African guys in the Gym i go to who i felt were chatting and laughing behind my back on my Boxing style.

    At some point i called them both and asked what they talk. I said be real come tell me in the face if anything just be honest . At the end we became friends 👍.

  8. I had this asshole at golds gym come up to me and say are you done yet. I honestly was on my 2nd set of 4 . Maybe 5-7 min in on this machine. I said hold on. The guy had such an asshole vibe. I did one more set and said fuck it – this little shit is one of the reasons I hate the gym. So I move on. Then he does one set and then his fucking homies come over and the asshole stays camped out laughing like a little girl not doing shit. Asshole !!!

  9. These f***wits taking 45mins on a piece of equipment. It’s a Gym!!! Other people are waiting to use that equipment while you’re sitting there looking at you’re phone. Want to watch You Tube and text? Stay in the f***ing house, it’s a Gym!!!

  10. Stop with he edit beep bs. Find a quieter way to cut out language . Maybe just silence. Your breaking my ears. I turn it up because I cant hear the dialogue and you blast me with a beep. Please!

  11. 'Be the bigger man' applied to times before the internet. Most people learned that you'd get your ass beat for such conduct, but now you can hide behind a screen. I think it's completely just to be reacting to these tool bags cause they've never faced consequences in real time.

  12. I completely understand the frustration with the current generations' gym etiquette. Groups of people coming in and taking several sets of dumbells, then doing more talking than working out. Doing lax sets on machines while txting, taking selfies, or updating some social media status. It's annoying AF. People think I love going to the gym, but truthfully, I hate it, so I just wanna go get my workout done and go TF home. It's not social hr for me. That being said, no one has the right to put their hands on anyone.

  13. Literally yesterday something similar happened to me and my friend, the gym was kinda full so me and my friend were doing shoulder shrugs on the mirror, one at a time. A big guy who was clearly on steroids started to deadlift behind us, while my friend was doing his set he started to complain, already pissed, when we got there first bruh. And then, when I went to do my set he basically got all angry, went up to me, interrupted my set and said “Oh you looking at the mirror? I would like to look myself at the mirror too”. Almost screaming at my face, fucked up my whole set, it was my last set so I was really tired already. And yhea, he only did because we just started at the gym basically and he is much bigger

  14. I use to have so much fun in the gym, I met life long friends in the gym and I was blessed to meet my beautiful wife of 25 years in the gym. Years ago I worked out every Saturday morning at 7:00 am with a group of 16 people that we called Team Chubby. Those folks and their positive energy and mindset helped me to lose 54 lbs and I have kept that weight of for 14 years now. Believe or not folks the gym use to be a great and positive place to get healthy and in better shape.

  15. Nothing better than seeing beginners or just lads who are proud and have built confidence to take there shirt off in a gym especially if the gym allows it….I've yet to see a big man or anyone stop someone from shadow boxing or hitting pads in a weight room

  16. A true reflection of roids. At work, these types keep telling you over and over they are all "Natural" blah blah blah, then you find out with your co-worker that Margie confirms he is suffering from chronic micropenesia. 😅😅🎉

  17. Some hoarding a machine is an opportunity for u 2 increase your strength by doing lighter weight on things you've already done. The first year at the gym i used to hate it when i couldn't get a bench but thrn i just started doing 20 reps of super light weight with the arm machines u do that with 4 arm or leg machiñes and that bench/squat rack will open up. And anybody who can't just workout other things while waiting is just a muppet

  18. 3:13 Khali was REALLY wrong here and it's worse than most people think. Him and his crew set up at the only entrance to the gym and gave that guy hell for walking through the shot….when the guy stood up for himself Khali pulled a knife. What is the point of him being covered from head to toe in muscle if he has to pull a knife on smaller guys that have the nerve to stand up for themselves? Khali is a garbage human.

  19. But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,